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Full Version: About SubDivide in nurbs :)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Mar 2020   [#62]
Piles - use of Bridge for close volumes!

From: nameless
21 Mar 2020   [#63] In reply to [#62]
Beautiful! (and the tuts are awesome too)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Mar 2020   [#64] In reply to [#63]
Thx...try it!

it's a true pleasure to make a speedy form then render it! (mine is the free Simlab Composer Lite ;) Max 1920*1080

And a cool change mind in these darkness confined times!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Mar 2020   [#65]
And you will see that Subdivision modeling is different than pure Nurbs because you don't know exactly what will be the result!

It's always a surprise when you press the Subdivision's button who transform boxes in voluptuous surfaces! :)

Maybe more artistic filling against mechanical one! ;)
From: pafurijaz
25 Mar 2020   [#66]
This is an interesting discussion and I want share my experience in this field, I made a few experiment and I understood how modelling suddiv for nurbs conversion with moi3d.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Oct 2020   [#67]
A new process in the SudDive Tool Box ;)

Project a curve to a complex volume (yet well working for subdive)
Kill Curve(s)
that all! :)
PS Extrude can't work because face(s) are not in middle of surfaces!
So Copy Move one face(s) then "Bridge" one to one ! Copy / Move Faces can be Multiple!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2020   [#68]
Always funny easy thing for make improbable objects! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2020   [#69]
About SUbDivision in Moi ! We can project an object subdivided (finalized or not) on another for deform it! (here on a Sphere )

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Oct 2020   [#70]
Flow function can be practical for SUbDIve!
Here a cube was projected on a Sphere...of course as always imagination must be large for predict the result!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2020   [#71]
The cutting line method shown above is significantly slower than cutting from a segment!

But indispensable if you want an oblique cut!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Oct 2020   [#72]
Some minutes of the days :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2020   [#73]
Precision! :)

19 Oct 2020   [#74] In reply to [#73]
You need Max's plugins for this to work correct?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2020   [#75] In reply to [#74]
Yes of course: in this precise case _sBridge by Max Smirnov

who can be also used of course for other thing than Subdivision!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Jan 2021   [#76]
Seems last version of Rhino 7 uses intensively the SUbD Method! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Feb 2021   [#77]
Moi SUbdivided object + texture of the fabulous free Vervette SandBox online

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Feb 2021   [#78]
Searching something for all kill the internal volume (faces, edges) for make some cool subdivided object...

it appears that is very difficult directly in Moi ! (for the moment (?) )...
Boolean union will remove the internal faces but also merge together some of the outer ones.
Edit Join don't remove internal faces!
So no success!

5 boxes for test your scripts or other tricks!
the 3 little boxes have no internal faces because built with Max sSplit :)
the 2 other have mutual faces!

But i have found some little tricks! :)
- Export as OBJ / Ngon Without Without Weld vertices along Edges!
- Import OBJ from SUbDiv/ Create /From File
- Boolean Union
- Max Subdiv

That works fine...except for this case!
don't works when "cubes" are tangent by a commune vertical edges!
Works in other compact or alone positions!
the bad case (works in other cases! )

so no total success again!...

but i have found another trick for this particular case! :)

Up or down the top face of one of these 2 boxes by a very, very tiny distance!
et voilĂ ! :)
Have fun subD modeling before a script or command OR NODES who kill all internal volume! :)
(second box was made with sBridge by Max Smirnov

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Feb 2021   [#79]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jun 2021   [#80]
Relaxing in 10 seconds :)

Bonus :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Jul 2021   [#81]

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