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From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9 May 2021   [#156] In reply to [#152]

I have another question. In MOI hidden faces still interact? take a look at the attached photo I hid two faces. and I wanted to select only those circular faces using box selection but I was not able to do so!


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 May 2021   [#157] In reply to [#156]
script: function es(edg){ var i,f; for (i=0; i<edg.length; i++) {f=edg.item(i).getFacesOfEdge(); f.setProperty('selected',1);}} var so = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects(), sf=so.getFaces(), i; for ( i=0; i<sf.length;i++) es(sf.item(i).getEdges()); es(so.getEdges());

Just clic the center circular face then for example Alt + E if you have made a such ShortCUt...
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9 May 2021   [#158] In reply to [#157]

I already am using that script :) Michael told me about it in his reply message (10114.152)

My question is something else! Do hidden faces still react when you use box selection? And If yes then I would like to make a wish for MOI V5. I would be happy to see box selection does not interact with hidden faces in V5.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 May 2021   [#159] In reply to [#158]
So in your "hidden" object View Top just Select your center circular face and make a rectangle selection
you will obtain that you want!

(the first click on something face, edge...will define the nature of selection
so if you click a curve or an edge the rectangular selection will select only curves or edges

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9 May 2021   [#160] In reply to [#159]
Tanx PILOU :)

Didn't know that it requires a click!
From: Michael Gibson
9 May 2021   [#161] In reply to [#160]
Hi Psygorn, yes it's not that hidden faces are being targeted - it's that when you do a window select face or edge sub-objects are only targeted if there is already an edge or face selection on the object or if there is a selection filter active.

So you have to "prime it" by selecting one face or edge first by some other method (like a drill-in click) then other sub objects of that type will be targeted by window select (and select all, invert too).

Since you like keyboard shortcuts maybe you would like to set up shortcut keys for turning on face or edge selection filters:

- Michael
From: ed (EDDYF)
15 May 2021   [#162] In reply to [#161]
Within the Edit Size box, I'd like the ability to Resize objects by Percentage in addition to absolute size. (Much like drawing a circle where we can toggle the entry between Radius and Diameter).

A couple of use cases:

3D printers typically print under-size due to plastic shrinkage while cooling. Temporarily enlarging the model by 2% before export can produce a better print.

You are designing an electronics enclosure and have to make a weird shaped opening to mount an IEC 320 power connector. You import a 3D model of the connector in STEP format from the supplier to use as a Boolean cutting object. Experience says it won't fit, because you need clearance. Go to Edit Size and enlarge by 1% (no calculations required), make the Boolean, and you're done.

Ed Ferguson
From: Michael Gibson
15 May 2021   [#163] In reply to [#162]
Hi Ed,

> Within the Edit Size box, I'd like the ability to Resize objects by Percentage in addition to absolute size.

There is a "relative expression" function in MoI's edit fields that can do this currently.

In any edit field that has a current value in it, you can type in an expression starting with "+", "--", "/", or "*" to do an addition, subtraction (requires double minus to distinguish from typing in direct value), division, or multiplication applied to the current value.

> Temporarily enlarging the model by 2% before export can produce a better print.

So in any of the edit size fields, you can type in *1.02 to do that now.

I'll see about adding in a % percentage relative expression as well though.

- Michael
From: ed (EDDYF)
15 May 2021   [#164] In reply to [#163]
That would be a good feature Michael.

So instead of *1.02 you could use +2% ?

Ed Ferguson
From: Michael Gibson
15 May 2021   [#165] In reply to [#164]
Hi Ed, for percent I was thinking you would do: 102%

- Michael
From: Matadem
17 May 2021   [#166]
One future request would be a script or option to quickly and efficiently add shape profiles to your drawn objects.
Something like Aspire has this would be good for signmaking at 16:24 >

If you have drawn an object or text to quickly balloon or bulge the top with a few shape options without the need to network, sweep etc.

Thank you!
From: Michael Gibson
17 May 2021   [#167] In reply to [#166]
Hi Matadem,

> Something like Aspire has this would be good for signmaking

It's much more difficult to do this with NURBS geometry like MoI uses. Aspire uses polygon mesh type geometry for doing these types of shapes.

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
19 May 2021   [#168]
Hello Michael,

I have got a question! In MOI when I use Extrusion in tapered I cannot see it getting converged to a single point! and when I pass the focal point MOI doesn't produce an object, it just produces a surface. could we have the ability to create converged extruded objects that would end on a single focal point? (Example: user extrudes a circle in tapered mode and he/she ends up with a cone )
From: Michael Gibson
19 May 2021   [#169] In reply to [#168]
Hi Psygorn,

> could we have the ability to create converged extruded objects that would end on a single focal point?

Yes, that is already available in the Extrude command using the "To point" option:

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
20 May 2021   [#170] In reply to [#169]
Using Tpoint U cannot control the angle.

Edit: I mean u cannot control it precisely! (but of course I could use guidelines)

Thank you Michael :)
From: Michael Gibson
20 May 2021   [#171] In reply to [#170]
Hi Psygorn,

> Using Tpoint U cannot control the angle.

If you need to create a cone to a point of a specific angle, I would recommend using the Draw solid > Cone command to do that job, not Extrude.

The Cone drawing command has an option in it for making a specific angle.

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
23 May 2021   [#172]
Hi Michael,

Do we have Switch concept in MOI? If No, could we have it?

Also Select similar (For faces, edges and objects)

I tried to explain in below image:

From: Michael Gibson
23 May 2021   [#173] In reply to [#172]
Hi Psygorn,

> Do we have Switch concept in MOI? If No, could we have it?

No there isn't a concept like that currently. But you may want to try the node editor to define your object as a series of steps which could be applied to different surfaces, that might fit with what you describe.

Just in general models that have a lot of repetitive structures in them are good candidates for building with a procedural mechanism like the node editor rather than a regular "drawing with the mouse" type mechanism like regular MoI operation is focused on.

You also might want to check out Grasshopper or Houdini which are focused on that type of thing.

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
23 May 2021   [#174] In reply to [#173]
Hi Michael,

>No there isn't a concept like that currently.

Does this mean we might have it in future? I personally believe it will give users an opportunity to modify some complex models in speedy manner :)

*I am a newbie user of Node editor, Although I found it easy to learn but I still am a newbie* & I just thought having such "Select + Switch concept " would be cool!
From: Michael Gibson
23 May 2021   [#175] In reply to [#174]
Hi Psygorn,

> Does this mean we might have it in future? I personally believe it will give users an opportunity to
> modify some complex models in speedy manner :)

I don't know if MoI will have that in the future, it's hard to say. It does seem somewhat outside of MoI's main focus area which is more about making models using 2D profile curves. What you show there does not seem to be very aligned with that.

- Michael

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