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Full Version: Node Wish List

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jun 2020   [#190] In reply to [#189]
Cloth2.js must be inside the folder
Moi\nodeeditor\nodes\extensions\ ?
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
18 Jun 2020   [#191] In reply to [#190]

That is correct. It is still a beta program.

From: James (JFH)
18 Jun 2020   [#192] In reply to [#189]
Thanks Wayne,

The addition of anchor selection is a great advancement.
Did you have a look at using a point array instead of a plane
as the input?

I don't know if Max'x code would even allow it, but it would
really be something, if anchor points could be dynamically
manipulated (re-positioned), with the effect of stretching &
tugging the fabric.

It hints at great promise.....
very exciting

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
19 Jun 2020   [#193] In reply to [#192]

Cleaned up the inputs.
The input are mostly on the node.

Still working on moving points and setting array inputs.

From: James (JFH)
20 Jun 2020   [#194] In reply to [#193]


Although the decluttering of the node interface makes it more user-friendly, I think you may have pushed it too far.

It would be advantageous to dynamically set gravity (as the principle force).
The other material behaviours would in most cases only be set at the outset, so it is appropriate to have their adjustments made on the info panel.

A numerical value could be input for EndFrame, which could serve both as setting the maximum number of frames in the animation, while only outputting the geometry defined by the final frame. The user could start with a high number, and then dial it back to the frame they want to output.

Also I see in Max's code that wind is treated as a vector, so there would be interface advantage in inputting as a vector, as then a single input gives direction & magnitude. I imagine, in most cases wind would not be utilised, anyway.

This is just my 2 cents,
You are doing a fabulous job.


Updated: I removed net width & height inputs from node because they are, of course, already inherent within the pointArray input.

PS. the inclusion of XY , X , Y , P pulldown menu is great, & although a small thing, should more appropriately be labelled UV , U , V , Pts

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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
22 Jun 2020   [#195] In reply to [#194]

The latest work in progress beta version. Renamed to FabricSim. Added WindVector input. Wind calculations with vector indicator. Did come across that error in the vector code where the indicator points up when it should point down on X0 Y0 Z- values . Pilou detailed it in another thread.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Jun 2020   [#196]
I will must create a new section! ;)
Specialised Nodes ?
From: James (JFH)
22 Jun 2020   [#197] In reply to [#195]
Bravo Wayne,

The node UI is much improved.

Regarding pointArray input: I still believe that bypassing the plane to points conversion within the node offers advantages, even if the anchor selection remains as you have it, for now.

Keep up the good work
From: James (JFH)
11 Jul 2020   [#198]
slot Node

Michael has just now uploaded an elegant script (
that would translate fittingly into a node.

Have a great weekend

PS "One Side" / "Both Sides" could be a useful menu item in info panel

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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
30 Jul 2020   [#199]
New Slot Node Release:

Slot node is based on Michael Gibson's script:

Thank you Michael!

Copy the slot.js to the directory:

It will be listed in the Curves2 location.

It is a start/end point and radius slot. No 'both sides' option as Michael's version.

The Srf output is a planersrf function inside the node for ease of use as needed.

I would like to thank James for helping out with testing.


From: James (JFH)
30 Jul 2020   [#200] In reply to [#199]
Hi All,

Here's a raster image composed of slots making use of
Wayne's multiprocessing slot node.

Great suff, Wayne,


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jul 2020   [#201]
Does the new Elephant version 1.1 integrated on the James Thread ?

Carko Mollino = Carlo Mollino ?

I must add some new very special cool nodes on my repository! :)
From: James (JFH)
30 Jul 2020   [#202] In reply to [#201]

Carko Mollino = Carlo Mollino ?
Yes Typo :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jul 2020   [#203] In reply to [#202]
And about the 1.1 Elephant inside your special Nodes Updates thread ?
From: James (JFH)
1 Aug 2020   [#204]
subObjs Node

The proposed node would be built on Karsten's "Objects2/NameSubObjs" node which allows for the manual selection of faces within a BRep or polysurface. It would operate in a similar way, however after clicking a face, it's index would appear in the info panel. As well there would be with the additional facility of selecting faces by inputting a number or string of numbers into index connector or typing into index field in info panel.

At the moment, "Construct/Extrude" does not work with subObj faces, so it would also need to be updated. Perhaps tapering & extrude direction could also form part of such an update.

After the face is extruded, the new face should remain selected/highlighted so that further operations may be performed, eg an extrude with taper or perhaps an inset.

This would be a major shift in NE, of working with BReps intact rather than needing to break them apart to perform operations before then joining together again. It would mirror more closely how MoI3d is used manually.

Any thoughts?


PS On further thought, maybe there could be a pulldown menu in info panel to select subObj types: Faces / Edges / Vertices : See updated image above.

This could be one indispensable node!

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From: James (JFH)
7 Aug 2020   [#205]
Quartz2 node

While experimenting with looping in NE, I have experienced an issue with Quartz node.
The counter runs continuously draining system resources preventing the adjustment of other nodes. It would be beneficial to have options for single cycles in addition to continuous. See below

Ralf (r2d3) has written an extension version: "Quartz2" node which could be revised to include these additional timing options. It can be found in r2d3.js in the nodeeditor/nodes/extensions folder.

Have a great weekend,


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From: bemfarmer
8 Aug 2020   [#206] In reply to [#205]
If one cycle has occurred, setting hz[0] == 0 should stop the if loop (?).

Would a trigger input be of any use?

Here is an incomplete draft quartz3 node, untested.
Place in nodeeditor extensions node, to add to basic2 menu.
(More code needs to be added/modified.)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
9 Aug 2020   [#207] In reply to [#206]
OK, here is the draft quartz3 node. It is incomplete.

There has been no time for testing. It is loadable in nodeeditor under MoI4.
The theory is that the Cycle Once node uses most of the same code as the Cycle Continuous node, except that when it gets to the end the first time,
the value of hz[0] is set to 0. Tic-toc Once mode has not been coded for. Cleanup has not been done.

- Brian


From: bemfarmer
9 Aug 2020   [#208] In reply to [#207]
quartz2 and quartz3 make the piston work in motor.nod from 2017.

Cycle Once does not terminate. v1 just keeps getting changed. The code needs to be changed.
When v1 = end, the if loop should be exited?

- Brian

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