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Full Version: About SubDivide in nurbs :)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Mar 2020   [#44]
For "crease" a face with the classic "Polygonal" method...

else playing with the Sscale...

From: Barry-H
9 Mar 2020   [#45] In reply to [#39]
are you splitting the faces manual ?

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (401).png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Mar 2020   [#46] In reply to [#45]
Oh no! You have the magic function Ssplit with selection of one(s) face(s) (your image above)

Of course make a shortcut for a speedy race ;)
mine are P = SsPlit, E = Extrude, K = Subdivide, S = Sscale , B = Bridge
With only that you can make miracles! :) (I can't memorize more! :)

Here only 2 faces in the same time!

Like here all faces are splitted in the same time!
But you must select one face first then all the rest with for example the rectangle selection!

By hands will be a nightmare : drawings lines, Triming, etc...

or only one edge for "SPlit" all the volume!
Here split edge one by one (very cool to make a right Click for recall the function after a new edge selection! ;)

From: Barry-H
10 Mar 2020   [#47] In reply to [#46]
Hi Pilou,
having selected 2 faces on a cube and then running the sSplit command I get this.

Sorted have download the sSplit script from Max's website and replaced the one in my command folder and now working fine.

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (402).png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Mar 2020   [#48]
Always amazed as little forms can do in no time! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Mar 2020   [#49]
Add a dummy SPlit at the lateral sides to make extrusions (the fork tines).
Make extrusions on perimeters! So kill inbetwenner faces !
Separate/Join when a subdivision is made!
Close a hole with successive snaped extrusions!
(here one by one because intervals are not the same! So no possibility to use array! )

You will have a solid at the end!

Of course not yet so fluid than Rhino 7 but funny! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Mar 2020   [#50]
Extrude by Dir then
Orient / Line-Line / Stretch / Copy can be cool + Plane sides
can be cool for increase the volume on no regular perimeter!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Mar 2020   [#51]
Infinite possibilities of Bridge function! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2020   [#52]
If any questions about this funny method of subdivision inside Nurbs don't hesitate!
Thx Max Smirnov for these magic tools!

Advantage is the very few tools to learn/use! :)

- Extrude face(s) (not on the extremities)
- Scale with Points enabled
- Split on a single Edge or a face(s)... don't need to recall it, just Right Click
- Bridge only between 2 faces : careful of overlapings
( useful for replace the Extrude at the "extremities" : just Copy / Move the face then Bridge )

Show Points from the beginning, and never accept the SubDive before the final result wanted... :)

Here just a tranparent Texture of the Engine Render...

From: Ken (OKURO)
12 Mar 2020   [#53] In reply to [#52]
Many thanks Pilou for your fantastic inspirations....great work !!!
But would you like to post some kind of "how to basic tutorial - as a step by step cook-book" for all the un-initiated noobs ?
That would realy by a mind-opener ??? Big thanks + good luck to you
Best wishes
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2020   [#54] In reply to [#53]
In fact that is very simple! :)

The volume must be without internal faces!!!

This follow is the general case who always works! The Bridge function between 2 separated faces!

In this specific case the Extrude will also works because faces are not on the "extremities"
and not touch between them !
Box on the left don't work because Top/ Bottom face are too complex for the Plugin!
You must split it first! With any method but without internal faces! Here there is a new building :)
Use of the SsPlit function is of course used!

Here following Subdivision after Extrude will not work!
Because there are no more "triming faces"!

12 Mar 2020   [#55]
Hey Sub-D Master Pilou, thank you so much for sharing your insights !!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2020   [#56]
In case of 2 neighbour (or more) different faces - Will works with the volume's faces extremities! ;)

A possible method (the funny game is to find the more speedy effective one! ;)
- Select & Copy Move the 2 faces
- Delete original (easy because yet selected)
- Select Perimeter (careful to not select the vertical middle edge(s) !!! )
- Extrude WITHOUT Cap Ends!!!
- Join All
- SubDivide

Of course can be multiple if you take the same length of Extrude! ;)
(there is an optic effect of record, extrude goes from faces to piece as post above)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2020   [#57]
And Move Points is always possible!

And of course the Sscale!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Mar 2020   [#58]
Just use 2 Steps of subdivision (first plane - Extrusion) then extrude the faces!

I am always amazed by the voluptuous result in no time! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Mar 2020   [#59]
About history after a Mirror : seems Move & Sscale work ! (object or points)
Psplit, Extrude of face(s), Bridge of 2 faces of Original don't work for the moment!

For make an history of a mirrored object
- Mirror Object Original
- Select mirrored Object
- History Enable Update
- Modify Original! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Mar 2020   [#60]
Multiply an object by Array for unic pasted volume

- Just kill the 2 "faces jonction extremities"
- Use Array
- Recreate the 2 "faces jonction extremities" of the complete object
- Join All
- SubDivide

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Mar 2020   [#61]
So smooth ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Mar 2020   [#62]
Piles - use of Bridge for close volumes!

From: nameless
21 Mar 2020   [#63] In reply to [#62]
Beautiful! (and the tuts are awesome too)

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