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Full Version: Node Wish List

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Nov 2019   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Thanks...i will see that as soon as possible! :)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
25 Nov 2019   [#22] In reply to [#19]

Great example of the issue. A solution is being worked on.


From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
25 Nov 2019   [#23] In reply to [#22]

Updated the Spiral Node. Turn values minus reverses direction. Turn zero values default at .01 for a ... straight arc. ???

From: James (JFH)
25 Nov 2019   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Brilliant stuff, Wayne
Works perfectly!

I have updated "Current NODE EDITOR folder" thread accordingly:

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
25 Nov 2019   [#25] In reply to [#24]

Thank you!

From: James (JFH)
27 Nov 2019   [#26] In reply to [#25]

If you enjoyed contributing the "Spiral" node and are scouting out a new task to sink your teeth into, please have a look at the attached files.

They are the scripting for "SubdivClassic" script, which performs CatmullClark or Planar subdivision of planar polysurfaces. If you are not familiar with the script, here is the original thread posting:
(Note that the attached files are more uptodate than those in the thread post)

This functionality would be a supremely useful addition to NE toolbox because the faceting of surfaces provides the underpinnings of a panelling system. That is to say, that each subdivided facet (particularly if constrained to quads) services as a target surface for populating with a unit panel with use of "Flow" node.

No doubt the transposing of a standard UI element such as Spiral tool into a node, is more straightforward, but let me know if this is something you could do.
I would be greatly appreciative of anything that extends the functionality of NE. I feel that my efforts to promote MoI as a viable parametric solution on instagram may be undermined by my starting to repeat myself.



From: mkdm
28 Nov 2019   [#27] In reply to [#26]
Hello James!

From time to tome I take a look at your wonderful creation with NodeEditor...

Almost all are amazing!

It's really a pity that the Node Editor is not part of the standard Moi's package.

I really hoped at some point that Michael and Max could create a sort of collaboration...but never happened.

Moi owes much to Max's plugins...and vice versa :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Nov 2019   [#28] In reply to [#27]
<< Node Editor is not part of the standard Moi's package

What is the difference as you can load it any time you want ?
From: mkdm
28 Nov 2019   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Ther's a HUGE difference my friend...

If Node Editor could be part of Moi it means also that it could leverage on the direct support of the main developer, Michael :)

And then we could see great improvements both for Moi and Node Editor.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Nov 2019   [#30] In reply to [#29]
Not sure he has now free time for that! :)
From: mkdm
28 Nov 2019   [#31] In reply to [#30]
From: Michael Gibson
28 Nov 2019   [#32] In reply to [#29]
Hi Marco, yes unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day. I have to be careful in what I try to accomplish with MoI so that I can make it be a high quality tool. In general things that have a high amount of support time required are less practical for me to focus on.

- Michael
From: James (JFH)
28 Nov 2019   [#33]
LassoSel Node

Marco reminded me of another node that would have great utility: the LassoSel Node.
He has already done much of the coding required in his "Lasso Select and SelectCurveByContainer".
It can be found in this thread including PDF instructions for installation & operation:

In essence, any planar shape (circle, polygon or closed curve) would serve as a selection mask.
It would ideally have 2 options:"overlap" (select all objects wholly within the mask only) and "overlay" (select all objects wholly & partially within the mask, like in image below).


PS Thanks Marco, always good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
29 Nov 2019   [#34] In reply to [#32]
Hello Michael. Good to hear you again :)

"Hi Marco, yes unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day..."

I understand and respect your choice because I know very well the hard life of a software developer and of a "one man" company :)

And unfortunately this is a big limitation in some situation.
It's a situation that have its strength and weakness.

I know very's part of my life too.

I only wanted to say that it's really a pity that a MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING duo like Moi and Max's scripts (above all Node Editor) can't live a shared "story".

I always thought that bringing Node Editor and all Max's SUPERB scripts into the CORE of Moi it could have been a GAME CHANGER for Moi.

Something that could have been RAISED your excellent Moi to a greater, very unique, level.

I know that probably this situation never will and this is unfortunate for all Moi's community.

Ciao and...thanks for your constant support :)
From: mkdm
29 Nov 2019   [#35] In reply to [#33]
Hello James! Good to hear you too again :)

"...Don't be a stranger"

Well...I'm not :)

But , unfortunately or...fortunately, it depends on point of view :) as I've said some times here during the last two years, for the moment, the funny days when I had some good time to devote to Moi are gone.

From 2018 I never had really more enough spare free time to write something serious for Moi's scripting environment.

I'm always engaged in other different things regarding my "developer life" :)

But you reminds me the funny days when I had TONS of ideas for writing some cool and unique stuff, like for example the "LASSO" script (for what I know I was the very first to do a real (almost) working implementation of that), the "COMMAND FINDER", the "HOLES FINDER", and other useful stuff that I wanted to bring into Moi.

All the code I've written, although working, was nothing more than a "provocation" for someone more skilled than me in Javascript and Math related things, to bring some new cool stuff into Moi.

I had many other ideas into my mind that only waited to be translated into actual working code, but I never had time to do that and also never had the "math science" into my veins :)

Anyway...also I MISSED almost all the code I've written :)
I've found here and there only some stuff, for example the original post I've written related to the "final" version of the LASSO tool.

You can find it here:

And I also discovered that ALL the download LINKS still WORKS :) The files are still there :)

N.B. ************** All my stuff works ONY for Moi v3

Anyway...I just wanted to write here these few lines just to remember those funny days of coding with Moi.

You're DOING A SUPER JOB here and I hope that someone like you could take some of my ideas and bring them into Moi :)

Hello everyone and have a nice day.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2019   [#36] In reply to [#34]
Hi Marco,

> I only wanted to say that it's really a pity that a MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING duo like Moi
> and Max's scripts (above all Node Editor) can't live a shared "story".
> I always thought that bringing Node Editor and all Max's SUPERB scripts into the CORE of Moi
> it could have been a GAME CHANGER for Moi.
> Something that could have been RAISED your excellent Moi to a greater, very unique, level.

Focusing my very limited time heavily on the node editor would be cool but it would probably be a product ending strategic error.

The reality is that the end result of what you're describing would not be very unique since Rhino/Grasshopper already exists in that role and has far more momentum and resources behind it than what I would be able to muster.

That's not meant to take anything away from Max's work, it's amazing what he has been able to accomplish and it's really cool that it's available. It's just not really feasible for me to focus on it myself.

- Michael
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
29 Nov 2019   [#37] In reply to [#26]

Ref : (SubdivClassic script)

Thank you for the project request. I am still feeling my way around the NE code. More practice is required before taking on more challenging nodes like the subdiv script. Currently working on a new node, but it is too early to publish any beta's. Hint: I am having difficulty placing an image on a node canvas. Yes, I have read all the API's and the basic Javascripts on how to do it. But Elephant is a different animal... :-).

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Nov 2019   [#38]
About elephants ;) minute 7.03 if you have no time! ;)

From: mkdm
29 Nov 2019   [#39] In reply to [#36]
Hello Michael.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

"The reality is that the end result of what you're describing would not be very unique since Rhino/Grasshopper already exists in that role and has far more momentum and resources behind it than what I would be able to muster."

I understand your point of view. Clearly.

It's true...Rhino/Grasshopper is a super STRONG duo, but I anyway thing that Moi + Max's Node Editor with their "lightness" and easy of use could have been a great alternative.

Anyway...I don't want to bother you with these considerations.

I respect your's your job and you know what you need and what is good for you and your product.

Have a nice day and...take care :)
From: James (JFH)
29 Nov 2019   [#40] In reply to [#37]

>> Currently working on a new node... <<

Exciting news! I look forward to seeing what you do.

Have a great weekend

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