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Full Version: Rotate Array?

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Jun   [#17] In reply to [#16]
here a little video (in French but... sound is broken at middle video for any reason...
The Script array

An another one ;) The Scale Array

The Rotate Array itself
An object + a Point for any Array /curve : make the Array / Curve
Then select all except the curve : Rotate Array with your parameters!
Here 180°

From: Michael Gibson
16 Jun   [#18] In reply to [#16]
Hi MindSet,

> Apparently, this thread had given instructions about how to use ScaleArray and RotateArray
> more than once. The images are missing from that post and I’ve not been able to do so.
> Please advise.

It looks like images are intact on this one:

and the instructions for ScaleArray are here:

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
18 Jun   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Thank you Pilou & Michael, et. al.

I need to be able to run RotateArray more than once upon the same array, so that I can do so from more than one viewport.
I still don't know how to do that.
I can't finish what I need without it.

Please help!
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Hi MindSet,

> I need to be able to run RotateArray more than once upon the same array, so that I
> can do so from more than one viewport.

The result generated by RotateArray can be used in a 2nd run just by running the command again.

Just move your mouse over the other viewport that you want to use for the second application.

Make sure to include a point object with the array, that will be used as the center of rotation.

So for example here's an array prepared for RotateArray:

Select the arrayed objects:

Run RotateArray:

Move mouse over the other viewport, for example here I moved over the "Front" viewport:

Run RotateArray again, this one will rotate in the Front view:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
RotateArray1.jpg  RotateArray2.jpg  RotateArray3.jpg  RotateArray4.jpg  RotateArray5.jpg 

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