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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
10 Jun 2018   [#1061] In reply to [#1060]
Hello Michael,

thank you for the tip! Done:-)
I'm not familar with this stuff (CCS, HTML, PHP, ...)!

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
10 Jun 2018   [#1062] In reply to [#1059]
Hi Karsten

Thank you for the code. It does exactly what I wanted it to do, so cheers.

I cannot express how grateful I am for your efforts on my behalf.
Forever in your debt,
Thanks James
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
10 Jun 2018   [#1063] In reply to [#1062]
Hello James,

the removeduplicates factory uses a tolerance value to check if a curve is identical. I set the default value to the limit, what for MoI is identical in general (threshold 0.005 - someone should disagree, if I'm wrong). If you set it to 0, the factory can't find identical objects and the node gives everything back. The factory works only for curves and not for points, faces .... -please try the attached node file. If you need something for points as well - we have to program it.

Have a nice day

p.s.: In my installation your example shows 3 points as result independent from the tolerance? What version of MoI you use 4.0Beta?


From: James (JFH)
10 Jun 2018   [#1064] In reply to [#1063]
Hi Karsten,

Sorry for the confusion, my last example was different than my intention.
I thought the 3 points were all at the origin, and so I have removed the
comments & attachments from my last post so as to not perpetuate the
confusion. I should have double checked my work.

The node file is perfect as is.
Thanks again

PS I am using v4
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
10 Jun 2018   [#1065] In reply to [#1064]
Good to hear. I've tested it with V3.0 - so there were some doubts.
From: James (JFH)
11 Jun 2018   [#1066]
Hi All

More pattern experiments: now stretcher pattern mapped to surface; remaining planar.


Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
11 Jun 2018   [#1067] In reply to [#1066]
Hello James!

Actually I don't have time to follow the Project Elephant "saga" but from time to time, when I can take a look at this thread, I see that you and the other guys are creating amazing stuff!

My congrats!!
From: Finema
11 Jun 2018   [#1068] In reply to [#1066]
Very interesting James !
From: speedy (AL2000)
11 Jun 2018   [#1069]
Hi Friends
Scrolling through the M_RectangularGrid
posted different time ago, I noticed
that everything could be greatly lightened,
in terms of weight of the resulting file ....
how many interested people find this link:
the updated Macro
Good Work everyone
From: speedy (AL2000)
12 Jun 2018   [#1070]
Hi Friends
I want to share this new macro
multiple radii Pipe ..
file at this link:
Have a nice day to all
From: James (JFH)
12 Jun 2018   [#1071]
Hi All,

Batswing Gyroid wrapped with simple embossed grid


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
12 Jun 2018   [#1072]
Hello James, Hello Al,

Looks like you're having fun. It makes me happy to see that you still use the NE and go to the limit of what is possible. Very impressive.

Have a nice day

Message 7777.1073 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Jun 2018   [#1074]
<< go to the limit of what is possible

In theory anything is possible if all native functions are emulated ?
From: James (JFH)
12 Jun 2018   [#1075]
Hi All,

Attached is .nod file for building gyroid sphere.
First open gyroidSphereElem.3dm then load gyroidSphere.nod and RUN

UPDATED: Now with Karsten's brilliant new "Network" node, no imported element is necessary.
First replace Construct2.js in AppData/Moi/Nodeeditor/Nodes/Extensions with attached

And while you're at it, also replace Object2.js in same directory. It includes new removeDupCrvs node:
a useful utility.


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
12 Jun 2018   [#1076] In reply to [#1074]
Hello Pilou,

I meant possible now. Everything can improved -that's clear. But I think we got a good state - from the start till now. And not all functions can be converted to a node and it isn't useful in my opinion. But, Step by step we can close the gap. And new Options in V4 will do the rest.

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
13 Jun 2018   [#1077]
Hi Friends
an adaptation of a movable window module
on a canopy, applied not with Flow tool, but with
Copy from/ to point...
as usual file at this link:
Have a nice day to all

PS-I take this opportunity to greet the great Karsten
welcome back ... we hope for your help
for the next developments .... without you, this,
I think it would not have been possible
From: James (JFH)
13 Jun 2018   [#1078] In reply to [#654]
Hi Karsten,

In reply to

<< I've already written a Network node, but it's very unstable caused by the orientation of the Input curves.>>.

Now I don't want to badger, only remind you, in case it has slipped your mind;
that this was a path that you had already ventured down and that you may be interested in revisiting it with new eyes.
(if you will excuse the mangled metaphor). Network it the major missing construct node in NE

All the best
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
14 Jun 2018   [#1079] In reply to [#1078]
Hello James,

the Network factory is one of those who crashes MoI, if the Input is not correct. Futhermore it is difficult to sort and orient the curves in the right way for the Input. A lot of logic and checks would be necessary to bring the curves in a topological structure. And I don't know how MoI itselve handles that.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
14 Jun 2018   [#1080] In reply to [#1079]
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for getting back to me.

<< Network factory is one of those who crashes MoI....I don't know how MoI itselve handles that.>>.

OK perhaps this is one node that is best left to Max.

But while I've got you here: you also some time ago observers that
<< rebuild curve would also help for a complete toolchain!.>>,

Is this something that you have looked at?

I loath coming across as a total ingrate, because the truth is, I could not be more grateful
for all your great work.

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