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Full Version: STEP export

From: alteschinken (DONOLDHAM)
16 Apr   [#1]
When I try to export a file to STEP format, that contains text objects on or embedded into a base object, only the text is included in the STP file. The base rectangle is excluded from the STP file.

Bolt holder test.3dm

From: Michael Gibson
17 Apr   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Don, what are you using to make the file, is it "File > Save As" or "File > Export" ?

The difference between these is that "File > Export" writes only the selected objects to the output file, while "File > Save As" will write everything regardless of selection.

So what you describe would be normal behavior if you had only the text objects selected and did a File > Export.

Please let me know if that doesn't explain it.

- Michael
From: alteschinken (DONOLDHAM)
17 Apr   [#3] In reply to [#2]
I had a defect in my file. It was not a full solid. I am sorry to have taken your valuable time for a dumbbell issue. My lesson is, don't report a bug when you are sick and exhausted, but keep working anyway.
Now that I am actually awake, I have a file that is working fine. Thank you so much for MOI.
