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Full Version: New Beta

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From: Michael Gibson
15 Jun 2019   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Barry, it will be more than a couple of days before the next beta so if you need to use it now the Feb-27 should do the trick.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2 Jul 2019   [#5] In reply to [#2]
Hi Michael ...
New beta soon?
From: trc (TERRYC)
2 Jul 2019   [#6]

Sorry. I spent too much time drawing dimensions today.

I'm wondering how much control there will be for adjusting precision - decimals and fractions??
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2019   [#7] In reply to [#5]
Hi eric, it's really close! I keep finding areas for dimensions where I was going to cut corners but instead I've gone ahead with more functionality.

Like I was going to originally have only screen-aligned text, but now I've got an option for either screen aligned or dimension aligned text.

I was going to have just one basic arrowhead, but now I've got a choice between Arrows, Ticks, Open arrows or dots.

I was going to have everything in the same font but now there can be different fonts.

I was going to have just single lines of text but now I've got support for multiple lines of text.

So it has taken some additional time to flesh out each of these areas but I think it will be worth it since it will be much more likely that they will be useful for you.

Here's what it looks like at the moment:

They are very close to being functional. Some of the main remaining areas are implementing UI for controlling these different options and also setting up the commands for drawing them at the moment they are only loaded from .3dm files made in Rhino.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
screenshot_2019-07-02_19-05-07.png  screenshot_2019-07-02_19-05-21.png 

From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2019   [#8] In reply to [#6]
Hi Terry,

> I'm wondering how much control there will be for adjusting precision - decimals and fractions??

Well I was planning on having settings similar to the UI precision options currently under Options > General > "Decimal display" and if you are using feet or inches units you should be able to choose between decimal display or feet & inches display with fractions. But I probably won't have a general fractional display separate from "Feet & Inches" for now.

- Michael
From: trc (TERRYC)
2 Jul 2019   [#9]
Thank you Michael. I like what you are doing. Do you know yet at what level of precision fraction will be displayed - 1/8", 1/16", 1/32"...?
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2 Jul 2019   [#10] In reply to [#7]
Hi Michael ...
Thanks for all the extra effort you are putting into dimensions. It looks awesome and well worth waiting for.
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2019   [#11] In reply to [#9]
Hi Terry,

> Do you know yet at what level of precision fraction will be displayed - 1/8", 1/16", 1/32"...?

My plan for "feet & inches" dimensions will be that you can choose the precision same as you do for the MoI UI under Options > General :

There will be a default value that you can set for what newly created dimensions will start out as and you'll be able to change it on individual ones.

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: trc (TERRYC)
3 Jul 2019   [#12]
That sound perfect.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Jul 2019   [#13]

Can we center that all group ? (don't shown on your images)
From: Michael Gibson
3 Jul 2019   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Hi Pilou, yes on multi-line text there is going to be an option for alignment: left, center, right, or justified.

Here's what it looks like with center alignment:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Stargazer
3 Jul 2019   [#15]
Cool stuff!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Jul 2019   [#16]
From: Finema
3 Jul 2019   [#17] In reply to [#16]
Really good stuff Michael !
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
3 Jul 2019   [#18] In reply to [#17]
Hi Michael,

I would ask you only, if it is possible to align the dimension description/text above the line like in technical drawings ( ) ?

Thank you,
From: Marc (TELLIER)
3 Jul 2019   [#19]
Wow, that's great news!

Blocks of text will be very useful.

From: nameless
3 Jul 2019   [#20]
Really cool stuff! Thanks for all the hard work Michael!
From: Michael Gibson
3 Jul 2019   [#21] In reply to [#18]
Hi Mik,

> I would ask you only, if it is possible to align the dimension description/text
> above the line like in technical drawings

I don't have that one set up quite yet to show off but it is planned.

- Michael
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
4 Jul 2019   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Thank you, Michael, it would be great.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Jul 2019   [#23]
Something like that is possible ?

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