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Full Version: Please Help Me with My Occasional Questions

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2019   [#18] In reply to [#16]
<< I don't quite understand the first point you made but it seems you were offering a way to make the fillet work somehow?
Fillet admissible : fillet maxi that Moi can do with a perimeter path or curves selection

<< As for the animated gif file you basically cut the model in half and had a higher fillet on the right object using variable fillet?
Yes absolutly

<< But you can't make the entire object with that same larger fillet?
Yes absolutly : Till now Moi's Fillet don't manage that (i tested with Onshape, DesignSparkMechanical, Fusion's the same)

And if you don't make this trick (maybe other existing) you can't make any "bigger" fillet on your object, only the admissible "maxi" so above 0.5
With the trick maybe 3 on some parts... i have not more the original object...

From: friend (HELLO_MOI_FRIENDS)
10 Oct 2019   [#19]
Michael, I attached the file which gives me problems with tapered extrude as "extrude tapered problem".

<<Yes absolutly : Till now Moi's Fillet don't manage that (i tested with Onshape, DesignSparkMechanical, Fusion's the same)

Do you mean that the fillet systems of those programs also can't do a higher fillet or that they can? I understand that some shapes can give MoI's fillet a hard time, like the example I started this thread with but what about this?

I think the construction line is preventing the fillet from being larger. What I want to know is: can other programs solve this fillet or is this a universal NURBS fillet problem?

I understand that there is a natural limit to fillets because the trim curves intersect each other:

But is there a way to solve a fillet when there is a construction curve in the way? I also uploaded the file for the fillet issue.

extrude tapered problem.3dm
fillet problem.3dm

Image Attachments:
moihelp15.PNG  moihelp16.PNG  moihelp17.PNG  moihelp18.PNG 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2019   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Yes they block at the same value!

Designspark block at this form for your last send!

There is no more material ! it's a slope at 90° :)

From: Michael Gibson
10 Oct 2019   [#21] In reply to [#19]
Hi friend, thanks for posting the extrude taper problem file.

So yes that is caused by your polyline being fragmented into multiple segments. If you use Edit > Separate on it you should see that some of the areas that look like lines are actually 2 individual collinear line segments instead of just one single line:

I've attached a .3dm file where I've fixed those up to be single lines and if you do a tapered extrude on this one you shouldn't see that problem anymore.

I'll see about your fillet questions a little later on.

- Michael

extrude tapered problem_fixed.3dm

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
11 Oct 2019   [#22] In reply to [#19]
Hi friend,

> I think the construction line is preventing the fillet from being larger.

Yes, that's correct that is a limitation in the fillet engine in the geometry library used by MoI.

> What I want to know is: can other programs solve this fillet or is
> this a universal NURBS fillet problem?

It's a pretty common limitation in fillet code that hasn't had say something like a minimum of 50 man years invested in developing it.

The sort of "top shelf" ones like ACIS and Parasolid can handle that one though. But they can also be more finicky about wanting quite precise geometry as well though.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Oct 2019   [#23]
You can make the same in Moi ;)

Just make first avery little fillet like 0.02 as you don't know yet what is working...
Then a Variable fillet 0.2 where you want for test
et voilà !

Seems 0.25 a maximum for a uniform fillet

You can Draw an Helper line(s) during the Variable fillet before the first click for have symetrical things!

Forgotten the top fillet!
In 2 passes : first the top second... new one only the front face...surrely several possibilities...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Oct 2019   [#24] In reply to [#23]

From: friend (HELLO_MOI_FRIENDS)
11 Oct 2019   [#25]
>I've attached a .3dm file where I've fixed those up to be single lines and if you do a tapered extrude on this one you shouldn't see that problem anymore.

Hello Michael, what is the procedure you used to fix it?

Frenchy, I have tried to do a variable fillet as you showed but the construction line still gets in the way. Why is the construction line not interfering in your MoI? Do you have some special plugin or did you fix it somehow?

Also, is this the correct link for the Design Spark software you showed?

Image Attachments:
moihelp 25.PNG 

From: Michael Gibson
11 Oct 2019   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi friend,

> Hello Michael, what is the procedure you used to fix it?

The process goes like this - select the polyline, then run Edit > Separate to break its segments into individually selectable separate curves. Select the pieces made up of 2 lines and delete them. Then use the Draw curve > Line command to draw in new lines, then use Edit > Join to glue it back together into one curve. You can skip the last join step if you want, the Extrude command will automatically join pieces together.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Oct 2019   [#27] In reply to [#25]
Yes it's this one! ;) and scroll to the bottom page for donwload it ;)

It's of course a new prog to learn... ;) Not so easy than moi but also fun!
You can find some tricks about it here in English (62 pages :)

or here in French in my site (maybe more speedy for a speed view ) 2 pages French) 2 pages of videos... English

We can of course make the same with moi more speedy! ;)

The helpers lines are just persistant during the use of the complete Fillet function as inside any other function

Rules for the Helper Lines in any function

Call any function
Press Left Click Mouse Button without release ...Move...release (=draw first Point)
Click Left Mouse Button without release ...Move...release (=draw second Point)
the helper line is drawn

This can be made BEFORE First click of the function, AFTER First click of the function, BEFORE Last click of the function!
As soon as you exit the function they disapears
(you have plugins for keep them but...

As soon as an Helper Line is drawn you can see a little "white Tab"
go over it and press it with Left or Right Mouse Button 1 second for access to some functions for modify the helper Lines!

From: friend (HELLO_MOI_FRIENDS)
19 Oct 2019   [#28]
Hello, is there a way to have a tapered extrusion of a curved surfaces? If not, is there an easier and faster way to loft the edges of two curved surfaces than one at a time?

I created a sphere, a curve which I then filleted. I copied and pasted the sphere and used Trim on the copy and selected the curve and got a cut surface. I then made a copy of the surface and scaled it smaller and now I want to loft them together to make a solid and Boolean Difference the sphere.

Image Attachments:
moihelp 33.PNG  moihelp 34.PNG 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Where is the 3dm ?

(Vertical is not made her...

From: Michael Gibson
19 Oct 2019   [#30] In reply to [#28]
Hi friend, the regular Extrude Tapered option only works on planar objects. To speed up your case there though you could use the Construct > Offset > Shell command.

To use that you can skip creating the second surface and the lofting, instead start with just one trimmed surface:

Then run Construct > Offset > Shell and give it a thickness. That will generate an offset surface which for a sphere will be a scaled sphere, and it will do a loft between the edges of the offset and the original for you, giving this result:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
friend_shell1.jpg  friend_shell2.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#31]
The vertical one (all that will be more easy when a Box deformation will existing! :)
(take all points except the vertical one on the right for make the 1D by the middle)

Normally you will have a sort of tapered volume of the original :)

Maybe there is more tricky but for the moment that is my speedy try! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#32]
In fact seems a Scale 2D Front then 2D Front Right gives a cool result!

Separate the volume so all faces are free
Show Points
Select only all Points on a 3D side (so the principal face don't be changed)
Make a Front Scale 2D from 3D middle center
Make the same value Right Scale 2D from the same 3D middle center
Join all

You have a tapered volume without Box Defomation!
I will com back with the good second scale ;)
because here there is a little error!

From: friend (HELLO_MOI_FRIENDS)
19 Oct 2019   [#33]
I'm sorry Frenchy, I have a hard time understanding your techniques. Is your technique only for boxes and not various curves?

Michael, the problem is that the Shell command cannot have its angle changed unlike with a planar surface or curve.

Image Attachments:
moihelp 35.PNG  moihelp 36.PNG 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#34] In reply to [#33]
Normally that must woks for any volumes! :)
From: Michael Gibson
19 Oct 2019   [#35] In reply to [#33]
Hi friend, it's very helpful if you could please post the .3dm model file of your objects instead of only a screenshot.

For example in this case I would have been able to test with your objects and that may have helped me notice that you wanted a steeper angle result.

So yes Shell produces lofts that are aligned with the surface normals.

If you wanted to do Loft then a quicker way than doing Loft many times would be to use Edit > Join so you had 2 curves which each were made up of 8 segments. Then you can loft between those 2 joined curves. When there are the same number of segments in each curve that will be the equivalent of doing each loft individually between segments.

Another way that might be useful would be to make a planar tapered extrude and then beam that onto your sphere using projective Flow. Position the base plane for the flow a little ways inside the shape so that when it's projected the top surface doesn't try to skim directly along the sphere surface because that then makes for difficult booleans.

So that would look like this:

Create planar curve:

Extrude tapered:

Create base plane for flow positioned like this:

Flow with "Projective" option:

Boolean difference:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
friend_flow_tapered1.jpg  friend_flow_tapered2.jpg  friend_flow_tapered3.jpg  friend_flow_tapered4.jpg  friend_flow_tapered5.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#36]
A volume with different curves

Diff the part to taper

here I kill the Top / Bottom faces + one face of the no Tapered part (not indispensable - its just for see the internal volume :)
Show Points for easy selection of points who will "scaled"
Scale 1D on the Height by a middle
Scale 1D on the Width by a middle

NetWork Top / Bottom
Join All
= I have a Solid

Follow 2 "tapered" from different start face

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Oct 2019   [#37]

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