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Full Version: Fillet problem

From: albehany
17 Nov 2020   [#1]
Hi guys, any idea why when i try to Fillet this object i lost some faces? i am trying to understand this problem happened with me many time. Thank you in advance.


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Nov 2020   [#2] In reply to [#1]
works for me with 0.02 (not tryed another fillets ;)

From: albehany
17 Nov 2020   [#3] In reply to [#2]
unfortunately not working for me even lower than that ;(
From: Michael Gibson
17 Nov 2020   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi albehany, it looks like you're using MoI v3? It seems to be working ok in v4, you can get the v4 beta at .

- Michael

Message 10034.5 was deleted

From: albehany
17 Nov 2020   [#6] In reply to [#4]
Hi Michael, unfortunately even in v4 same problem with other model. i am trying to understand what cost this problem and how to avoid it when i am molding something. Thank you.


Image Attachments:

From: nameless
18 Nov 2020   [#7]
Hey Albehany, it seems to work for me too over here.

Are you using circular as your Shape in fillet options?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Nov 2020   [#8] In reply to [#6]
Curioussly works only one face side for me...


Scale 1000
Copy only one faces / Curves of the object
Rebuild all curves of this one side (one by one) 10 points
Make Planar 2 big rounded planes rounded faces extremities
Loft all the rest little curves
Shell all the faces ...Center Lines 100
Fillets 20 :)
Works fine! But maybe not the more speedy :)

From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2020   [#9] In reply to [#6]
Hi albehany, so for this last one the problem is that the surfaces are not smooth to each other, they range from something around 1 to 4 degrees off of being tangent.

This kind of geometry where surfaces are close to being smooth but not fully smooth makes things difficult for filleting. That's because fillets only naturally meet up on edges that are smooth to each other. When edges are not tangent to each other it means the fillet surfaces need to be extended and intersected with each other and that process becomes difficult at shallow angles. Surfaces that are at a shallow angle to each other when extended form something more like a "zone of overlap" rather than a crisp well defined intersection.

So the main thing to get fillets on this is to tighten up the construction so the surfaces are fully smooth where they touch rather than slightly creased. It's best to do this with your original curves before you construct things off of them.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2020   [#10] In reply to [#6]
Hi albehany, so the underlying surface structure there looks good and is all smooth:

So maybe the problem is being introduced when they are cut to your final outline. What process have you used for cutting off the outer area?

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2020   [#11] In reply to [#6]
Hi albehany, here is a version where I formed one smooth sweep surface as a cutting object, and also scaled things up by 10 times in size. Having objects at a smaller scale can sometimes also cause problems. This should fillet more easily:

- Michael


Image Attachments:
albehany_srfs2.jpg  albehany_srfs3.jpg 

From: albehany
19 Nov 2020   [#12]
Thank you so much guys for the help.