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From: James (JFH)
16 Jan 2022   [#487] In reply to [#486]

The constant node contains a 2 number array: 0,6.283 (0,2*PI)
See attached NOD file .



From: WN
16 Jan 2022   [#488] In reply to [#486]
Hi Psygorn.

Enter the numbers separated by commas, this will be the array later on.
The entry you see on the screenshot is formed when there are more than 16 digits in the input line, including commas and dots.
This is done intentionally so that the node is not stretched because of the large number of digits.
From: Barry-H
20 Jan 2022   [#489]
I'm having a problem with the offset node flip option not working below 0.1 .
The offset both sides works perfectly at below 0.1 ?
I searched forum for solution but found nothing.
Any help appreciated.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jan 2022   [#490] In reply to [#489]
Yes there is something wrong in the node Offset! :(
From: WN
22 Jan 2022   [#491] In reply to [#489]
Hi Barry.

There is a simple solution, look attached screenshots on them in the line 546 there is a value, it is circled, increase it as you need.
This will allow you to work with less indentation, but it will still stop.

Note: the line number may be different in your files because I changed my file.
Look from the line with "//mLoft2".

Image Attachments:
offset_10.PNG  offset_10000.PNG 

From: Barry-H
22 Jan 2022   [#492] In reply to [#491]
Hi WN,
thanks I had already found that line and modified it but not being a coder wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing but it does work.
I increased it to 100.
Is this a pick point position for the offset to know which side to offset ?
Again thanks for having a look.
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
23 Jan 2022   [#493] In reply to [#487]
Thank you, James.

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
23 Jan 2022   [#494] In reply to [#488]
Thank you, WN.

From: Barry-H
23 Jan 2022   [#495]
I am trying to count the one's in the array is this possible ?

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (681).png 

Message 9476.496 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
23 Jan 2022   [#497] In reply to [#495]

You could use Split Node to select only the ones
& then Length Node to give the quantity.


Image Attachments:

From: Barry-H
23 Jan 2022   [#498] In reply to [#497]
Thanks James,
work great.
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
28 Feb 2022   [#499]
Hello All,

It seems I cannot find "Clone ToPts" Where should I look for it?
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
28 Feb 2022   [#500] In reply to [#499]
Hi Psygorn,

CloneToPts is in the points menu.


Image Attachments:

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
28 Feb 2022   [#501] In reply to [#500]
Hi wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202),

Thank you so much.
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
4 Mar 2022   [#502]
Hello James,

I tried to recreate what you have created here:
(Explode Move)

I can see a much simpler shape on Moi3D view ports and it does no move! (it is not dynamic although I used Quartz node just like u used) my output says "12" not "320". What am I doing wrong?

Node file is attached.


From: James (JFH)
4 Mar 2022   [#503] In reply to [#502]
a much simpler shape on Moi3D view ports and it does no move! (it is not dynamic although I used Quartz node

Yes the more objects elements, the slower the animation due the increased computational load;
so I sped up playback of output animation in post-production (iMovie).

Try these values in Basic/Quartz:

Start 0
End 5
Step 0.1
Mode Tic-tac

Have a great weekend

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