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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Apr 2023   [#316]
You have also some info about orientation of a surface(s) in Dispersion Script(s) by Max Smirnov! ;)

Only surface by surface!

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
8 Apr 2023   [#317] In reply to [#315]
Hi Mo,

Nice progress on the Normals Node. I attempted it a while back with no success. Will be watching for updates.

From: MO (MO_TE)
8 Apr 2023   [#318] In reply to [#317]
Hi Wayne
It's almost done, although I couldn't figure out some problems. (Like Invert mode)
I'll be happy if you or someone else can improve it. :)
I'll post it soon.
From: BurrMan
9 Apr 2023   [#319] In reply to [#318]
Hi Mo,
Heavy! Nice results!!!

“Inverse mode”?

Not that i can do what you are doing, but just a heads up. MoI uses “Flip” as the normal direction modifier.

From: MO (MO_TE)
10 Apr 2023   [#320] In reply to [#319]
Hi BurrMan
Thanks, I couldn't make it work with "Flip" factory, But somehow managed to do it.
It's not perfect but it works ! :)
From: MO (MO_TE)
10 Apr 2023   [#321]
"surfaceNormals" node

Outputs the normals of the surfaces in 2 methods.
method 1: Faster, better flow ==> by using normal output
method 2: Slower, more reliable ==> by using "Dir" and "Base" outputs
"Dir" and "Base" can match with "vector/LinebyVec" node and "Points2/GetCrvSFrame" node to generate normals.

u and v divisions

Dir: direction of the normal.
Base: points on the surface.
Normal: surface normals


updates :
Unified Normals option added
Rebuild Surface option added
Invert mode added
Small improvements :)
Instruction file attached


From: Barry-H
10 Apr 2023   [#322] In reply to [#321]
Hi Mo,
I can't run your instruction nod because I don't have the Box Center nod.
Can you please post the js file that contains it please.
From: James (JFH)
10 Apr 2023   [#323] In reply to [#321]
Thanks MO for surfaceNormals node and instructional NOD file.

I have been experimenting and have found a possible bug with displaying normals of poly loft surfaces (NOD file attached).
Similarly if you use "Base" pts for locating objects (eg a sphere) the result is spheres bunched up in the same plane as the normal arrows.
Initially I thought it may be that all the facet were untrimmed surfaces, but this did not turn out to be the case.
I'm not sure what it could be...

Any thoughts?


Image Attachments:

From: MO (MO_TE)
11 Apr 2023   [#324]
Hi Barry
See attached file :)

It's interesting.
I extracted edges of a surface and made a new surface with network command and it worked.
I need to check that more.


From: Barry-H
11 Apr 2023   [#325] In reply to [#324]
Hi Mo,
thanks working now.
From: MO (MO_TE)
11 Apr 2023   [#326] In reply to [#323]
I checked your .nod file and tried different ways but the result wasn't what I expected.
I think this situation is something like the one I had earlier :

Quote from Michael:
Stepping by even distance amounts in parameter space does not necessarily yield even distances in 3D space, the parameter space may be squished or stretched in relation to 3D space. For an extrusion if you had uneven spacing in the control points of the curve being extruded that will have that type of squishing or stretching in it.

anyway, I've written a small node to solve this problem.

"QuadRepatch" node
Gets quad and triangle trimmed surfaces and regenerate them with "merge" and "network" commands.
Use it before "surfaceNormals" node.


From: James (JFH)
11 Apr 2023   [#327] In reply to [#326]
Thanks MO,

QuadRepatch.js did the trick.
I don't think I have encountered this issue before.
Could the code be incorporated within subD/polyLoft node?

Image Attachments:

From: MO (MO_TE)
12 Apr 2023   [#328] In reply to [#327]
Hi James
I don't think I have encountered this issue before.

It's because "evaluatePoint()" and "evaluateNormal()" functions work with uv parameter space not 3d space.
You need to keep the spacing of surfaces' control points even. Using "QuadRepatch", "Network" or "rebuildcurve" node.

This is possible to integrate "QuadRepatch" code inside "PolyLoft" node,
But I think it's better to keep using "QuadRepatch" node.
As you see in the attached image, "Extrude", "Loft" and "Sweep" nodes cause the same issue as well.
And I'm not sure how many nodes like them need to modify.

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
12 Apr 2023   [#329]
Hello All,

Is it currently possible to get nodes from direct modeling in MOI? something like what Nick does here:

I think this ability could be quite useful because I think you can make node Kitbashes very easy.

I am not sure if Nick's elephant is compatible or is working anymore because it seems he has abandoned it. Anyway here is his Git repository:
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Apr 2023   [#330] In reply to [#329]
He don't develop anymore but you can use that he previous made!
I believe that will work with the principal native " functions" of the V4 !
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
12 Apr 2023   [#331] In reply to [#330]

I know he stopped developing it further.

What I mentioned is a kind of wish! ( because it is a Node Wish List topic) :-)

I wish I can see something similar (or even better and more robust).
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Apr 2023   [#332] In reply to [#331]
I am not sure he will make that...he is full time at it's own Nurbs prog for the next years! ;)
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
13 Apr 2023   [#333] In reply to [#332]
From: MO (MO_TE)
13 Apr 2023   [#334]
I've updated "SurfaceNormals" node.
Rebuild Surface option added.
No need to use "QuadRepatch" node :)
From: James (JFH)
13 Apr 2023   [#335] In reply to [#334]

Rebuild Surface option is a great addition to your node,
however is there a way to ensure that the rebuilding maintains the orientation of the original surfaces?

If you look at image below, the combination of "Join" & "separateObj" (green nodes) should unify normals (if not already), however the resulting vector array is not directionally consistent.


PS: I had assumed that "INVERT" option would flip the surface normals, but it does not appears to have that effect. Is it doing something else?

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