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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Sep 2019   [#158]
I must understand how works the ScalePts! ??? Its also used inside JitterPts...
That is for the moment mysterious! (for me) :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Sep 2019   [#159]
Need some infos about the Modes Step Twist Explode of TransformPTS node :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Sep 2019   [#160]
ConvertPts Node ( English French) You have the weekend for give me some infos about MathsPts, ScalePts :)
Because i am in the jungle with these 2 last!
Little images of very simple nodes example if possible! Thx by advance!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Sep 2019   [#161]
Before Infos about MathPts & ScalePts i can start that seems the more easy : the Basic Section! :)

Const Node (English French)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Sep 2019   [#162]
OutPut Node (English French) (don't know why Style's list is in French :)

From: bemfarmer
13 Sep 2019   [#163] In reply to [#155]
Hi Pilou,
It does seem like ScalePts node is not working. Maybe it needs different inputs?
I suspect that the problem is that the Pink Dots represent a pointarray class, which is much more than just raw points.

Max wrote: "point/frame array", and also "One more node added - TextArray
It converts text data to pointarray. For each point can be set upto six values: x, y, z, x-rotation angle, y-rotation angle, z-rotation angle."

Karsten posted some explanations, related to his splitPts node and his PointExt node.
9189.20 "at first - yes it's a frame description:
x,y,z, Euler-angles (x,y,z by using rotation order x,y,z), scale mostly 1 (useful for some programming - can be used as scale factor or for transformation proposes (homogenous coordinates)."

Puzzled - Brian

The pSize (scale) input is Karsten's PointExt node does not seem to work either?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Sep 2019   [#164] In reply to [#163]
So wait and see more info! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Sep 2019   [#165]
Point Node (English french)

From: James (JFH)
14 Sep 2019   [#166] In reply to [#163]
Brian & Pilou,

>> It does seem like ScalePts node is not working. <<

ScalePt node works but only in combination with clonetoPts node.

>> For each point can be set upto six values. <<
Actually 7 values, including scale as shown on splitPts node output.

Have a great weekend

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Sep 2019   [#167] In reply to [#166]
I wîll put your cool exemple!
Stay mathPts!
From: bemfarmer
14 Sep 2019   [#168] In reply to [#167]
Great James!

Points node and MathPts node are similar.
PointArrays are output for each node.

MathPts permits the X, Y, and Z coordinates to be mathematically manipulated with parameters a, b, c and d, as denoted by pink f(u,v) output.
Write in your desired javascript mathematical formula. <<< add in examples with a,b,c,d,u,v>>>
X, Y, and Z appear in the Info window, and are the multiple point coordinates for each point of the output f(u,v) pointarray.

The MathPts node has A, B, C and D inputs available, by Right-Click on the node, click Input, and select next slot letter.
To remove the lowest existing slot, (assume it to be “b”), right click on b’s Dot, and select "Remove Slot".
A = a, B = b, C = c, and D = d. (the capitalization has no significance?).
MathPts seems to be "missing" the W range (~Z). (There must be some reason for "missing" W range?)
Sequentiually, u takes on the values of U range, v takes on the values of V range.

Points node has the W range available (~Z), as well as W num.

U num is the number of points between U range min (currently 0), and U range max (currently 10), inclusive, and becomes (part of) the X coordinate(s) of the point(s).
Similarly for V num (~Y) and for Points node, W num (~Z).

<<< examples>>>

Wiring the output f(u,v) to the input of the ConvertPts node yields 3 modes of output, Curves U, Curves V, or points.

- Brian

Local UV coordinates can be on a surface which could curve into 3d space.

The U, V, and W coordinates parallel the relative directions of X, Y, and Z coordinates. If you look at a 2D map image, U is the equivalent of X, and represents the horizontal direction of the map. V is the equivalent of Y, and represents the vertical direction of the map. W is the equivalent of Z and represents a direction perpendicular to the UV plane of the map.

A W coordinate for a 2D surface could be used to flip the orientation...

(The two nodes evolved from one or two of Max's scripts.)
From: Apophis
14 Sep 2019   [#169]
Pilou Du bist der Wahnsinn.

Vielen Dank für Deine Mühen. :-)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Sep 2019   [#170] In reply to [#169]

Yes totally crazzy but absolutly necessary if like me you want have any chance to make something with it when you come from the moon! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Sep 2019   [#171]
Thx to James but some headaches for adapt its advice at any volumes! :)
(give a specific place to the new resized element : here its Bounding box ...
better than nothing but wanted a more specific one like a same x,y,z for same start / target Pt's element !

...and what is Mode Repeat, RepeatY, RepeatZ ?

ScalePts node (English French)

From: James (JFH)
14 Sep 2019   [#172] In reply to [#171]

It is not clear to me what you mean, but cloneToPts node would generally be used with multiple points.
Attached is a better example of its use. ScalePts is multiprocessing values between 1 - 2 relative to distance from origin shown in red, to points in an array.

(Note: that my "PointArray" node is the same as your "Points" node; I changed the title in the code because I think it is a more appropriate description and less similar to "Point". It will still load OK in NE)

Hope that makes it clearer.



Image Attachments:

From: bemfarmer
14 Sep 2019   [#173] In reply to [#168]
So MathPts can make a u,v network of a surface in 3d space by feeding its output into two ConvertPts, one with Curve U output, and one with Curve V output,
based upon a mathematical formula with Javascript math, which includes typical math such as sines, cosines, *, +, etc.
Feeding Curve U and Curve V into a network should make a surface.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
14 Sep 2019   [#174] In reply to [#172]
James, your light color scheme look very good. Will you be making it available?

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
14 Sep 2019   [#175] In reply to [#174]

I'm glad you like my NE mod UI. I find it more legible.

I have attached my nodeEditor folder. It also includes my alterations to node labelling and titling of many of the nodes for logical consistency and removal of redundant info. This does not in any way impact on the operation of NE, or the opening & running of existing .nod files; it is purely cosmetic. Nevertheless clarity & consistency are, IMHO paramount UI/UX considerations.

I encourage you to give it a go....however if you only want to change the colour scheme, just replace main.js & colors.js in the core folder.

Have a great weekend


From: bemfarmer
14 Sep 2019   [#176] In reply to [#175]
Thank you James, your colors now replace the "dark" theme.
The previous "light" theme is also still available with appropriate alternate hotkeys.
- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Sep 2019   [#177] In reply to [#172]
@James ...something like this! Target of the scaled volume(s) has the same x,y,z than the start one!

because all your examples used a figure who have yet a "center" inside their definitions so more easy to manage! :)
There is not such thing inside a simple complex volume(s) selection except maybe the Bounding Box...but I wish a specific x,y,z point :)
(maybe your last example will give me some ideas ...

Maybe JitterPts Node who has a Scale item inside can also make something...
other thing : Why colors of links have changed in your new personnal design UI of Node Editor?

@Bem ... yes i see the theory but can you put a little example with the nodes Math concretely for see how input formula in a Math node! :)

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