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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Oct 2019   [#318] In reply to [#317]
Section SubD

Same problem for Connection Node... :(
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Oct 2019   [#319]
Section SubD

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Oct 2019   [#320]
Section SubD
SubD node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Oct 2019   [#321]
Display texts + Values resolved with another headaches !:)
Was not so evident!

And now i must find something more elaborated for the mirror! A new fight with the Frame in perspective :)
For the moment it's only one orientation refexion so a little lite! :)

And as I took symmetric objects mirror is not remarquable! <:0)
so here a more understandable!

Section Transform2
Mirror Node English

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Oct 2019   [#322]
Section Transform2
StereoProject Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Oct 2019   [#323]
Not hyper ergonomic ...i am discovering all that ...but... :)

Mirror Node again

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Oct 2019   [#324]
Something i don't find : how import from a file some words directly for this sort of node ?
Not a big deal because i can make a copy past but...

Section r2d3
Text2 Node

With the free TwinMotion

From: bemfarmer
15 Oct 2019   [#325]
Just a thought.
Can there be a node which shows or creates dimensions?
Are there methods in MoI to access the dimensions?

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
16 Oct 2019   [#326] In reply to [#325]
Hi Brian, yes dimensions can be created by a script.

There are 8 new factories for that: dimhorizontal, dimvertical, dimaligned, dimradius, dimangle, leader, annotationtext, arrow3d.

dimhorizontal, dimvertical, and dimaligned all create a linear dimension object, and they all have 3 inputs:
0: Frame - base plane for dimension with origin at first point
1: Point - end point
2: Point - location point

dimradius has 4 inputs:
0: Object - arc or circle curve
1: String - type of radial dimension, either "Radius" or "Diameter"
2: Point - arrow point on curve
3: Point - text point

dimangle has 4 inputs:
0: Frame - center of angle
1: Point - start point
2: Point - end point
3: Point - location point

leader has 2 fixed inputs:
0: Frame - plane with origin at arrow point
1: String - text
2+ : Point inputs added

0: Base frame
1: Text

arrow3d - creates a leader with 2 points with the "rotate arrow towards viewer" property set on it, this is for James to use in the node editor for a vector direction display. It automatically creates a plane for the leader given 2 points.
0: start point
1: end point

Here's an example using arrow3d:

	var startpt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint(5,5,5);
	var endpt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint(10,10,10);
	var f = moi.command.createFactory( 'arrow3d' );
	f.setInput( 0, startpt );
	f.setInput( 1, endpt );
	var arrow = f.calculate().item(0);
	moi.geometryDatabase.addObject( arrow );

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
16 Oct 2019   [#327] In reply to [#326]
Thank you Michael.
- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Oct 2019   [#328]
So new nodes in perspective! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Oct 2019   [#329]
Section r2d3
Quartz2 Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Oct 2019   [#330]
Section r2d3

Difference than native ObjToArray is "StartEnd" but i don't know what is it! :)

Thanks to show me an example!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Oct 2019   [#331]
Section r2d3
Camera2 Node

What is effect of Idx ? Encoder ? Effect of save (i suppose save to file ?) and how to enable it ? (press something ?)

From: bemfarmer
17 Oct 2019   [#332] In reply to [#331]
Hi Pilou.
I did a little testing with r2d3's camera1.nod.

With Frames set to, for example, 100
Frames is the number of camera pictures as test1.png, test2.png, ... test100.png, which can be snapped (picture taken).
(So maybe set Frames to say 10, for testing purposes.)

Idx is the actual number of pictures which are in the process of being taken during a Run.

I used a USB stick for the File Path entry: H:\

I placed an Ascher diamond at the origin, in Top View, for a Target.

So now, with Idx set to 0, turn Save to ON, and press Run.
100 png pictures will be taken of the Ascher diamond as it rotates, and placed in 100 png files in the H:\ directory.
(Not a very exciting set of pictures:-)
The Idx count of pictures taken increases up to 100.

Then I guess some other software can be used to make a movie from the png's

- Brian

ps Setting File Path entry to: H:\Ascher will create the png's with Aschertest1.png, Aschertest2.png,... , in the H:\ directory.

Setting File Path entry to: H:\Ascher\ with the ending backslash, will use the subdirectory Ascher for the saved files test1.png, test2.png, etc.
(The subdirectory Ascher must be manually created under H:\ before using it as the File Path entry.)

Encoder or Enc, seems to be set to .png by default, although there is also .avi in the next line of code. .avi does not seem to be used. ???
I do not know how or if Camera2 can make a video. Maybe someone else can decipher the camera2 video code?
The old Camera code mentions ffmpeg. Also jones. Maybe some other software is needed?

To re-run the camera with save, reset the Idx value to 0.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2019   [#333] In reply to [#332]
Thx i will examine that!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2019   [#334]
In fact there was a ready macro by d2r3


Section d2r3
Camera2 Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2019   [#335]
Should have a number of decimal!!! :)

Section Infos
Curve Length Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
17 Oct 2019   [#336] In reply to [#335]
Section Infos
BoundingBox Infos

From: bemfarmer
17 Oct 2019   [#337] In reply to [#334]
It appears that the camera is moving, not the target.
The camera can move in many directions, not just revolving around the target.
Edit, As per Pilou, the target can also move:-)

Typo: Save is On or Off, not Own.

Some clarification of how to make an mpeg or avi would be nice.

Frame I understand to be one picture, in camera language, rather than MoI frame, although maybe they are interrelated?

- Brian

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