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Full Version: shortcut menu

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From: bemfarmer
19 Apr 2020   [#43] In reply to [#42]
Hi Franz,

Are you using German lookup?

From: Franz
19 Apr 2020   [#44]
Hi bemfarmer!

Yes, but I only did the example in English language.
The search is not the problem, i just don't know where the url for the search comes from (F1 when pressing a command button).

The search will be done with the last term of the url, for example:

"#constructionline" in the html-document look please the images.

What I can't figure out is where the url, but especially the search word comes from and .....#constructline is inserted.

2 images again...

Thank you.

Maybe you can understand my question better if you try the direct F1 search at "CPlane". English or German.

Image Attachments:
Test_33.jpg  Test_34.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
19 Apr 2020   [#45] In reply to [#44]
Hi Franz, so the German help file translation is for MoI version 2, I think it will be missing things that were new in v3.

So for the anchor added (the #text at the end of the URL), that is generated by the launchHelp() function inside MoI. The process it uses is:

If the Mesh dialog or Options dialog is open and has keyboard focus it will use #MeshDialog or #Options

Otherwise, if a command is currently running it will use the name of the command. So for example if the Line command is currently running it will add #line.

If it was able to find a context value then the URL that is opened will be the command reference page with that anchor specified so it can jump directly to that entry.

If there was no context value found then it will open the front page of the help file instead of the reference section.

So the name that you are asking about comes from the command's file name.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
19 Apr 2020   [#46] In reply to [#44]
Hi Franz,

I lack Michael's expertise, and am trying to understand your question.

Thank you for teaching me something new in MoI!

For MoI3 or MoI4BetaJan22_2020: Relating to "Line" documentation example:

Left click on the "Line" icon, either stock sidepane, or SidePane1.
Press F1
The MoI Command reference file opens, initially and briefly at its "table of contents", and then to the "Line" documentation which appears at the top of the screen.

On Windows 10, right click on this help screen, in a blank area. A selection menu appears. Select "View page source" (Ctrl+U) and select.
This shows the code of the MoI Command reference file.
For MoI3, "Line" is referenced at codeline 79 in the "table of contents", and also at line 420 of the documentation for "Line".

I assume that for a menu for a non-stock command script (and its icon) F1 selection, you would have to add code to the MoI Command reference file, both locations.

I do not know if this is your question, so please rely on Michael's help. :-)

(ps, for MoI4Beta, the two codelines are 81 and 424, in my English code...
From: Franz
21 Apr 2020   [#47]
Hi All!

I have now found a feasible way to personalize the SidePane1. Important in situations where the brain is not able to keep up with late evening or stress.
I will use SidePane1 in the future mainly for much used special functions and scripts, the instructions for which are recorded in the command reference. I will call the help in cases where no anchor word is given (scripts) via the renamed command line.
duplication of command line, renamed to Help.htm and Help.js, generated at Button and F1
"file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MoI%203.0/docs/moi_command_reference_German.htm#help" and finds anchors in the help document.
Then I wrote a list of the partly self-designed buttons in the command reference, which in turn find anchor words themselves, so that a description can be found quickly.
If only F1 is pressed, or no immediate redirection takes place, you end up in the slightly rewritten help, which again leads to the self-designed extension of the command reference.
The way is unusual, but the result is sufficient.
I hope my translator didn't twist too much.

Best regards and many thanks

Image Attachments:
Test_35.jpg  Test_36.jpg  Test_37.jpg 

From: Franz
12 May 2020   [#48]
Hi hl and all!

The script with the additional menu SidePane1 is very helpful in the application.
Would it be possible to complete the script so, that the window opens at a desired position, maybe in the upper left window border?

Thanks a lot

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
12 May 2020   [#49] In reply to [#48]
Hi Franz,

> Would it be possible to complete the script so, that the window opens at a
> desired position, maybe in the upper left window border?

Sorry, no there isn't a way set up currently for a script to do that. I'll see about adding it in.

- Michael

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