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Full Version: Doyle spirals, Doyle flower

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From: bemfarmer
10 Mar 2020   [#21]
The create rainbow function may have a "bug" which causes the White/Black 4th circle in to not have "blue" shade of style(???)

I modified the for loop to i <= 255, instead of i<255, and now the 4th circle has a "blue" style, BUT it is too intense.
Maybe the sigmoid equations need to slightly modified???
Due to my ignorance of the sigmoid equations, whether or not this is a bug is unclear.

Karsten's (?) create rainbow function is located in nodeeditor extension/libs folder, inside basicfunctions.js.
The function is called by setStyle node.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
11 Mar 2020   [#22] In reply to [#20]
For the color adding nodes, Switching the constant 255,0 to 0,255 results in the irregular 4th circle to be orange, but too dark a shade, and the two large circles on the far right to be white/black. Adding the <= to the rainbow for loop colors the two large circles to blue shade.
So I conclude that there are two problems.
1. add the <= to fix blue colors.
2. something is wrong with the way the 4th circle is measured and/or turned into a style index. Maybe related to number of digits??

I wonder if the new circumference availability for MoI 4 could be used for indexing?
May try some of the recent Gradients code.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
12 Mar 2020   [#23]
Deriving the moebius transformation that maps 3 points to 3 other points
is explained here(section 3.4.11 Building a mobius transformation):
Using equated cross ratios. (handling infinity is also explained.)

For turning the moebius transformation formula into a formula involving x and y,
see the 4th answer here:
Uses a, b, c, d, (real numbers with imaginary parts a2= b2= c2 = d2 = 0) ,
and alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

After about 8 pages of tedius hand calculation with many corrected mistakes,
the moebius transformation and the x and y formulas were calculated, for the current mapping of the attractor points to -1 and +1, and also to
-2 and +2 . The simple expected result is that this scaling by 2 is equivalent to multiplying the x and y formulas by 2. So a scaling input could be added to the double doyle. Or the scaling could be done after forming the double doyle, by MoI scaling.

The original moebius transformation is V(z) = (z-1)/(z+1).
The 2 times scale moebius transformation is V(z) = 2*(z-1)(z+1).

For the x and y formulas:
The new denominator is the same as used in double doyle node.
denom = (x+1)*(x+1) + y*y.
The numerator is 2 times the original numerator.
New numer = 2*((x*x - 1) + (y*y))

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
14 Aug 2020   [#24] In reply to [#17]
The DoyleSpiral node does not have a complete pointarray output.
The angles and x,y, lengths are not there. (See Spherepoints node).
Need to review pointarray docs, Max and/or Karsten's explanations...for a better understanding of pointarray format...
- Brian

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