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From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
thanks michael,
i only have a few files with dimensions and they are all very simple. i only use a handful of commands in rhino overall. wrt dimensions, i think i only use 3 or 4. i don't mind re-making them too. but just being able to see them should work for me. i don't have anything on the horizon. but i do have a lot of rhino files i want to be able to open if i need to.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Anthony, yeah I would think the new dimensions in MoI should work pretty well for simple cases like that.
You shouldn't need to remake them, ones that you have made previously in Rhino will show up now in MoI.
- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...
Like Anthony, I hope to eventually do most, if not all, of my work in MoI.
Line types and weights are important for final architectural drawings but I think if I set up a template in Rhino and carefully draft (in MoI) within layer constraints that line types will hold when swapping back and forth. In the past that has been true sometimes but seemingly not at other times. I'll try that again in a simpler form than I used previously. I got carried away and assigned way more layers than I actually needed.
But, in any case, all through the preliminary architectural design process having basic dimensions for work in progress will be a god-send.
thanks Michael,
From: Michael Gibson
Hi eric, yes I guess we'll see how well it works pretty soon here!
The dimension styles should go back and forth to Rhino as well so yes if you set it up in Rhino first that is supposed to carry through after that.
- Michael
From: mkdm
Hello Michael!
Thanks for this good news!
Are your working on "Ca`ge Deformations" as well for the V4 lifecycle?
From: mkdm
..."Cage Deformations" I meant :)
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco, sorry no I don't think that cage deformation is going to make it in for v4.
- Michael
From: mkdm
...pity :(
Moi is AMAZING but it lacks too many advanced feature imho.
I can imagine that developing that stuff is a very huge effort for you, I understand.
But Moi's tools "palette" is almost the same as 4 years ago...
I can understand that if I say or if I not say this things it doesn't make a difference for you, and I still consider Moi one of THE BEST lightweight 3D Nurbs modeler so far.
But I repeat.
In 2019 it lacks too many advanced features.
My two cents.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco, yes that's true but the focus of MoI is not on "advanced features" like that - it's on making it easy and quick to do simple models.
re: the tools palette being almost the same as 4 years ago - that's a good sign! It means that MoI is retaining its ease of use and lack of bloat.
So all of what you are describing I actually take as a good sign that things are going quite well.
If MoI does not have enough advanced features for you compared to some other software that's ok - that just means that the design goals of that other software aligns with what you need or expect better than MoI does.
- Michael
From: mkdm
@You "So all of what you are describing I actually take as a good sign that things are going quite well."
Hmmm...really I didn't understand the meaning of this reply.
Anyway...I gave you my two cents :)
Have a nice day.
From: Death
Buy the software YOU want, don't try to change the software I want...
If you need more and more features to do what can be done without them, then these features aren't really needed, aren't they?
The reason I use Moi, is that 3DS Max etc. have too many options, most not needed if one thinks about the design of the model from the get-go.
BUT: These features sure clutter up the interface space, give long list of "scrollers" to wade through and yield a gazillion clicks just to get a simple thing done.
Not thanks, I love the way MoI lets me design seamless without having to change from move to select to change mods like in all the other modellers.
If you need more, than get a modeler that does exactly what you want, don't buy one that isn't what you wanted and then try to force the developer to add all the stuff you think you need.
I think the way the Michael has gone about designing the program, it's interface and usage is excellent, the best out there. If he keeps it working the way it does (including future enhancements) it will be unbeatable.
MoI is excellent, fast and easy to use, any enhancements need to fall into that bracket, or else the whole concept of MoI is destroyed.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco, well the other thing I should mention is that the v4 release cycle has been pretty unusual since it has involved a low level rewrite to get to a 64-bit platform independent code base.
That is what has made some fundamental things like a native Mac build possible now, but it has also required an unusual amount of time fixing bugs and regressions.
So there actually has been less time spent on new features (other than very broad fundamental ones like being 64-bit and Mac native build) for this release than there might normally be and it's also why this release has taken a lot longer to wrap up.
Things should shift a bit for the next releases after this one, although it is also true that I purposely like to develop new features slowly so they can fit well in the existing UI rather than being just piled up on top of a big heap.
- Michael
From: mkdm
Hi "Death".
@You: "...don't buy one that isn't what you wanted and then try to force the developer to add all the stuff you think you need..."
I don't understand what's your problem.
Please, don't tell me what I can or i cannot do here on the forum.
I'm free to ask what I want to ask to Michael, new features, bug fixes, different way to do the existing things, etc...
I own a commercial license of Moi so I'm totally free to talk to Michael here on the forum in any polite way.
I think that Moi is a great software, but I also think that it has a too "slow" growing.
I think that some new modelling tools is necessary.
So I'm asking to Michael.
Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
Hello Michael.
@You: "...Things should shift a bit for the next releases after this one..."
I'm confident that will be the case.
I only hope that it will happen as soon as possible :)
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco, maybe I misunderstood but I thought you wrote elsewhere that you're not doing any 3D modeling work currently? Or did that change?
- Michael
From: mkdm
Yes, you're correct.
Actually I have stopped almost all my 3D activity.
But, is it important?
I always keep my eyes on Moi because I've used it A LOT, A LOT :) and I'm waiting for a long time some new modelling features.
I hope that Moi will offer some new modelling tools to become even more powerful.
Nothing more that this.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Marco,
> But, is it important?
Certainly - MoI is meant to be a functional tool that helps people get their work done. Knowing how it is being used helps with refining it.
- Michael
From: Death
"I don't understand what's your problem.
Please, don't tell me what I can or i cannot do here on the forum.
I'm free to ask what I want to ask to Michael, new features, bug fixes, different way to do the existing things, etc...
I own a commercial license of Moi so I'm totally free to talk to Michael here on the forum in any polite way.
I think that Moi is a great software, but I also think that it has a too "slow" growing.
I think that some new modelling tools is necessary."
A little sensitive today? ;-)
I didn't tell what you can or can not do in the forum. Just like you, I have an opinion on MoI and it is that it is the BEST modeler to use. You may disagree, but it doesn't mean that I have to share your opinion.
My experience with parametric modeling is that it is more of a pain in the butt than it actually helps. Way down in the tree one makes a change and easily screws up the whole model. Then its time to fix the rest of the steps one by one, without having the comfort of seeing the actual change, but only the cascade of it up the tree. I found it easier to model with MoI, things can be quickly and easily re-done if one just kept a few curves, or even from scratch is fast enough to beat the pain of parameters that get mangled up with a just single change and propagate badly through the whole change history. I can do in Moi what would take days in MAX, in just a few hours. And Booleans, well, you know that story, nothing beats MoI there.
There are, of course, reasons one might want parametric modeling for, but I personally think it can wait until other more interesting items have been added, since its strength IMO is more for "unplanned" modelling.
Now, since I also own a commercial version, I too have the right to state my opinions here in the forum, just like you. Like'em, or hate'em, that's up to you...
Peace, brother... '-)
From: mkdm
@You: "MoI is meant to be a functional tool "
Moi is also a very useful tool for artists and designer, not strictly related to manufacturing or engineering.
I have used a lot Moi for art purposes.
I think that this is a legitimate way of using Moi :)
A way of use that has equal dignity.
The fact that actually I'm not playing with 3D stuff doesn't mean that my requests are useless or less important.
And I'm pretty sure that you think so too.
From: mkdm
No problem for me.
@You: "...My experience with parametric modeling..."
I never talked about "parametric". Never.
I don't want Moi to be parametric!
I'm talking about some new modelling tool like for example "Cage deformation", "Bending and tapering" (beyond the "flow" tool), some surface continuity tool, a Zebra checker, Instanting and Grouping (long...long awaited)
Just to name a few.
No parametric.
Have a nice day.
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