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Full Version: Blender add-ons

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Mar 2020   [#54]

From: mkdm
31 Mar 2020   [#55] In reply to [#54]
Wonderful :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Apr 2020   [#56]
free (video in French but they are Subtitle)

François Grassard is also a French Blender Guru ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 May 2020   [#57]
SketchUp on steroïds! :)

From: Whiteman Dynamic (TIM_WHITEMAN)
7 May 2020   [#58] In reply to [#40]
That looks so great! It is very similar to what I am trying to achieve with the node editor random building generator that James has so kindly put together. There are some great examples here. I'm fascinated by the amount of traction Blender is starting to generate. It seems like it's becoming quite a serious contender for some of the bigger software companies, even with their software being "industry standard". I definitely need to learn a bit more Blender, but I just love the smooth simplicity of MoI. It's such a pleasure to work with.
From: mash (MASH3D)
12 May 2020   [#59] In reply to [#1]
I'm surprised no one mentioned these

Makes working with bezier curves a lot easier
Bezier Tools

Use bezier tools to layout the curves and curves to mesh to create the surface
Curves to mesh

Select a row of vertex and create a curve to reshape the mesh with fall off.

Edit polygons with only the left mouse button
PolyQuilt addon for Blender 2.8
From: mash (MASH3D)
13 May 2020   [#60] In reply to [#59]
I also forgot Step importer and a few others

This may be of interest if you are exporting from Moi to blender vis step files

Also Quad Remsher. It's not free but it's the same quad remesher as in Zbrush and is very useful.

Volume preserve smoothing. Smooths out the vertexes with affecting the outside shape of object.
From: chippwalters
14 May 2020   [#61]
KIT OPS UNIVERSITY (free Kitbashing lesson for Blender newbies)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 May 2020   [#62]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Jun 2020   [#63]
Some cool is not it ? ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2020   [#64]
Blender in shortcuts! :)


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jul 2020   [#65]

From: corchet
31 Jul 2020   [#66] In reply to [#65]
35 euros pour un kitbash ... mouais

y'en a à moins de 10 euros avec 1000 pièces par pack ! l'ami Oleg Ushenok en a des cools y compris un gros gratuit sur Gumroad

si on peut faire la promo des trucs payants .. je crée un topic Plugins pour Max ( qui permettent au final de des trucs de ouf dans moi ;) )

ceux qui sont bon marché ... hein ! ;)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Nov 2020   [#67]
Always amazed how Chipp controls this beast! :)

From: John (OKEN)
3 Nov 2020   [#68]
Hi All,

This addon helps you to create model with controlled scale and alignment, on the grids surface.


7 Nov 2020   [#69]
I like the Quad Remesher plugin by Exoside

I purchased a 3 month license and loved it. It's now expired and I may opt for a lifetime license.
From: John (OKEN)
8 Nov 2020   [#70] In reply to [#69]
Fluent 1.5 Power Trip , a unique addon for hard surface modeling and much more (thanks to Rudy an amazing french developer).

Fluent does not offer a compilation of tools but a global workflow to help you in your hard surface modeling and realizations.

This global vision allows the creation of smart tools. Make cuts, add plates, cables, pipes, grids and fabric panels (Quad Remesher or Instant Remesh needed for the cloth panel).

But above all, finalize your model with tools to fix errors generated by Boolean operations.

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Nov 2020   [#71] In reply to [#70]
A challenger to SpeedFlow Compagnon, ProFlow by Pitiwazou ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Nov 2020   [#72]
For Blender lovers :)
A cool tut article how to modeling from a sketch of a French talentuous guy!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Feb 2021   [#73]
Chipp Walters publishes 15 new videos...


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