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Full Version: Updates to the MoI API of David C Morrill

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From: pressure (PEER)
3 Nov 2022   [#36] In reply to [#34]
Thanks Brian for the links and also thanks to Pilou for archiving the entirety of the original API documentation page, to Cemortan_Tudor for translating the 2015 .idl into .js, and to Michael for many clarifications.

Here's the latest version. The .txt explains how to edit the .html and the .docx lists changes that I've made.

If you make any improvements to the documentation please post them here or PM me and I'll replace this version with your update.

EDIT: May 12, 2023 - updated API documentation to have .htm file extension rather than .html, to include a section on HTM tags, to correct some errors, and to add new classes. Change log and editing instructions also updated

EDIT: May 16, 2023 - updated dump() function in Hints and factory inputs and examples

EDIT: May 26, 2023 - All factory inputs, properties, and methods updated. Factory examples added. Bug in dump() function fixed. geomObject properties and methods updated. Thanks MO for all your contributions!

EDIT: September 1, 2023 - added description of calculateCurveOrientations() from MO and Michael.

- Peer


From: bemfarmer
8 Nov 2022   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Hi Peer,

Additional Extrude inputs, (By Michael), are here:

Also, example of cap ends should be input 5.

- Brian
From: pressure (PEER)
9 Nov 2022   [#38] In reply to [#37]
Thanks Brian for the link and for pointing out the error in the example. I'll make these changes next time I update the documentation.
From: bemfarmer
11 Nov 2022   [#39] In reply to [#38]
Last night I updated my older computer to have Burr's BlueFlask button by History button, to bring up the OLD Dave Morril API, link here:

I had previously updated to Burr's BlueFlask on the Dell computer.
Today I tried to update the index.htm file in AppData > moi_ref, which has the OLD API.
Saved index.htm as indexOLD.htm
I tried Renaming MoI_v5_API_Documentation.html to index.htm, but it did not work with the BlueFlask button.
Is there some way to get your latest API documentation to work with the BlueFlask button?
I did not spend much time on the difficulty...

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
11 Nov 2022   [#40] In reply to [#39]
Hi Brian, from your link it looks like the blue flask button has this on it:

onbuttonclick="moi.filesystem.shellExecute( moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir() + 'moi_ref\\index.htm' );"

So when you click it, it should be looking for a file index.htm inside appdata\moi_ref .

You should probably double check if that is still what your button has on it and also double check if you've got your new file inside the moi_ref subfolder and that it is named index.htm and not index.html (no "L" at the end).

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
11 Nov 2022   [#41] In reply to [#40]
Thank you Michael.

Indeed, the recent MoI_v5API_Documentation, renamed to index,
had the .html extension, not the htm extension.
Now the documentation works with the BlueFlask button.

The very same incorrect extension that I have warned others of.

- Brian
From: pressure (PEER)
12 May 2023   [#42]
The files above at have been updated

The new version has a .htm rather than .html file extension

Added various stuff including a section for htm tags near the top. See changelog for details.

Brian: I think I made the corrections and additions that you suggested. Let me know if there’s anything else I should change.

Thanks to Larry and Michael for the new dump function! I did not expect just how useful it would be. A good chunk of the stuff in this update I discovered with dump().

- Peer
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
12 May 2023   [#43] In reply to [#42]
Wow Peer!

Just took a quick look at the doc and've been busy!! This will be a lot of fun to go through the next time I have a script-itch to scratch, many thanks for your curiosity and effort here. I blush to receive any credit for dump(), I was just the irritant.

From: pressure (PEER)
16 May 2023   [#44]
The files above at have been updated

Factory inputs and examples added by MO. Thanks MO!

dump() function in Hints section at top has been changed to avoid a bug that caused the previous version to fail on objects with a null or undefined property value.

- Peer
From: pressure (PEER)
26 May 2023   [#45]
The files above at have been updated

All factory inputs, properties, and methods have been updated due to extensive sleuthing done by MO and also a clever script devised by MO that automatically extracts the input properties of a factory. A version of MO's script that generates html is now with all the other files.

A bunch of factory examples added by MO.

dump() function in Hints section at top has been changed to avoid a bug that caused the previous version to fail on objects with an undefined property value.

geomObject properties and methods now up to date.

Big thanks to MO!

- Peer
From: MO (MO_TE)
31 Aug 2023   [#46]
This is some information about the "calculateCurveOrientations" method. How it works and its properties. (Quotes from Michael)
You can generate an orientation list in script using:
var orient_list = moi.geometryDatabase. calculateCurveOrientations( ObjectListWithCurves );

This generates a list of CurveOrientation objects, one for each curve. Each CurveOrientation object has 2 properties .flipped and .seam .

The .flipped property will be true if the Blend should flip the curve before generating a blend from it, and the .seam parameter has a number value for the location of the seam point to use on a closed curve. The number is a normalized parameter value, a value of 0.0 means the start point of the curve, a value of 1.0 means the end domain of the curve.
Thank you Michael for clarifying this.
From: pressure (PEER)
1 Sep 2023   [#47] In reply to [#46]
Thanks MO and Michael for this info! I've updated the .htm to include this

- Peer

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