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Full Version: Rendering Software Question

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From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
19 Apr 2020   [#16] In reply to [#13]
so it seems to be stuttering because keyshot adds a frame that shouldn't be there. when i remade it in 6.3 i took the extra frame out. when i uninstalled the 9.2 demo, it messed up my installation of 6.3. so i had to uninstall and reinstall 6.3. basically a nightmare. but anyways. here's essentially the same thing. i made a few changes.

certainly some people will want all the advancements in the product. but for what i'm doing, anything past 6.3 seems to be a huge step backwards.


i am trying to make the gifs the way keyshot 9.2 was. it seems like it will ensure the selected fps. i deleted the previous two posts because the forum wouldn't let me edit the attachment and place it inline. the gif attached to this message should be at 25fps. which would be how keyshot 9.2 would make it. so, with this method, to slow down the rotation you have to render more images.

From: pafurijaz
19 Apr 2020   [#17] In reply to [#16]
Hi I can only help you with Blender. here a file made now in just under twenty minutes. I hope it will be useful, I hope I have intrigued you in the use but I understand that it may seem complex but it is not

The gif was made with gimp, where you need to import all images as a layer and then optimize those for a gif with option on drop down menĂ¹ and exporting as gif anim.

a new one reamade now

Image Attachments:
Anthony_PROP_DESIGN_sample.png  Prop_better_timing.gif 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Apr 2020   [#18]
for make gif animation from images no need a gaz engine like GIMP :)

These 2 free online are sufficient...
of course you must have a Net connection
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
20 Apr 2020   [#19] In reply to [#18]
hi frency,

yes easygif is the site i have been using. if you render at 25fps that match the delay time of 4 on their site. keyshot seems to add one extra frame at the end. so either don't upload it or skip it on their site. to speed and slow the rotation you can extend the rendering time. this takes a lot longer to do though. the site lets you speed up and slow down the gif but i'm not sure how they go about that. i imagine it changes the fps. so i re-made all the gifs on my site to try and assure 25fps.

hi pafurijaz,

yes blender is no doubt powerful. i need something simple and easy to use though. i'm retired and have no interest in devoting the time to learn blender. any program with an interface i don't like, i immediately discount. it's not a blender specific thing. that's why i like moi so much. keyshot 6.3 still seems the best for me. i have had all kinds of gui problems with keyshot since then. the first time i tried to render to gif it crashed the program. i ran into other errors pop up too. so very disappointing. i didn't really even get to test the render to gif. but it helped me find some things to make them better anyways. so not a total waste. nice job on the prop animation.

i appreciate all the recommendations and time spent trying to help me out. i have done my own searches as well.

From: pafurijaz
20 Apr 2020   [#20] In reply to [#19]
I understand you very well since I too had several difficulties the first few times and it took me more than six months to understand just how objects could be moved in the scene, but I'm talking about many years ago. I realize that it may be useless for you, but perhaps this could be a more compliant alternative solution, but this too is not immediately easy to learn.

this is an extension for FreeCAD

some video examples
From: amur (STEFAN)
20 Apr 2020   [#21]

maybe have a look at the classic animation/rendering software available since decades:

From: Mark (MARKG)
23 Apr 2020   [#22] In reply to [#21]
I would stay away from Strata3D at this time. I love this software, and have been a user for years; but the developer has been stonewalling everyone who asks if the software is going to be updated. It no longer works with the latest Mac OS.

I strongly suspect that it has been orphaned...
From: Andre
24 Apr 2020   [#23]
If you have tried Blender years ago, you HAVE to try it again. Just like you, I tried Blender before and discarded it because of its completely unusable interface: Dialogs that are half context-sensitive, many actions that are ONLY available by keyboard shortcuts, etc.

But Blender 2.80 is a completely different software. I'm not kidding. It is now actually usable without taking a year-long course in keyboard shortcuts and weirdness.

Please give it another try.

Slightly related: I recently had a particularly boring video conference, so I built my desk lamp in MoI and rendered it with Blender:

Image Attachments:

From: danperk (SBEECH)
7 May 2020   [#24]
From: chippwalters
7 May 2020   [#25]
"thanks. i had tried blender a long time ago. trying to switch from keyshot to blender was impossible for me."

The new Blender UI is way WAY better than previous. Rendering in Blender is great for a number of reasons:

1. You can use either EEVEE or Cycles. With EEVEE you can create 4K renders in only seconds (with GPU). It animates extremely well, too.
2. Both work with and without GPU.
3. The new Blender UI is a joy to work with. I used to use KeyShot for everything-- now I'm only using Blender. All EEVEE:
4. You can both do simple tri-planar mapping (how KeyShot does many) or UV mapping. Decals are also easy to add. My EEVEE materials kit has well over 100 of single-click materials, plus I have lots of tutes on how to add your own decals.
5. Animation capabilities are more powerful.
6. FREE-- and ROBUST (doesn't crash).
7. You can model in it as well (if you like).
8. Lots of good and free courses on both modeling and rendering. My NITROX3D non-destructive modeling course is a good one for parametric modeling. (sorry for the weak voice- going through some health issues).
9. Big gaming now looking at using Blender too, b/c of it's power. I just finished a sci-fi concept design series for a big AAA game company, all rendered in Blender with volumetrics and over 3M polys.
10. And it works great with MoI3D!
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
7 May 2020   [#26] In reply to [#25]
i guess it was lost in translation. i tried blender again, after i made this thread. i also tried it in the past. for everyone saying switch from keyshot to blender, that takes a level of skill i don't have or a level of time i'm not willing to put in.

once i get a new laptop, i think the new keyshot will work better. after keyshot 7 the ui will not work with a 1366x768 screen size. at least for me it won't.

i appreciate the suggestions. i'm going to stick with keyshot.
13 May 2020   [#27] In reply to [#26]
Looks like I'm late, but you could try an old script from Max.

It passes the model created in MOI to a Cycles Standalone renderer. Here is the link to the forum post.

Here is the link to the script

From: pafurijaz
13 May 2020   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Thanks I dont know how I lost this option but it seem old than 5 years and cycles made a lot progress in speed and quality.
From: pafurijaz
15 May 2020   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Surfing around web I founded this one a bit old but compatible with CAD software and import IGES STEP and Brep and source available.
and it's Freeware ;)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 May 2020   [#30] In reply to [#29]
Nothing more to do in line command than the table construction ?
From: pafurijaz
15 May 2020   [#31] In reply to [#30]
On Linux WineHQ, seem not working on my notebook but Yes is version with GUI there is a little tutorial, but the render engine zip folder is dated March 9, 2017. a bit old..

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 May 2020   [#32]
In fact not too difficult the CadRays! :)
And ultra speed!
And can import directly iges & Step file from Moi!
I was affraid by the Command line...but not used it! :)
Just a little logo on the left corner...

From: pafurijaz
18 May 2020   [#33] In reply to [#32]
Now I want see more... try with more complex projects.. like the the project of ultra efficient vehicle.. ;)

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