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Full Version: Best way to thicken a surface like this?

17 Nov 2020   [#1]

I am relatively new to Moi, but it's been a blast trying out the tools. One thing I've been trying to do with little to no success is thickening a "car" like surfaces like the one in the screenshot. The shell function produces undesirable results, and manually patching with loft/network is still given me some naked edges here and there.

Thanks for the help!

Image Attachments:
Screenshot 2020-11-17 204535.jpg  Screenshot 2020-11-17 204643.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
17 Nov 2020   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Hi Swang, Shell in MoI is pretty limited, it can only handling thickening where one vertex on the base surface maps to another single vertex on the thickened result. So basically it can only handle thickening an object that is smooth throughout with no sharp edges inside it.

For thickening a pretty complex case like that you'll probably need to directly model the other surfaces rather than have them automatically created. You can get some pieces to work with though if you use Edit > Separate on your object to break it into individual surfaces and then use Offset on the individual surfaces.

If you can post the .3dm model file of your object that would help make it easier to give some other suggestions, also for things like this:

> and manually patching with loft/network is still given me some naked edges here and there.

If you can post a model file with your loft in it that is giving you naked edges I might be able to give you some specific feedback on what to do about that.

It's pretty difficult to give good advice just from a written description and screenshots instead of being able to examine the model.

- Michael
From: nameless
18 Nov 2020   [#3]
Hey Swang! That is a cool looking model!

One thing that I usually try, is copying the surface and scaling it (normal or even 2D scale in two steps) to get the two surfaces in a convenient position. Then run a naked edges command, Join the selected naked edges and you should have 2 closed curves with similar points. Then you loft the two curves and you join the resulted surface with the initial and scaled copy. Usually I have a solid after this. Not guaranteed, but worth the try since it is pretty quick!