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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
13 Mar 2022   [#262] In reply to [#261]
Final result of solution:

Image Attachments:
Explode with NodeEditor code2 Fixed.gif 

From: bemfarmer
13 Mar 2022   [#263] In reply to [#261]
Good find Wayne.

Was wondering what Lont+ meant.
(I did read that post by Max 5 years ago, but never really grasped it.)

Did a slight upgrade of alpha logSpiral node.
But see that Karsten? already did a curve length node.
So (at least some?) MoI curves have a .length property, so I do not have to re-calculate the arcLength...

- Brian

image host


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Mar 2022   [#264] In reply to [#262]
Cool adaptation! :)
From: WN
14 Mar 2022   [#265]
My old experiments.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Mar 2022   [#266] In reply to [#265]
Cool try! :)
From: bemfarmer
16 Mar 2022   [#267]
As per Barry's suggestion, here is a kludged together Macro, using the Concat node, renamed, to enable the creation of a macro node with several lines of text.

Highlight the completed text macro in the nodeeditor canvas, and EXPORT it to the Macro directory, with desired name.
Saving it saves the DocText macro as a node program, so Loading it with Load erases the current canvas screen.
The DocText macro may be entered into a new screen through the right click Macro menu.
Do NOT get the DocText macro with the Load button.
Saving it saves the DocText macro as a node program, so Loading it with Load erases the current canvas screen.
The Macro menu seems to lack a scrolling bar, so space may be limited???

This whole Macro Save vs Export vs Load, versus macroLoad is confusing. There should be a SaveMacro button, and a LoadMacro button? And Macro scroll?
Also, every node Program would need to have its own text macro saved???

Well it is an experimental kludge...I cannot spend any more time on it.

I'm sure Max could do something really good...

- Brian

image host


From: bemfarmer
16 Mar 2022   [#268]
A few simple tests:
It seems that only one master DocText Macro is needed.
The Macro can be right click MacroSelected to the canvas multiple times, and each canvas copy can have its text modified in different ways, and the canvas .nod program saved in a node program.

But the modifications permute the order of the text lines, which is not good.

- Brian

Edit: Macro Import can import the DocText file from some other directory.

Note, the order of the text lines can be changed by Max' addition a few years ago of the ability to Alt+Drag the input Dots to the Macro. (I had forgotten this.)
From: James (JFH)
16 Mar 2022   [#269] In reply to [#268]
Brian & Barry,

Litegraph.js the foundation for NodeEditor contains a "Panel" node (see image below),
which I imagine is for notes within a node circuit. Unfortunately it does not appear to be functional.

Litegraph demo can be found here:


Image Attachments:

From: bemfarmer
16 Mar 2022   [#270] In reply to [#269]
Thank you James.
So I finally found the WidgetPanel code here:
litegraph.js zip is at github.


It states "Non interactive panel".
So my guess is that it is just a pretty box, which does not have any text ability. (???)
There are a couple of other programs using litegraph, that may use the box, with additions, to display graphics(?)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
16 Mar 2022   [#271] In reply to [#270]
There is a LiteGraph used in, but I cannot find out where to download it. gitlab site does not recognize blokist.

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
16 Mar 2022   [#272] In reply to [#270]

Sorry, only include the cascading menus in the image in my last post
to reveal the location of "Panel" node. I should have checked that each tier
of the activated menu items remained highlighted: Add Node/Widget/Panel

The other element in litegraph demo that would be useful in NE is "Add Group"
Groups may be individually named and nodes are within the group border can then
be moved around the canvas as a block.


Image Attachments:

From: Barry-H
16 Mar 2022   [#273]
not sure if it's been mentioned before but the ability to name objects that then appear in Moi object list would be useful.
I am creating mechanisms with one nod then automating with another nod to check for clashes. So the get by name node
would automatically pick the objects if this was available.
From: James (JFH)
18 Mar 2022   [#274] In reply to [#1]
L-System Node

Some time ago I became excited by the potential of the Lindenmayer rewriting system for pattern generation in nodeEditor.
The wikipedia page offers a decent explanation:

Initially I was thinking of a pair of nodes: a) universal rewriter & b) a interpreter/turtle node. This is the common approach and the one that Grasshopper has taken. However, I realised that the lack of facility for handling string data would render this method impractical, and so shelved the idea.

That was until today when I discovered this website:

The images above are all examples of patterns generated with this online tool, and could potentially be generated in NE with parametric control.

The page is rich in javascript, including one linked files called "l-system-generator.js" which I wonder if it may present a template for
the authoring of a NE node following a similar approach. Many of the options on the webpage would not be needed in the node.

Link for javascript file:

Below I have shown a proposal for a L-System Node. It need only have inputs for the Starting point, the number of generations, the line length for branches, the branch angle and scaling factor of line length of branches of each generation. For the 6 patterns shown above the "Scale/Gen" value would be 1, but botanical structure such shown below would have a decimal value < 1 (eg 0.3).

All of the grammatical formulation would be located in the info panel. I have included outputs as lines and as well as points because each has advantages.

I know that this would likely be a major undertaking, but if there are any biters, I do believe it was be an amazing contribution to NE.

Have a great weekend,

PS this page may also be of interest:

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Mar 2022   [#275] In reply to [#274]
for complete ;)
and look on the right of the page of links!

From: bemfarmer
18 Mar 2022   [#276] In reply to [#274]
James, a cool project, (for someone with time:-)

Is the js code for the algorithm(s) downloadable from the site?
I do see lots of code in page source...

fern is in the MoI forum.

Free Book:

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
18 Mar 2022   [#277] In reply to [#276]

Is the js code for the algorithm(s) downloadable from the site?
I do see lots of code in page source...

I updated my previous post to include the link to "l-system-generator.js"

From: bemfarmer
19 Mar 2022   [#278] In reply to [#277]
Thank you James.
Did a parse, but have no time now.
May watch coding train.
- Brian
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
20 Mar 2022   [#279]
BarnsleyFern Sample


From: James (JFH)
24 Mar 2022   [#280] In reply to [#276]
Free Book:

Thank you for the link. I download & voraciously devoured its content.
Moreover I have returned it again & again...Lindenmayer's insight was extraordinary:
that a simple set of instructions applied recursively would generate limitless patterns and forms, but further that a subset of these would be facsimiles of forms found in nature. Though for me at least, it is the novel pattern generation that is most exciting, particularly those that possess aperiodicity like the explorations of Roger Penrose.

Much to think about,
Thanks again,
From: bemfarmer
24 Mar 2022   [#281] In reply to [#280]
Thank you James, and for the example of the Gate node.
- Brian

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