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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Romansco fractal script !?

17 Feb 2023   [#1]

Is there a script which is helpful to create fractal like patterns / objects like
we know from the amazing romanesco shapes ? Or is there any available
tool around to experiment with ?

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
17 Feb 2023   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Tom, related thread here:

You might try searching on the web for "L-system" or "Lindenmayer system" tools.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
17 Feb 2023   [#3] In reply to [#1]
You also might try experimenting some with MoI's circular array command, applying some vertical and radial stepping.

For example starting with this:

Then a circular array with some vertical and radial stepping used:

Scale array used ( ):

Circular array applied again:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
tom_circular_array_stepping1.jpg  tom_circular_array_stepping2.jpg  tom_circular_array_stepping3.jpg  tom_circular_array_stepping4.jpg 

18 Feb 2023   [#4]
Thank you Michael, I have used Array so far only for simple radial
multiplication and not considered using it in the way you demon-
strated - very good !