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Full Version: Summer exercice

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Sep 2020   [#35]
You can ask "Show points" on the result of the Boolean operation!

and ask the native function by Press TAB and write ShrinkTrimmedSrf or make a shortcut
if you don' twant to see big larger of points ;) (maybe that lost some history (?) )

But not sure that is a good thing : more little mess than other! :)

From: AlexPolo
5 Sep 2020   [#36] In reply to [#35]
Hi Pilou,
Thanks for link for FLOW EXTEND SCRIPT another great script - I am trying to add the outer boundary 4 points as in your model whats the best process to add those are they just drawn upwards towards Z or are they aligned to the planes in that section.

Thanks again.

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Sep 2020   [#37] In reply to [#36]
These segments can be many things!
Normal to the center of losange then move in their 4 places for intersection with the future growing plane from the losange
Vertical Z...
Inclined to a groundbase for be aligned at something...
all this will give slightly different results for your Plane following that you want ...
From: AlexPolo
6 Sep 2020   [#38] In reply to [#37]
thanks again Pilou a manual process but logical will let you know how the project transpires hoping to make each panel a bolted together plate of steel.
From: AlexPolo
6 Sep 2020   [#39]
Hi Pilou,

Having trouble with this section of workflow - trying to get the intersection of the lines and the planar surface.

Make boolean like this

Select 1 2 Call Boolean Isect 3 4 as "second object set"
(you can of course take more facets in a pass - in your case 7 vertical Quads selection)
that gives the 4 points for PolyLines then Planar...erase not wanted ...etc
But it's an hard work because only "manual"! ;)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Sep 2020   [#40] In reply to [#39]
The Boolean ISect are more for see and Keep Surfaces (or Volumes) Intersection!

By Default
Just select all lines
Call Trim
Click Plane
Points are shown for info to remove or not but hidden as soon as you valid the Trim!

Re-select the Lines and ask Show Points if you want to see them again for any reasons!

so with your file

From: AlexPolo
6 Sep 2020   [#41] In reply to [#40]
thanks for you input Pilou much appreciated will send progress updates as it materialises.

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