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Full Version: on the possibility of "pseudo-procedural" modeling in MOI

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1 Mar 2023   [#2] In reply to [#1]
You propose an interesting concept, pior.

I typically keep all my rough shapes and curves in "intermediate step" colours so I don't have to reconstruct much. I make sure to keep a copy of all objects before I do any boolean operations. And then I keep a copy of the final shapes before filleting. I use about 5 - 8 colours when modelling, just keeping previous steps always accessible. I imagine a system, like what you propose, would have to do all that behind the scenes and keep a history of every modification... file size be damned! ;-)

I don't have access to MoI at the moment, but everything in your example could possibly be done with commands that already use the history feature. If you kept all the lines that describe your parts as separated segments and run planars (with holes) and lofts between them, you could essentially have a live, flexible version of your part. However, it would remain as separate surfaces until you're happy with the dimensions and then you'd just copy and paste the surfaces, and join them to essentially "spawn a solid". You could probably make a script to take all selected surfaces, copy them and make that copy into a solid with a single key stroke.

There's quite a few commands that use the history feature, in fact.

I wonder if there is a way to restrict object selection to a "points only" mode, to make manipulating the segment points easier. Maybe someone can chime in on that?

I know you're mostly proposing a thought exercise, pior, but it has merit.

Anyway, food for thought.
From: pior (PIOR_O)
3 Mar 2023   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Hello !

Indeed that's very much a brainstorm/proof of concept ... but I think I'll keep a mental note of it still, as it could come in handy for some parts.
Overall I do feel like MOI is getting closer and closer closer to allowing for such fluid editing across the board.

If anything I feel like at this time, I might be able to get the most out of the proposed concept/paradigm by simply building my parts fully as a wireframe first, and only surfacing/stitching at the end (as opposed to using volumes early on). Fun stuff ...

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