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Full Version: Moi <> Blender !

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From: feirui445
26 Aug 2020   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Win7 system can also use this plug-in, I tried
From: mdesign
28 Aug 2020   [#9]
What is the difference between that and ODCopyPasteExternal?
From: pafurijaz
28 Aug 2020   [#10]
I tried but with Wine and Linux not works, for me the best way is via Nurbs surfaces, Blender has a solid nurbs code, that lacks only in the trimmed surfaces.
Below an ICEM surf model imported in Blender.

Image Attachments:

From: mdesign
28 Aug 2020   [#11] In reply to [#10]
Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that plugin moves patches and curves from Moi3d to Blender? That would be insane. This is not a problem to trim all surfaces. Wow! I`m amazed :) I`ve thought that convert nurbs to polygons and moves geometry as OBJ/FBX file. I haven`t known that FBX can handle nurbs patches.
From: val2
28 Aug 2020   [#12]
seems like I'm getting an error from the 97 bmoi.js file. any suggestions? thanks Val

From: Michael Gibson
28 Aug 2020   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Hi val,

> seems like I'm getting an error from the 97 bmoi.js file. any suggestions? thanks Val

Are you running an older version of Moi or have you possibly copied an old version of the CommandBar.htm in place of the standard one in the current v4 beta?

That error looks like you are missing the piece of CommandBar.htm that's in v4.

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
28 Aug 2020   [#14] In reply to [#11]
No this example is imported in blender with a special Blender's build, that import 3dm file. here more info about.

But what I suggest is Blender can handle well Nurbs and maybe the best way is using it's own native Nurbs code to exchange file and not the OBJ format
From: mdesign
29 Aug 2020   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Thanks. I`ve tried it yesterday but I had shading errors even on simple surfaces.

How to use that native NURBS. Are you saying about writing own code?
From: pafurijaz
29 Aug 2020   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Yeah because as can see Blender's nurbs are almost ready, in fact with 3dm build you can ready now import 3dm file into blender Nurbs geometry without meshing them. If use only surface modelling with boundary without trimming you can have the same surface inside Blender.

Image Attachments:
Moi3D.SurfNetwork.png  Moi3DNurbSurfInBlender.jpeg  Rhino_logo_nurbs.jpg 

From: val2
29 Aug 2020   [#17] In reply to [#13]
>Are you running an older version of Moi or have you possibly copied an old version of the CommandBar.htm in place of the standard one in the current v4 beta?

>That error looks like you are missing the piece of CommandBar.htm that's in v4.

- Michael
Im using the latest beta but I'm using a modified commandbar.htm (it's the one to use the dark scheme I think, I forgot exactly, as too much time has passed since I swapped it out)
Not that it matters that much as I was just curious if the BMOI was more convenient.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2020   [#18] In reply to [#17]
Hi Val,

> Im using the latest beta but I'm using a modified commandbar.htm (it's the one to use the dark scheme I think,
> I forgot exactly, as too much time has passed since I swapped it out)

The modified commandbar.htm is the reason for the error - it's because it's a modified older version and so it's missing something that was added later.

You can add in the missing piece by inserting this:

				<span id="CommandBarCustomUI">

It goes just after the snap buttons.

- Michael
From: val2
29 Aug 2020   [#19] In reply to [#18]
thanks, worked like a charm,
From: krass
29 Aug 2020   [#20]
This amazing connector worked v.4 only?
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2020   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Hi krass,

> This amazing connector worked v.4 only?

I think so because the export to FBX needs a newer version of FBX which MoI v4 supports and which MoI v3 doesn't. The FBX import library was updated for v4 and can write newer versions of FBX.

- Michael
From: krass
29 Aug 2020   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Thanks, I understand!
From: mdesign
2 Sep 2020   [#23] In reply to [#16]
@pafurijaz: Have you used own code to import that rhino object or that blender build only?

I hope that Blender build will be developed further to have better support of nurbs inside Blender.
From: pafurijaz
2 Sep 2020   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Seem something is moving but this part lack of developer, and for now the news are here

For the build the now import a mess surfaces, but after saving it can be adjusted with switching off the endpoint of each surfaces V and turning on again the endpoint of both direction U and V. only with this tricks you get out a nice surfaces shading. if you have a model without trimmed surfaces you can import right now without problem, only with wrong options.

Below the direct link for windows Build. the link is still working.
From: surferdude
16 Sep 2020   [#25]
I have this error in Blender when I want to import from Moi3D. Any Ideas how ti fix this?

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
16 Sep 2020   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi surferdude - that error is because Blender doesn't support reading older versions of the FBX format.

In MoI v4 you can solve it by going to Options > Import/Export > "FBX options" and set the FBX version to a newer one.

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
26 Sep 2020   [#27]
Hey folks here the work in progress of conversion of my Blender 3d model into 3dm file with Moi3d SubD feature, many crashes and the imports was made with few or single mesh and often the complex shapes are splitted in many object in order to avoid the mess generated surface during import, and the model is made for this workflow. and I also gained experience for better modelling with both application.

Image Attachments:
FromBlenderToMoi3D_01.jpg  FromBlenderToMoi3D_02.jpg  FromBlenderToMoi3D_03.jpg  FromBlenderToMoi3D_04.jpg  FromBlenderToMoi3D_05.jpg  FromBlenderToMoi3D_06.jpg 

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