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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Changing ring size

From: gunter511
13 Dec 2023   [#1]
Hi all,

The original internal ring diameter is 16.45mm. I need to up it to 17.5mm without changing the gemstone dimensions and keeping the ring shank dimensions
the same. The yellow line indicates the new size of 17.5mm.

Please could someone explain how I can do this? I need this asap so if anyone can chime in, I'd be very appreciative. I have attached the original file as well.

Many thanks!!

Ring 1.3dm

Image Attachments:
Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 21.48.34.png 

From: Michael Gibson
13 Dec 2023   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Gunter, is this attached version close to what you're looking for?

I cut the model and also 2 different sized circles and then did Transform > Deform > Flow to deform from the original size to the new size.

You will probably need to cut away a little bit of space around the ends and then put in a blend surface to get it all connected.

- Michael

Ring 2.3dm

From: gunter511
14 Dec 2023   [#3] In reply to [#2]
As always you're a life saver, thank you so much for this.

The ring size looks great but I'm afraid Im not sure I understand when you say "cut away
a little bit of the space around the ends."

I assume you mean here:

And if that's correct, please could you guide me how to do that?

Much appreciated!

Image Attachments:
Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 19.05.20.png 

From: Michael Gibson
14 Dec 2023   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Gunter, yes that's the spot.

Some space needs to be opened up there by drawing in some cutting lines and using the Edit > Trim command to slice the ends off of the resized part, then select edges and run Construct > Blend to make a smooth blend surface and finally Edit > Join to glue the pieces together.

I've attached a model where I've done that, the steps look like this:

Draw in cutting lines in Front view:

Select resized piece and use the Edit > Trim command to cut it with the lines to open up space like this:

Select edges and run Construct > Blend to fill in the space with a connecting surface:

- Michael

Ring 3.3dm

Image Attachments:
GunterRingResize1.jpg  GunterRingResize2.jpg  GunterRingResize3.jpg 

From: gunter511
17 Dec 2023   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Michael, you're a star! Thank you so much!