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Full Version: Any parametric updates?

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 May 2019   [#85]
Yes nowadays tools for modeling are quasi perfect!
Next step will be the IA where human will be completly replaced! :)

before :)

From: Michael Gibson
29 May 2019   [#86] In reply to [#81]

> An example with the arrows pointing to a line would help to see the difference.
> Is the rounded end touching or going through the line?

Here's an example with the arrowhead tips not mitered with some arrowheads touching things:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
29 May 2019   [#87] In reply to [#86]
Hi Michael
I would prefer it if angular dimensions text (blah) were parallel with the dimension lines. It does work the way it is so I would be content if it is a lot of trouble to make a change or alternative.
From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2019   [#88] In reply to [#87]
Hi eric, I still have to experiment with the dimension text some so I'm not sure yet what options I'll be able to make for it.

Having it oriented in the dimension line direction is probably not difficult in plan views but could be tricky in 3D views.

I'll know more pretty soon since the text part is the next area of focus.

- Michael
From: Mip (VINC)
30 May 2019   [#89] In reply to [#86]
Hi Michael,

It looks ok to me, at least at this resolution.
I prefer pointless to extending over as the arrow still indicates the location clearly enough.
The arrow doesn't interfere with the object.

But, other users could see it differently.

When zooming in, would the pointless arrow become flatter or, since it's vector based, still show a very small flat end ?


From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
30 May 2019   [#90] In reply to [#88]
Thanks Michael,
I see your point.
From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2019   [#91] In reply to [#89]
Hi Michel,

> When zooming in, would the pointless arrow become flatter or, since it's vector based,
> still show a very small flat end ?

In MoI it will look the same shape and size at any zoom level. It's a general focus area for annotations in MoI for them to have a scale independent display. But I may try shrinking them down if you are zoomed out a lot.

- Michael
From: Mip (VINC)
30 May 2019   [#92] In reply to [#91]
Hi Michael,

Ok. Nice. Thanks.

Sorry, another demand jumping in while you're into text labels : Will it be possible to add a prefix and/or a suffix to dimensions ?
Example : add a diameter symbol or R for radius before the dimension text?

From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2019   [#93] In reply to [#92]
Hi Michel,

> Sorry, another demand jumping in while you're into text labels : Will it be possible to add a prefix
> and/or a suffix to dimensions ?
> Example : add a diameter symbol or R for radius before the dimension text?

Yes I think so. Probably a radial dimension will do that by default.

- Michael
From: B-W-Design
18 Jun 2019   [#94]
Dimensions...... Ooooooohhhh this looks so great! Realy hope you could finish this one soon.
From: Michael Gibson
18 Jun 2019   [#95] In reply to [#94]
Yup dimensions are coming along quite well, not much longer before they will be functional.

Here's what they look like at this moment.

These first 2 are with the option for dimension-aligned text:

Plan view:

3D view:

And this is with the option for screen-aligned text:

Plan view:

3D view:

At the moment I'm working on a few options for arrowhead shapes, then some of the last remaining steps are some UI for controlling the options, then making the commands for creating them, then export to PDF/AI and DXF formats.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
screenshot_2019-06-18_16-41-05.png  screenshot_2019-06-18_16-41-15.png  screenshot_2019-06-18_16-45-09.png  screenshot_2019-06-18_16-45-34.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jun 2019   [#96]
Distance between dimension & text is parametrable or we can put a text space (s) ?
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jun 2019   [#97] In reply to [#96]
Hi Pilou, I don't have it set up yet but yes I want to make it possible to be able to put in spaces if you wanted a larger gap there.

- Michael
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
19 Jun 2019   [#98] In reply to [#97]
Looks great! Be so nice to have dimensions in Moi3d integrated.
From: bemfarmer
21 Jul 2019   [#99]
Just a thought:
If a drawing, say in Top View, is rotated 180 degrees about an axis, will the dimensions be readable, or will they be upside down, or right to left?

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jul 2019   [#100] In reply to [#99]
Hi Brian, dimension text will automatically reorient so you won't see them reversed when viewed from "underneath" and also switch to be in left-to-right order, except text blocks don't do the left-to-right switch.

Here's a demo, also today I added in text box padding and an optional text box outline. At this moment everything has an outline turned on for testing that.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jul 2019   [#101]
Trivial question : dimension are dynamic ?

When I incease / decrease a volume(s) dimensionned, does they are updated ?
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jul 2019   [#102] In reply to [#101]
Hi Pilou, yes if you do something like scale them the text will update. There will be an option to override that with your own fixed text value if you want though.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
21 Jul 2019   [#103] In reply to [#100]
Hi Michael ...
From: bemfarmer
21 Jul 2019   [#104] In reply to [#100]
This dimensioning will be tremendously useful.

Right now I'm awkwardly using the current Text entry for labeling geometry.

It seems that current Text entry requires quite a bit of memory.
What sort of memory load will the new dimensioning require?

- Brian

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