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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Unable to Boolean Subtract

From: Andy (ANDYA)
22 Mar 2023   [#1]
I have a cap for a tube and I would like to remove a 1mm deep design from the surface. The design has four parts.

I select the cap as the base then hide it
Then I select the parts to remove

But the boolean doesn't seem to do anything?

Any ideas?

Thanks, Andy


From: Michael Gibson
22 Mar 2023   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Andy, it's a lot more difficult for booleans to handle things that have coincident or nearly coincident surface areas.

So for your cut piece it would be good for it to be 2mm thick with 1mm going down like you have now but the other side 1mm above rather than flush.

Does it work ok if you get it set up like that?

- Michael

Message 11022.3 was deleted

From: Michael Gibson
22 Mar 2023   [#4] In reply to [#1]
HI Andy, if you turn on control points for the curves you can see 2 red squares:

Those are spots that have several curve control points stacked up on top of each other. They may need to be cleaned up first.

- Michael

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From: Michael Gibson
22 Mar 2023   [#5] In reply to [#1]
Hi Andy try with this one.

- Michael


From: Andy (ANDYA)
23 Mar 2023   [#6]
Many thanks Michael - works great! Andy