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Full Version: About SubDivide in nurbs :)

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From: Michael Gibson
19 Apr 2022   [#106] In reply to [#105]
Hi Andy, the data created from a scan is very different than the data created by someone modeling a mesh made for sub-d smoothing.

Scan data is made up of dense triangle meshes, that type of data is not suitable for use directly as a sub-d control cage. That also means it is not suitable for import directly into Moi using a sub-d conversion method.

There is a process called "retopology" which involves tracing out a simplified sub-d control cage over top of a dense mesh. That's something that can be done in a polygon mesh editing program, MoI does not have any tools for that type of process.

It's a fairly complex process which will take some time to learn about.

If you do a search on that term "retopology" you can find more information about it like here:

In general scanned mesh data like you have is not directly nor easily brought into a CAD program like MoI. CAD programs are meant to work with larger structured surfaces like with a sphere for example being a single sphere surface, not several thousand little triangles like how the scan data is formed.

There is another type of process called "Reverse engineering" which is similar to retopology but meant to generate CAD surfaces as the output instead of sub-d meshes. It's also a difficult process with a high learning curve as well. There are some links to some programs in previous discussions here:

MoI itself is not designed to be used itself for doing retopology or reverse engineering type work, it does not have the toolset for those areas of work. That's why you're having difficulty trying to use that scan data directly with MoI.

One kind of crude method that you could try though would be to use the OBJ to 3DM wireframe converter which is available at:

That converter can take an .obj file and convert the polygons in it into wireframe line segments in a 3DM file which can then be loaded into MoI. Then you can use the wireframe line structure as a guide.

- Michael
From: Andy (ANDYT)
20 Apr 2022   [#107] In reply to [#106]
Thank you as ever for your time and in depth prompt reply, much appreciated
I will have a look at the options suggested
From: Andy (ANDYT)
27 Apr 2022   [#108] In reply to [#107]
I have had some success importing a scanned 3D mesh .obj file into Moi using SubD in V4
I loaded the original high mesh count file into Meshlab (free) and reduced the mesh size -options to select = Filter / remeshing, simplification and reconstruction / simplification: quadric edge collapse decimation
Then typed in the new mesh count of 8000
Converted the mesh to - Filter / Polygonal & Quad Mesh / subdivision surfaces: Catmull-clark = giving 4 sided meshs
then exported the result as a .obj file
then in MOI clicked on SubD / from file and selected the above .obj file and after a few seconds it opened ok
This is fine for me, its not very detailed, but for tracing over it gives the volumes required for me to refine and tweak :-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Apr 2022   [#109] In reply to [#108]
Not some examples images ? ;)
From: Andy (ANDYT)
27 Apr 2022   [#110] In reply to [#109]
Ah my apologies see below
I have deleted every 4th facet to make the surface slightly see through and reduce the amount of data + deleted the one side for now so I only have to trace one half then mirror

Image Attachments:
Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 08.11.34.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Feb 2023   [#111] In reply to [#110]
If you use _SubdivBeta9 you will have the same Poly OBJ- free to you to subdivise 0 - 100 ;)

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