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Full Version: Ultra-efficient vehicle

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From: Tim (TIM_HICKOX)
12 May 2020   [#43]
Thanks Chip. I really like the metallic blue. As for what I said about scaling, with more thought, I don't see that as the problem. When I brought the model into Blender it was much too large. Zoom out to see the whole thing and the camera becomes a tiny dot. All the tutorials that I've seen deal with little things (e.g. the monkey head) that are only a few units high. Obviously, a car has to be something like three orders of magnitude larger. The camera and the lights can't fit both scales. I'm still lost. But I'm very impressed with what you guys can do.
From: pafurijaz
13 May 2020   [#44]
That is helping for newbie..

From: chippwalters
14 May 2020   [#45] In reply to [#43]
Hi Tim,

This video may help you with scale:

From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
16 May 2020   [#46]
Hi Tim

Being a noob like you in Blender i need to do some training
Vespa scooter was my very first render,but i used Blender Luxcore,now l try Cycles
Need a simplemodel, i used your -Uro- but modified :) :) :)
It reminds me the Blue Flame rocket vehicle,did the record speed in 1970 at Bonneville Salt Flats
These are my exercises:
use a background image and a simple floor
shadow catching with HDRI
solve unwanted reflection
trying different carpaints
achieve a transition color ramp
add decals

:) :)

You can use measure tool in Blender to check if your original dimension is the same inside Blender
I know URO in Moi is 4 meters so i check

Many thanks to Chipp BlenderGuru for the video !

I build chairs and so I have a question:
Do you work at pade, balestrini, scm or greda?

No,but I know well first 3 brands


Image Attachments:
DIM.jpg  URO-BACK.jpg  URO-DESERT.jpg  URO-SIDE.jpg 

From: Tim (TIM_HICKOX)
18 May 2020   [#47]
Thanks Chip. I never dreamed that the default units in Blender were metres. That is one giant monkey! Your video certainly explains why my model started out so large when I brought it into Blender. However, I don't really care what the scale is or if it agrees in MOI and Blender. I'm only trying to render this one model, so the scale should be (?) irrelevant. What I was wondering about was if the scale affects the quality of the rendering. Also, because I inadvertently scaled the camera, I wondered if that would affect quality. I guess I should show you what my (personal) problem is. This is the best that I've been able to do. I specified 'Glass', but it doesn't show as such. And the 'Sun' doesn't produce anything like 'sunlight'. I had to add some area lights just to bring out some of the totally black areas of the model; and these reflect in the paint which gives the wrong effect. This is the best that I can do. I don't know what else to change as I have already specified what I want, and this is the result. Anyhow, as I said, this forum is not about Blender and I didn't offer this model to get into all this. But some of you have had fun with the model, so that's what matters.

Image Attachments:
Bad render in Blender.jpg 

From: chippwalters
25 May 2020   [#48] In reply to [#47]
This video will help you setup lighting and an HDRI map:

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