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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

Message 7777.1114 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jun 2018   [#1115]
Vasarely revival! :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
22 Jun 2018   [#1116]
Good Morning James
Congratulations , you got the target
cool node, very useful
have a nice day

Ps-Peeking on Grasshopper you'll see that there
are, many other nodes to be able to create
or adapt with macro, good work
From: speedy (AL2000)
22 Jun 2018   [#1117]
Hello Finema and Friends
Sorry, I double checked and inside the folder
the nod file was missing
now everything is OK, at least I hope
file at this link:
sorry again
From: Finema
22 Jun 2018   [#1118] In reply to [#1117]
yes, it's great :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
22 Jun 2018   [#1119]
Hi Friends
this macro M-HelixfromRef.Curve , completes the Helix tool,
taking a cue from Catia, where this utility is Default,
I thought it could be a great help for the Users to have this tool.
Starting from a reference curve, lying on the plane
xz, with starting point on the x-axis of any height and shape ,
the macro returns the helix whose limit is the curve
of reference...
In the posted example there are some Ref.Curves, just enough
give run
how many interested people find the file at this link:
Good work everyone
From: James (JFH)
24 Jun 2018   [#1120]
Hi All,

Here is an exercise, showing localised distortion of point array from a point at the origin.


Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
25 Jun 2018   [#1121]
Good morning James
your distorsion node is a Gift ...
mathematically very inspired.....
beautiful in its essence .....
Have a nice day my friend
From: James (JFH)
25 Jun 2018   [#1122] In reply to [#1121]
Hi Al,

Thanks for the compliment, but to be honest I could do with your help.
I have been trying to introduce multiply points for repulsion, without success.

Although my method worked well for my intents, it is not extendable
(at least, not as far as I can see).

If you are looking for a project, perhaps you could turn your masterful skill toward this.

From: speedy (AL2000)
25 Jun 2018   [#1123]
Hello James and Friends
I took your words to the letter, I did some small manipulation
to your node and I used the Wire as a starting point to sketch this
Construction ... a pretty original Dome I would say ....
James , your Remap macro , will be very useful -
file at this link;
Good evening
From: James (JFH)
25 Jun 2018   [#1124] In reply to [#1123]
Good Morning Alberto,

>> a pretty original Dome I would say .... <<

Yes, your architectonic reworking of my distorted field was a delight to wake up to. Great work.

However, the distribution of isoCurves around point of repulsion would, in my original, give a less elegant curvature... in fact, plugging the remapped array into z input of pointExt results in a plateaued form which accords with the isoCurves. It is not as pleasing as your form, but allows the localisation manipulation.(ie ZONE widget) see below:

Rather than upload revised .nod file here, I replaced the one attached to my earlier post:
It can be switched between 2d & 3d with red switch node.

To make it bulge in a hemispherical form will require some added formula applied to the x and y as well as the z components. Nevertheless at this stage my interest is more, in having the 2D field distorted at multiple points (ie 2 or more points of repulsion). I don't know if that was clear in my last post. (or this one for that matter) This video will clarify:

>> Remap macro , will be very useful <<
Yes, so useful in fact, that I believe, it should be part of the core toolkit: ie a node, or even better an option of an enhanced ReMap node that include this, as well as remapping of points as exists in Karsten's node and ideally remapping of surfaces (retopologizing).

Anyway, thank you for your inspirational work.
I look forward, as always, to your next creation

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
26 Jun 2018   [#1125] In reply to [#1124]
Hello James, Hello Al,

it's a pleasure to see your works. At the Moment i'm working on the projection node, which can be also used for evaluating the shortest distance of a Point to a curve. So you have to have some patience until I think about a remap/rescale.

Have a nice day

Message 7777.1126 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
26 Jun 2018   [#1127]
Hi Karsten
Thanks in advance for your contributions
look forward
Good evening
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
26 Jun 2018   [#1128] In reply to [#1127]
"Hello - is it this you looking for - I can see it in your eyes - I can see it in your smile ..."

Not direct the closest distance, but more general. It is the project curve factory and it works also for points to curves. Please test and study. The direction mode takes the x-axis of the frame input. For closestpt it is not necessary.
        function Project()
	this.addOutput("Out","objectlist"); = {ProjectMode:["closestpt","closestpt","direction"]};

Project.title = "Project";
Project.desc = "Project";

Project.prototype.onExecute = function()
        var obj = this.getInputData(0, moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList());
        var target = this.getInputData(1, moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList());
        var f = this.getInputData(2, new pointArray(true));
        var output = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
	//0 Object
	//1 Objects
	//2 projectmode
	//3 basePt
	//4 TargetPt
	//5 delete inputs
	//6 plane
	var frame = f.getFrame();

	var pFac= moi.command.createFactory( 'project' );
	pFac.setInput( 0, obj );
	pFac.setInput( 1, target );
	pFac.setInput( 2,[0] );
	pFac.setInput( 3, frame.origin );
	pFac.setInput(4,frame.evaluate( 1, 0, 0 ) );
        output = pFac.calculate();	
        this.setOutputData(0, output);

LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Construct2/Project", Project);

A nice day to all


From: James (JFH)
26 Jun 2018   [#1129] In reply to [#1128]
Hi Karsten,

Well there was hardly any time for impatience, you've done it....and it is just perfect.

Brilliant stuff as always

PS This is an application where reMapRange is useful: allowing greater controls of min/max radii and extrude height.

Image Attachments:
projectReMap.gif  projectReMap2.gif 

From: James (JFH)
26 Jun 2018   [#1130] In reply to [#1128]

Your new node is a godsend.....which makes you a....?

Here, a ptArray is deformed with a curve, which makes for a delightfully simple way of generating a parametric surface.


PS Karsten, if you are now open for suggestions; this is a big one: it requires 2 nodes to work in unison. Firstly a image import node and secondly a node that converts greyscale values to numArray (à la Max's heightMap script). These num values may be z value for a ptArray, however they may alternatively be radii of circles (Che) or scale values or whatever............ Could Be Good!

This not even a request, just something to get you excited about. In the meantime there is no end of fun possible with your latest node.

Below image: using circle attractor

Image Attachments:
projectSurf.jpg  projectSurf2.jpg 

From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Jun 2018   [#1131]
Hi Karsten and James
One thing friends ...
the js file for the NE (Project)
where can I find it...
you've already posted it, and I missed ...
thank you
From: James (JFH)
27 Jun 2018   [#1132] In reply to [#1131]
Hello Alberto,

>> the js file for the NE (Project)... where can I find it..<<

Copy the code (within grey rectangle) @

and paste into the bottom, but just above })(); of Construct2.js code.

C:\Users\< user name>

Hope this helps

PS If you have not already done so, also paste in code for railRevolve and Network.
Code found in posts below:
From: speedy (AL2000)
27 Jun 2018   [#1133]
Hi James

I think I'm wrong
I'm in difficulty with the copy and paste operations
that step by step you showed me .. I think I did not understand well
how and where to paste the script ...
can not you send me (construct2.js) already updated with it
script project inserted in .....
like you did with Network and Rail revolve,
then I'll put it in the usual directory ...
Thank you

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