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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Jan 2020   [#104] In reply to [#102]
I believe that this new year about Elephant will be some laborious for me! :)

Happy new year!

PS some ideas of nodes! (look this free prog: JsPlacement)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
7 Jan 2020   [#105]
New Perlin Noise Node release

This node uses Ken Perlin's routine for generating PerlinNoise(c) data points.

Copy the PerlinNoise.js and perlinnoisefn.js function to this directory:

I would like to thanks James for helping out with testing.



Updated node. Jan 9 2020
From: AlexPolo
9 Jan 2020   [#106]
Hi All,

Just putting up a NODE wish using the new image sampler would it be possible to create a node that can generate this sort of image based on input lines like supplied. Using MAX's FATLINES to create variable width lines based on those 2 variables linework overlaid by image.

Thanks Alex

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From: James (JFH)
9 Jan 2020   [#107] In reply to [#106]
FatLines Node

The proposed node would be analogous to Max's Fatlines script:


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From: James (JFH)
10 Jan 2020   [#108]
Since there is an elevated interest in voronoi3d at the moment,
I thought it would be worth adding it to the wishlist.

Voronoi3d Node


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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
19 Jan 2020   [#110]
Updated ImgSampler

From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
19 Jan 2020   [#111]
Max Smirnov's Voronoi for the Node Editor
Based on his Voronoi script located at:

Moi discussion reference:

Save voronoi.js file to this directory:

I would like to thanks James for helping out with testing


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jan 2020   [#112] In reply to [#111]
Excellent and all ready made for the Repository! Bravo!
Hyper cool!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2020   [#113]
Does the ImageSampler has limitations ?
Format JPG, PNG ...?
Colors, Grey Levels, B&W, ...?
Size x,y ?

Does it possible to put a Version's Number of Extension, or a date...?
Because it's a mess for know what is the last one! :)

in the title for example (Titre = Title Fr / Eng ;)

I don't see PerlinNoise, PerlinNoiseFn ... the Updated NodeEditor ?
From: James (JFH)
23 Jan 2020   [#114]
RoundCrns Node

This is quite self-explanatory: the proposed node would apply rounding to corners of closed polylines/n-gons. (if it also worked on open polylines, that would be a bonus) This is different to "DelCorners" script as these corners would have a user determined radius.

I often use 2 x Construct2/offset nodes in sequence to achieve this result by offsetting inwards then offsetting outwards with "rounded" mode. Although this is mostly a workable solution it fails with small shapes and is not multiprocessing.

A great weekend to all

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From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
23 Jan 2020   [#115] In reply to [#113]

The ImgSampler is limited by the processing time and memory it takes to make really large images.

It works with JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF and possibly other formats not tested.
All image colors are converted to grayscale during the processing. Size capacity was not tested. It is capable of very large renderings and will take time and memory to process them.

The latest version has the Crvs output and the image size below. Version numbering would be a good idea because of all the update improvements and more in the future.

PerlinNoiseFn is the function library for PerlinNoise. It does not show in the menu.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Jan 2020   [#116] In reply to [#115]
THX for infos!
From: mkdm
23 Jan 2020   [#117] In reply to [#114]
Hi James :)

Well...I'm very happy to see that since when (years ago) I started talking about Moi as a "2D workflows" tool, I'm very happy to see that with the AWESOME Node Editor and with your wonderful job now Moi is becoming a very very powerful 2D editor. A very specialized one indeed.

Now, I think that what is still really missing, is an easy and friendly UX.

For example: I need to round the corners of a closed poly line using that particular N.E. script? Ok. All I have to do is to push a BUTTON in the UI or fire a key shortcut, and that's it.

Unfortunately at present, i have to 1) open the N.E. Editor, 2) Load a particular script 3) Select the proper objects 4) Run the script 5) Close the N.E. UI

It could be awesome if N.E. would be much more tightly integrated with Moi's environment.

But I guess that for this update only Max would put his hands on it :)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
25 Jan 2020   [#118]
New Random Point Node

This point generator creates random points in 3D space. On the surface of an Ellipsoid. Or inside an ellipsoid.

Either X,Y, or Z values can be set to zero for a plane point area or a line of random points.


From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
25 Jan 2020   [#119]
New Delaunay Node:

This node uses a modified delaunator javascript library from:

The output Lines is for a single line graphics
The Triangles output generates triangles that can be used for planar face surfaces.

Copy the delaunay.js and delaunator.js files to the directory:

I would like to thank James for helping out with testing and design recommendations.



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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
25 Jan 2020   [#121] In reply to [#117]
Hi Marco,

I can add additional url parameters. It will not take a lot of time.
Something like this:
moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html?file=c:\\ne\\node1.nod&step=1&close=1', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:1,defaultHeight:1', moi.ui.mainWindow )
From: James (JFH)
25 Jan 2020   [#122]
Dither Node

This proposed node would take the output of "ImgSample" node and process the z values into a boolean (1s & 0s) stream , so that the density of 1s in sequence would range from lowest values to highest values. (ie black would be repetitions of 0s, and white would be repetitions of 1s, while greys would be patterned sequences of various combinations of 1s and 0s)

The result would be the conversion of a greyscale image to a series points on the canvas similar to the arrangement of pixels from a photoshop greyscale conversion to bitmap with diffusion dither.

Alternatively, the node could have pointAeeay input and output, extracting the z-values internally.

There are a number of resources online about dithering algorithms, eg:

& of course Codetrain:

I have been dithering in photoShop then importing into "ImgSampler" node to achieve a similar result, but I would be great if this process could be done directly in NE, giving ultimate control on end result.

Have a great weekend

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jan 2020   [#123]
Some new works for the repository for the next week! ;)

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