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Full Version: Ultra-efficient vehicle

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From: Tim (TIM_HICKOX)
18 May 2020   [#47]
Thanks Chip. I never dreamed that the default units in Blender were metres. That is one giant monkey! Your video certainly explains why my model started out so large when I brought it into Blender. However, I don't really care what the scale is or if it agrees in MOI and Blender. I'm only trying to render this one model, so the scale should be (?) irrelevant. What I was wondering about was if the scale affects the quality of the rendering. Also, because I inadvertently scaled the camera, I wondered if that would affect quality. I guess I should show you what my (personal) problem is. This is the best that I've been able to do. I specified 'Glass', but it doesn't show as such. And the 'Sun' doesn't produce anything like 'sunlight'. I had to add some area lights just to bring out some of the totally black areas of the model; and these reflect in the paint which gives the wrong effect. This is the best that I can do. I don't know what else to change as I have already specified what I want, and this is the result. Anyhow, as I said, this forum is not about Blender and I didn't offer this model to get into all this. But some of you have had fun with the model, so that's what matters.

Image Attachments:
Bad render in Blender.jpg 

From: chippwalters
25 May 2020   [#48] In reply to [#47]
This video will help you setup lighting and an HDRI map:

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