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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2019   [#249]
Ok after many trials because all that is very very very sensitive!

Fillet is resolved but it's some anxiogenic because if you inverse or miss something no result!
Seems step by step obligatory! Seems several volumes in the same time impossible!

Fillet Node
English French

- Draw or take an existing volume

- Select It

- Call the NodeEditor

- Drop Objects / Selected Node so yet enabled because something is yet selected so no need to Update!

- Drop a Slider from Widget if necessary and with limits if you don't want see the volume disappear! :)

- Run the NodeEditor indispensable!!!

- Drop Objects2/ BrepNameSubObjects Node

- Link Selected Node with BrepNameSubObjects Node : a blue volume appears

- Select Edges wished on this blue volume (who becomes Yellow) to Fillet

- Drop Construct2 / Fillet Node

- Link BrepNameSubobjects Node to Fillet Node

- Drop Basic / Output Node

- Link Fillet Node to OutPut Node : a temporary volume appears... kill the blue one

- You can link the Slider Node to Fillet Node and search your best form!

et voilà .... 14 steps to learn... miss a Step you must remake! :)

I am affraid that Blend must be a similar headache! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2019   [#250]
Blend resists at my hundred tests in many directions! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2019   [#251]
OK I have the Blend Node! :)

Another time some special! :)

Works only on "Surfaces" so if you have 2 cubes A & B and want Blend their tops

- Select Top cube A / Separate

- Call NodeEditor

- Drop Objects / Selected Node - Update (cube A) selected face disapears

- Select Top cube B / Separate

- Drop Objects / Selected Node - UpDate (cube B) selected face disapears

- Inverse Selection / Hide ... not obligatory but more practical for future selection of edges!

These 6 steps above can be made with some variations of order but...

- Run NodeEditor

- Drop Objects2 / BrepNameSubObject Node (for cube A)

- Link Selected Node (cube A) to BrepNameSubObject Node... face becomes blue

- Drop Objects2 / BrepNameSubObject Node (for cube B)

- Link Selected Node (cube B) to BrepNameSubObject Node... face becomes blue

- Drop Construct2 / Blend Node

- Link BrepNameSubObject Node (cube A) to Blend Node

- Link BrepNameSubObject Node (cube B) to Blend Node

- Select Edge (cube A) becomes yellow

- Select Edge (cube B) becomes yellow

- Click on Blend Node for verify that is 2 names objects are existing

- Drop Basic / Output Node

- Link Blend Node to OutPut Node

- Unhide and Join depending of what do you want...

et voilà : If you miss a step better to remake! :)

If there are not names...something is wrong somewhere!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2019   [#252]
Next will be Offset...seems more easy!...but who knows! :)

PS I remake something very frequently

when you return to Moi from or after use of the Node editor
size of the File Menus of the bottom barr are reduced!!!

And never come back normal before a close pf Node Editor!

Not a big deal! :)

From: Michael Gibson
3 Oct 2019   [#253] In reply to [#252]
Hi Pilou,

> when you return to Moi from or after use of the Node editor
> size of the File Menus of the bottom barr are reduced!!!
> And never come back normal before a close pf Node Editor!

Hmm, that's not happening to me over here. Does your file menu also appear some distance above the File button too?

Can you please post a .zip file of your node editor so I can test with your same one over here?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#254] In reply to [#253]
Sure... here the file
I am on PC Latop + Monitor

<< Does your file menu also appear some distance above the File button too?

Yes as shown on my previous image when there is a reduction!
In normal time all is "pasted" and with same size! :)
For elimate that i close the Nodeeditor and recall it...not a big deal ...just curious...

I suspect a not clean exit of some nodes! :)

Edit : in fact that is the use of the monitor! So resolved!
As soon as i move the NodeEditor on it there is reduction of the File windows when i call it!
As soon as i move the NodeEditor on the Latop there is no reduction of the File Windows when i call it! :)

Of course that is not the case with other programs ...not a big trouble! :)
If I use Moi on the Monitor there is no reduction! (without call NodeEditor)

but a little trouble...when I call some case...
Moi on the Monitor full screen...Node Editor on the Latop ...I can't see the File Windows...I must reduce the Full screen of Moi !
If the Node Editor is on the Monitor over the Full screen Moi all is fine! :)
Again not a big deal :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#255]
Offset Node more easy :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#256]
Mloft2 make not more than Loft 2 families of Curves ?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#257]
I have speedy seen all that : no problem except the 2 last!
Planar ok
isoCrvs ok
Text ok
Numbering​ ok
RailRevolve ok
network ok
ProjectMp ok
Shell ok
LineWeb ok
Fillet2 ?
Text2 ?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#258]
Ok for the Fillet2!
It works exactly like the Fillet above! :)

Rest the Input text!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Oct 2019   [#259]
Planar Node

From: Finema
5 Oct 2019   [#260] In reply to [#258]
Hi Pilou
BrepnameSuObjects is useless with Fllet2
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#261] In reply to [#260]
Cool so more speedy! But seems you can't select edge(s) wished so a "global fillet ? ! (and I see you use the French version! ;)

And about the Construct2/Fillet how do you manage and use the adjacent Faces ?

If before i select Face(s) against Edges i have no result...
If I select only Edges I have no result...
If I select Edges + Faces I have no result...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#262]
MLoft2 Node

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#263]
Construct2/ Isocurves
Seems something is missing ? Only horizontal ...

From: mkdm
5 Oct 2019   [#264]
Hello Pilou!

You're really doing a SUPERB job with all this docs and tutorials!!!

Hats off!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#265] In reply to [#264]
Thx but a long race and will be soon slowed-down because Nodes are not so evident! :)

IsoCrvs Node

In fact E0..E3 are not missing but seems work only a Surface not on a volume!

You must Display the volume if you want see it in the same time than the IsoCurves!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#266]
Not Native Nodes By Sections ...that is some frightening! :)
English (Native and not Native)

Array Ext











From: bemfarmer
5 Oct 2019   [#267]
Notice that the nodes in construct2.js are all set up to use the Info button.
The getExtraMenuOptions code has already been inserted :D
All that is needed is to write the .html Info documentation files for each such node.
- Brian

ps, How does one change to say the FR, French version?
Changing lang.js to "FR" is not sufficient.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Oct 2019   [#268] In reply to [#267]
<< How does one change to say the FR, French version?

It's not automatic when you enable French inside Moi's Options ?

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