The options can be set on the 2nd parameter being sent to the moi.geometryDatabase.fileExport() function. You can remove the NoUI=true if you want to have the mesh dialog shown or you can add additional parameters in there separated by semi-colons. The available parameters are:
Different possible options:
Output=ngons | quads | triangles
MaxLengthApplyTo=curved | planes | all
Display=shadedwithedges | shadednoedges | wireframe
So if you want to have no mesh dialog shown and have it use an angle parameter of 6, you would make it like this:
I've found a way to import objects to Blender without OD script.
You have to create two scripts, one for Blender and Moi.
I'm not a programmer, I've watched a couple of tutorials and modified OD script.
Blender 3.0 -
Run it and then assign a shortcut in your search bar.
bl_info = {
"name": "Paste From External",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (3, 00, 0),
"author": "Dude",
"description": "Paste from an external Object of other applications / instances to a current mesh",
"category": "Object"
import bpy
class PasteFromExternal(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Object Cursor Array"""
bl_idname = "object.paste_from_external"
bl_label = "Paste From External"
1. Create a .js script with a name "CopyToBlender.js"
2. Place that script to - C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0\commands
3. Assing a shortcut, for example - Ctrl+Alt+C "CopyToBlender"
Installed it, works great. Maybe it's good though to mention in the installation instructions page that, depending on folder permissions, it only works if you first create the BMOI exchange folder.
On Windows, after installing everything you'd need to first create a folder named C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\BMOI , or you'll get a permission error message.
Thanks again! This makes exchanging objects between MoI and Blender pleasantly convenient.
ah yes! thank you for the suggestion. I use Autohotkey to verify if the folder exists or not and create it. With Autohotkey, I also map PageUp in either software to automatically send the export command, open/activate the other software, and send the import command. Basically just one key press to move between both.
Hi Barry, can you post the .obj file? And maybe also the modified ImportObj script you're using too?
One guess is maybe the issue is if you have n-gons in the mesh. You might see if you can process any n-gons in Blender into triangles before making the .obj file out from Blender.
Note that it's generally not advisable to convert a dense polygon mesh file into CAD as an individual trimmed surface for every separate poly face like the ImportObj script is doing. That's why it's not part of the default import options.