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Full Version: Anti Oloid : for Bemfarmer! ;)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Mar 2020   [#5]
Can you confirm that this anti oloid has 2 surfaces against a Moebious ribbon who have only one surface ?
Seems yes but as I have not a real solid on the hands...only virtual... :)

From: bemfarmer
17 Mar 2020   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Count is 4 surfaces:-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Mar 2020   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Yes but i was obliged to input a thickness for paint recto verso the surface with 2 different colors! ;)
From: bemfarmer
17 Mar 2020   [#8] In reply to [#7]
IMHO, the surface is not a moebius surface.

Attempt at a HexSphericon, as per link attached:

- Brian


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Mar 2020   [#9] In reply to [#8]
<< not a Moebious surface
Cool : that i was supposed ! :)

For the Hexasphere there is something curious!

When you export it in OBJ format you will obtain not the clean voulptuous tensile surface shown before the export
but a middle "cubic block" !

So you must Separate it and clean some things for have this cool tensile result!

From: bemfarmer
17 Mar 2020   [#10]
The Tetrahedron, Reuleaux Tetrahedron, MeissnerVBody, and MeissnerFBody may all be constructed using MoI commands.

The Reuleaux Tetrahedron is not quite a body of constant width. The width for opposite edges is larger than the other widths.
The two Meissner bodies have three edge wedges of the Reuleaux Tetrahedron replaced by a wedge portion of a spindle torus, and are of constant width.'s_Mysterious_Bodies

- Brian


From: bemfarmer
17 Mar 2020   [#11]
Next up:
Does MoI have a "SphereSweep" command?
There are about 3 papers on doing sweeps of solids...

- Brian

Edit: It looks like a vertical circle will sweep along a curve and a straight line, with good results.
From: Michael Gibson
17 Mar 2020   [#12] In reply to [#11]
Hi Brian, sorry no MoI does not have a SphereSweep command.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
18 Mar 2020   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Thank you Michael.

It looks like sweeping a generic solid would be a very difficult programming task. Probably having many bugs.

But sweeping a vertical circle along two planar rails looks to work perfectly for my task. (Does not give the proper wedge, I was mistaken.)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
18 Mar 2020   [#14] In reply to [#11]
I tried the following last night, and was almost done, but mixed up the radius and diameter, so will try again later.
Probably would work for diameters by multiplying the equation by 2 ?

Symmetric Spheroform Tetrahedron

The symmetric spheroform tetrahedron with uniform width begins with a tetrahedron of side one, easily built in MoI.

The Reuleaux tetrahedron is created using Trim on intersecting spheres of radius one, centered at the corners of the tetrahedron. Circular array 3 is helpful.

The Reuleaux tetrahedron is not quite of uniform width.
To achieve uniform width, areas near the 4 edges must be rounded over by
replacing each of four "wedge" areas near each edge, by trimming in a particular solid formed of a swept SPHERE (NOT vertical circle).

To form the swept circle solid, in MoI Top View, sweep a vertical circle placed at the center of two rail curves, along the two rails.

Rail one is the line between x = -0.5 and x = +0.5.
The "bottom" of the SPHERE (NOT circle) sweeps along rail_1.
The SPHERE (NOT circle) shrinks down to zero radius at the ends.

The vertical SPHERE (NOT circle) to be swept is of radius "r". It's center is located at (x,y) = (0,r), which is the center of rail_2.
The center of the SPHERE sweeps along rail_2.
Using Max Smirnov's MoI script FxGraph, rail_2 may be easily plotted.
The formula for the rail_2 NURBS curve is given in the pdf, by the equation:

y = f(x) = ((4 * sqrt(2) - 8) * x*x + 2 - sqrt(2)) / 8 ;
min(x) = -0.5;
max(x) = +0.5;
The number of points plotted was 100.
Tab pasting the following to the command window accomplishes the same radius curve: (If _FxGraph is in command folder, or use FxGraph without _)
_FxGraph ((4*sqrt(2)-8)*x*x+2-sqrt(2))/8;-0.5;0.5;100

MoI does not have SweepSphere command, so some other method must be found and used...
The Sphere to "fake-sweep) can be placed in the middle of the wedge to be.
Place a point at the top of the SPHERE to assist with future alignment of the swept_wedge.
Then perform the fake_sweep with some new method..

Draw appropriate alignment lines, (bothsides setting), from edge center to opposite edge center to place one swept_wedge.
Trim the swept_wedge and the tetrahedron edge area. The trimmed swept_wedge should be tangent to two adjoining faces of the tetrahedron. Perform circular array (3) of the trimmed swept_wedge.
Place appropriate CPlane, to permit circular array of one of the trimmed swept_wedge, along bottom face of the tetrahedron.

Join will now form the Symmetric Spheroform Tetrahedron.

- Brian

I'll post a solid if creation is successful.
From: bemfarmer
19 Mar 2020   [#15] In reply to [#14]
After several attempts, it became clear that an array of spheres centered on the radius curve has an envelope that is larger than that of a swept vertical circle, as described in the previous post.

The previous post was modified to correct mistaken understanding.

So I will have to find some way of finding the envelope of an array of spheres centered on the radius curve, with decreasing radii.
Maybe with Scaling the array of spheres with coordinate values of points on the radius curve, and then ???

There might be some kind of formula or moving frame???

- Brian


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Mar 2020   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Maybe all these things will be fun in Node Editor for have variable forms!

Carterpiller curves

From: bemfarmer
19 Mar 2020   [#17] In reply to [#15]
Found a couple of papers on Canal (Channel) surfaces, from spheres of varying radii, which look promising...depending upon the math load.
So more study to come...

Some mention is made of rolling ball blends and the R4, 4th dimension...

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
19 Mar 2020   [#18] In reply to [#15]
Hi Brian, maybe something related in this previous thread? :

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
20 Mar 2020   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Thank you Michael.
Yes, it is related.
I still remember doing experiments with booleans and "jaggies":-)

I found papers with the needed math...

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
26 Apr 2020   [#20]
Attached is a spheroform uniform width, symmetric tetrahedroid. [See next post for update.]
Despite being very careful, somehow the corners get out of wack. So the model does not appear to be quite perfect.
There seems to be a problem with a very slight lack of symmetry with maybe the circular array command, or something.

The canal surface "wedges" were made with loft of only 21 numpoints.

Using a Vee trimming tool object on the 4 master spheres, and the wedges, enabled the joining of the parts.

A script which arrays objects in a tetrahedral layout would be helpful.

- Brian.

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From: bemfarmer
27 Apr 2020   [#23]
A cleaner version of the uniform width, symmetric spheroform tetrahedron, starting with the 4 corner points of a tetrahedron of edge-length 2√2 from wikipedia. Later scaling to edge-length 1. Trimming the 4 spheres was laborious, whereas previously it was near onestep. The orientationn of the spheres must matter a lot. Added one canal wedge trimmed with angle Vee. Lots of trimming. Used Orient Line/Line multiple times, which generally placed surfaces with correct orientation, without resorting to cplane.

- Brian


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