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Full Version: Voronoi generator

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From: bemfarmer
22 Aug 2020   [#23] In reply to [#22]
CenterPoints (11) works in MoI4Beta, for circles or circular arcs.

- B
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
23 Aug 2020   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Doesn't work with my MoI V4 beta...
- moritz

Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-23 um 19.43.28.PNG 

From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
23 Aug 2020   [#25] In reply to [#24]
Hi Moritz,

Thanks for catching that! I had zipped up the wrong version of the script & thus the error message you should not have received. The correct version is attached in the message above.

From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
23 Aug 2020   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi Larry,
now it works properly ;-}
Thank you
From: stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
1 Sep 2020   [#27] In reply to [#5]
Hi Wayne out of interest, can the node editor search the 'workspace' / drawing for a series of points that are already
in place - e.g. node editor checks drawing for all entities with a specific geometry, object name or a certain line color
THEN after these points or objects are selected we run another function on or with those shapes that 'qualified'.
BR Stefano.
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
1 Sep 2020   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Hi Stefano,

The Node Editor has many limitations. It is a rudimentary parametric scripting tool supported by a limited number of members in a public domain. What you are asking goes well beyond the capability of the Node Editor.

From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
1 Sep 2020   [#29] In reply to [#27]
Hi Stefano,

It sounds like you are asking about how to select objects and then run commands on them. The design of the MoI UI incorporates that type of workflow already. Beyond the click and click/drag selection mechanisms, suggest you explore the Scene Browser to be able to select via names, types, or styles. Many MoI commands operated on the object(s) that are previously selected, but if no object is selected, the command prompts you for what to select. You don't really need any additional scripts to do these basic tasks.

From: bemfarmer
1 Sep 2020   [#30] In reply to [#27]
Two nodes are "get by name" and "get by style"

- B

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