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From: AlexPolo
27 Jan 2020   [#128] In reply to [#122]
Hi James,
Could this be developed into a CIRCLE PACKING NODE?

Image Attachments:
circle packing.JPG 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Jan 2020   [#129]
@ James
Have you a web site different than Instagram because access is limited when visitor has no Instagram account!
From: James (JFH)
27 Jan 2020   [#130] In reply to [#129]

>> Could you please provide that N.E. package also for the V3? <<

I've always believed that NE was the same for both v3 & v4,
but if it doesn't work for you with v3, then perhaps not.

I have not used v3 for at least a couple of years,
& sorry, do not have a v3 version of NE to upload.


.>> Have you a web site different than Instagram because access is limited when visitor has no Instagram account! <<

Yes, I have a website: ,however doesn't show any examples of nodeEditor experimentation. As far as limitation on Instagram, IFAIK you don't need to be registered to view post. I only started using it because the swiping of multiple images seemed like a good way of showing node circuitry, which tend to extend horizontally.


.>> Circle Packing <<

Yes I will add this as a node proposal. I first need to contemplate how it might best be implemented.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Jan 2020   [#131] In reply to [#130]
We can see the 36 last images with the Node Editor on Instagram before to be blocked! :)
Better than nothing! :)
From: James (JFH)
27 Jan 2020   [#132] In reply to [#128]
As requested by Alex above here is a new node proposal for the wishlist.

GeoPack Node

This proposed node would take a field of points and calculate radii of close packing circles at each point. These outputs would serve as inputs for "circle" node, or alternatively "polygon" node. Obviously shapes other than circles will not truly close pack, so a "scale" input is included to adjust sizing of individual elements. I have included a pointArray output, however it may be removed, as the point source output would serve similar function.

I have shown here the "GeoPack" node paired with "Dither" node (proposed earlier: ) to create an image based circle packing illustration.


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
27 Jan 2020   [#133] In reply to [#132]
@ James
I am fan of Daniel Shiffman (I have seen all its videos! ... Yes i am maybe a little addict... :D

Free Processing (Java) & now Javascript Online (P5*Js) are truelly amazing coding progs!
Processing speeds * 3 than P5*Js for critical projects...
Alas not yet free times for play with them! :(

my little one :) (Drag & Drop an PNG image with a transparent bakground - best if it's 1024* 512 maxi)
another little one :)

From: AlexPolo
28 Jan 2020   [#134] In reply to [#132]
Thanks James thats great - is it possible to put a node in to control spacing between circles and maximum and minimum hole size this could be a very valuable tool in the creation of laser cut screens. Regards Alex. Here is a job I completed several years ago I used Grasshopper to achieve similar results.

Image Attachments:
20131216_173203.jpg  20140328_104456.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Jan 2020   [#135]
Nice result! What was the material ? (Metal, wood, cement...)
From: James (JFH)
28 Jan 2020   [#136] In reply to [#134]

Just to be clear, my post for proposal of "geoPack" node, was just a proposal, not the contribution of a new node. That would be the task of someone more skilled in coding than I.

But to answer your question: the node for controlling min & max radii would be ArrayExt/reRange node (as it happens, this is one of the few nodes that I have actually contributed).

However to achieve a result similar to the images shown, with equi-spaced holes of various sizes, you would simply link you close-packed circle pattern to construct2/offset & apply the desired offset to each circle.


PS The screen looks great BTW.
What is this building? In Sydney? it's OK i found it
From: Michael Gibson
28 Jan 2020   [#137] In reply to [#134]
That's some really cool artwork Alex!

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
28 Jan 2020   [#138] In reply to [#130]
Hi James,

> I've always believed that NE was the same for both v3 & v4,
> but if it doesn't work for you with v3, then perhaps not.

I seem to remember that there is one thing that doesn't work in v3 which is Macros. I think it's something like it assumes it's installed in the appdata folder but v3 doesn't have the appdata support for that.

It's this one here:

Hopefully Max will see this to take a look.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan 2020   [#139]
Sometimes i have this mysterious 16 who appears ! ?
who seems the same than the PerlinNoise Node ?

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
30 Jan 2020   [#140] In reply to [#139]

It was a minor coding error on the original release. It was discovered and quickly fixed hoping nobody noticed :-) Missing one bracket...
Download the latest files from this link.

I am sorry about that. The programs are usually tested before release into the wild. That one got away.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Jan 2020   [#141] In reply to [#140]
No problem! :)
From: James (JFH)
31 Jan 2020   [#142]
There has be some recent discussion regarding chamfering in NE: , so it would seem opportune to propose a new node:

Chamfer Node

The proposed node is analogous to Chamfer UI tool. Michael has outlined the chamfer factory inputs here:

The node would be input with a polyline and output with Chamfers applied.
The "ptSel" input would operate similarly to "Mask"input on Logic/Split node, so that alternate points are selected by inputting 1,0 or 0,1. Entering 1 would select all points.

Moreover, the "ptSel" input could be any combination of 1s & 0s, as that in the example of a 5 pointed star, may be a string of 10 comma separated numbers of any order (eg 1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0)

"Dist1" and "Dist2" are the chamfer ends offsets from point. Of course, in many instances "Dist1" and "Dist2" will have the same input.

Have a great weekend


Image Attachments:

From: bemfarmer
31 Jan 2020   [#143] In reply to [#142]
Perhaps a version for breps (solids), and a version for edges, and the curve version...
Or maybe one version can do it all. Input would be an objectlist, not limited to breps...

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
31 Jan 2020   [#144] In reply to [#143]

>> Perhaps a version for breps (solids), and a version for edges, and the curve version...Or maybe one version can do it all. <<

Probably it would be better to have multiple versions, but encapsulated into a single "Chamfer" node.


Image Attachments:

From: James (JFH)
31 Jan 2020   [#145]
Further to the discussions here:

Fillet Node

The proposed node would operate analogous to "Fillet" UI tool. Instead of selecting points to apply rounding, the node would be multi-processing and would operate on each point; however the radius may be 0 and hence that corner would remain un-rounded.

A single numeric input into "Radi" would applied the same rounding to all corners, where 2 comma separated inputs will apply alternate radii (as shown in image below with "Radi" input of "10,0" ). Of course more complex patterns of numbers may also be entered

A great weekend to all

Image Attachments:

From: James (JFH)
1 Feb 2020   [#146]
Extrude2 Node

The proposal is to extend the functionality of Extrude node to include the other options of "Extrude" UI tool.

Extrude2 Options

Vector: multiprocessing vector input give magnitude and direction.

Tapered Mode (positive & negative angles, converge & diverge respectively) If this could have vector input all the better.

To Point Mode


Image Attachments:
etrude2Vectors.gif  extrude2node.gif  extrude2Tapered.gif  extrude2ToPoint.gif 

From: bemfarmer
16 Feb 2020   [#147]
A Dual Slider widget node would be useful.

There is a Demo of such a slider here:
and a link to GitHub download.

(So this might be an easy project? Maybe not. There is a lot of code)
There are some install instructions here:

I have not had time to see if it would be compatible with nodeeditor and MoI.

There would be a min value, a max value, and "p_value" slider, "grip" and "q_value" slider "grip".
min <= p_value <= q_value <= max. (I would also like 2 < q_value.)
For my Doyle Spiral Node, if I ever finish it.

- Brian

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