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Full Version: Elephant Repository

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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
4 Jul 2020   [#426]
Hello Brian, Hello Wayne,

it's difficult to say what happens. I think that internally a transformation matrix is used for this operation/factory. To create one, you need additional informations like the rotational information that are not given by two lines and certainly not when they are parallel. I had the same problem for the getCrvSFrame. The only info you have here is the direction/tangent of the curve. To create a frame/local coordinate system I used the dominant directions of the main coordinate system. That leads to some weired effects while changing the curves geometry -> flipping axes. Another method would be to use also the center of a soothing circle, but that would fail for straight lines. And yes - it is similar to the gimbal lock. A possible workarround is to add tiny values for the display of the vector - that helps the factory to calculate the orientation.

Maybe Michael can tell us what's going on under the bonnet.

A nice day to all
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jul 2020   [#427]
Extention's Nodes
Vector Section
VecMagn Node

From: bemfarmer
4 Jul 2020   [#428] In reply to [#426]
Possibly relevant are Michael's posts here:
- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul 2020   [#429] In reply to [#422]
Hi Karsten,

> but it seems that here is a problem - orientlinetoline generates weired results (tested with MoI V3) when the
> target has the same orientation as the start orientation especially in the main directions. After the factory is
> initialised and get other inputs (not in the main dirs) everything works fine as espected. Maybe Michael have a look.

It looks like a bug in orient line to line, part of how it works is it takes the cross product between the 2 directions to make a vector to rotate around but it is not handling the case well when the 2 directions are parallel when the cross product is undefined. I'll investigate to see if I can fix up that case.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Jul 2020   [#430]
Extention's Nodes
Vector Section
Frame by Vectors Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Jul 2020   [#431]
I don't know how works ColorVec ? (and if it's terminated)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Jul 2020   [#432] In reply to [#431]
Hello Pilou,
at first - great job.
ColorVec only make sense for a bundle of vectors - then it colors the vectors dependent of their length.
Nothing more.

A nice day to all
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Jul 2020   [#433] In reply to [#432]
So color are randomly following the length or that goes from cold to warm or other ...?
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Jul 2020   [#434] In reply to [#433]
Hello Pilou,
from blue (short) to red (long).
You can also generate vector fields:-)

Have a nice day


Image Attachments:
colorvec.png  cv2.png 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Jul 2020   [#435] In reply to [#429]
Hello Michael,

thank you for the detailed information. I will have a look to change the code to avoid this factory.

Have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Jul 2020   [#436]
Perfect! That will closed in Fireworks the Vector Section!

The berturbating was the "Left Output" of the Color Node:)

I suppose i can take your example for the Repository?
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Jul 2020   [#437] In reply to [#436]
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Jul 2020   [#438] In reply to [#437]
@ Karsten You don't use the 1.0 Node editor ???


Extention's Nodes
Vector Section
Colorvec Node

From: fcwilt
6 Jul 2020   [#439] In reply to [#430]

I gather you are developing things to enhance the node editor?

If so are they enhancements we can add to our node editor and, if so, how do we do that?

Thank you.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Jul 2020   [#440] In reply to [#439]
Hello Frederick,
it's a while ago that I wrote new nodes. But from time to time I have a look to the forum and I answer questions if possible for me.
At the moment Wayne picked up the ball and is making a great job to extend the NE. James not only shows with impessive things what is possible, he also manage the extensions for the NE.
So is the package from James a good starting point.

Have a nice day
From: fcwilt
7 Jul 2020   [#441] In reply to [#440]

Thanks for the clarification.

From: andras (ANDRAS2)
19 Nov 2021   [#442] In reply to [#1]
Hi Pilou,

I saw your Elephant plugin. Could you tell me what GUI library are you using and how did you connect the plugin with Moi. I started learning programming 2-3 years ago with Rhino 3D and it so interesting.

From: Michael Gibson
19 Nov 2021   [#443] In reply to [#442]
Hi Andras, some information here:

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Nov 2021   [#444] In reply to [#442]
Hello Andras
It's not my plugin! ;)
It's Max Smirnov plugin!
I have just listed the functions nodes and try to explain all that i understand! :)
It's for that some few are empty for the moment!
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
12 Dec 2021   [#445]
Hello all,

I am useing MOI3D V4, and Nodeeditor 1.1jms

if you take a look at the link below u can see James had created a Voronoi cylindrical shape.
However, when I tried to recreate it I could not find "Rectangle2", "idSelect" and "contact" as shown in the post above. ( I hope it is not hidden from my eyes!)
I need your help what should I use instead of those nodes in order to recreate what James had created?

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