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Full Version: Node Wish List

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From: Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
20 Dec 2019   [#95]
I am coming to the forum after a long time, it is quite possible that I may have missed some episodes and, so, I have to ask: this 'Elephant' thing is something different from the already known nodes plugin or is it the same thing with a changed name?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Dec 2019   [#96] In reply to [#95]
It is always the same thing from the beginning : a node system created by Max Smirnov!

Better to load here
for have the the last extensions : supported by James
From: Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
20 Dec 2019   [#97]
Thanks! Is there somewhere any step by step tutorial about using the nodes?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Dec 2019   [#98] In reply to [#97]
You have my Repository French / English for example of all native nodes
and quasi all extensions nodes :)
I will make rest the next year!

Happy Christmas
and don't miss this true gem following (6.5 $ for the end's year) a pefect gift for children or other people! :)

You will can import inside your MOi Objects saved as OBJ format!!!
From: Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
20 Dec 2019   [#99]
Ok Pilou will look at your repository. And... merry Christmas to you too! Merry Christmas to all people here! : - )
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
29 Dec 2019   [#100]
Updated ImgSampler node.

Now able to have more than one ImgSampler nodes on a form. Added point array to output.

From: mkdm
30 Dec 2019   [#101] In reply to [#100]
A-W-E-S-O-M-E !!!
From: James (JFH)
1 Jan 2020   [#102] In reply to [#101]
Happy New Year Everyone,

Here's another proposal for a new node:
Noise Generator Node

There are lots of applications for a 2D Perlin Noise fields for natural forms;
for example ocean wave simulation :
Also it would be useful for random transformation the transition smoothly.

Of course 2D Noise fields could be imported as images into ImgSampler, however if they could be generated in NE
there would allow greater control and possibility of animation

Here is interest blog post on Perlin Noise in JavaScript

An online 2D peril noise generator


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Jan 2020   [#104] In reply to [#102]
I believe that this new year about Elephant will be some laborious for me! :)

Happy new year!

PS some ideas of nodes! (look this free prog: JsPlacement)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
7 Jan 2020   [#105]
New Perlin Noise Node release

This node uses Ken Perlin's routine for generating PerlinNoise(c) data points.

Copy the PerlinNoise.js and perlinnoisefn.js function to this directory:

I would like to thanks James for helping out with testing.



Updated node. Jan 9 2020
From: AlexPolo
9 Jan 2020   [#106]
Hi All,

Just putting up a NODE wish using the new image sampler would it be possible to create a node that can generate this sort of image based on input lines like supplied. Using MAX's FATLINES to create variable width lines based on those 2 variables linework overlaid by image.

Thanks Alex

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From: James (JFH)
9 Jan 2020   [#107] In reply to [#106]
FatLines Node

The proposed node would be analogous to Max's Fatlines script:


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From: James (JFH)
10 Jan 2020   [#108]
Since there is an elevated interest in voronoi3d at the moment,
I thought it would be worth adding it to the wishlist.

Voronoi3d Node


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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
19 Jan 2020   [#110]
Updated ImgSampler

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
19 Jan 2020   [#111]
Max Smirnov's Voronoi for the Node Editor
Based on his Voronoi script located at:

Moi discussion reference:

Save voronoi.js file to this directory:

I would like to thanks James for helping out with testing


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jan 2020   [#112] In reply to [#111]
Excellent and all ready made for the Repository! Bravo!
Hyper cool!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2020   [#113]
Does the ImageSampler has limitations ?
Format JPG, PNG ...?
Colors, Grey Levels, B&W, ...?
Size x,y ?

Does it possible to put a Version's Number of Extension, or a date...?
Because it's a mess for know what is the last one! :)

in the title for example (Titre = Title Fr / Eng ;)

I don't see PerlinNoise, PerlinNoiseFn ... the Updated NodeEditor ?
From: James (JFH)
23 Jan 2020   [#114]
RoundCrns Node

This is quite self-explanatory: the proposed node would apply rounding to corners of closed polylines/n-gons. (if it also worked on open polylines, that would be a bonus) This is different to "DelCorners" script as these corners would have a user determined radius.

I often use 2 x Construct2/offset nodes in sequence to achieve this result by offsetting inwards then offsetting outwards with "rounded" mode. Although this is mostly a workable solution it fails with small shapes and is not multiprocessing.

A great weekend to all

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