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From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
14 Mar 2019   [#19]
Hi Stefan
I think to jump into Blender,and buy Chipp's course
If i remember, you got Maxwell,and being you an expert about renderers can you tell me differences about Cycles and Maxwell?
I did all my renders with Fry before,then Arion that is similar to Maxwell

forgive me for little off-topic
From: amur (STEFAN)
14 Mar 2019   [#20]
Hi Mauro,

I am by no means a render expert … I am only a 3D doodler, so to speak.

However, I try to do images the possibly easiest way to produce and that they
are for me showable. Maxwell Render allows me to do this because it is for me
easy to use and very logical. I am still using and old version, without GPU support.

The reason why i started to play with Cycles is that i can produce nice images as
well but with much shorter render times. And thanks to Metins tip about the denoiser
i can render now much faster with Cycles (or Maxwell …). That said the learning
curve to use Blender and Cycles is higher for me, because there are much
more settings (node set-up for shaders etc.), but once mastered i should be good
to go.

Eevee is a totally different beast, i was all ears when Chipp released his
course, because i have found no similar course for learning Eevee, which i like
to use later too.

When it comes to direct comparison of render engines there is a nice comparison
available to check out the pros and cons of Cycles and Maxwell.

Hope this answers a bit your question!

From: amur (STEFAN)
14 Mar 2019   [#21]
O.k. to answer your question about differences …

Cycles is unbiased like Maxwell, Fry and Arion,
but the terminology for Material definitions
and its used parameters are slightly different
and you can use nodes for the material creation
as well, which Maxwell does not have.

Lighting wise there are no watt/lumen etc. presets/
settings for different lamp types in Cycles like Maxwell has,
nor a physically sun you can set the hours / day etc.

I think if you download Blender and play
with Cycles or Evee settings a bit you see
the differences compared to Arion and Fry.

From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
14 Mar 2019   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Thank you so much !
It s time to jump into Blender...and many thanks to Metin :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
14 Mar 2019   [#23]
You're welcome! :-)

Best regards
From: amur (STEFAN)
14 Mar 2019   [#24]
Hi all,

while reading about lighting with Cycles and wondering about translating some things
from Maxwell i found this very interesting article for Cycles, explaining how to create
an accurate sun intensity model and using kelvin values for emitters via the blackbody
node. While not an add-on i think it could be very useful for some of us.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Mar 2019   [#25]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 May 2019   [#26]
New Functions! ;)

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
24 May 2019   [#27]
Hi all,

Just a minor remark: Cycles is not unbiased. The term unbiased is used for renderers that do no simplifications to speed up rendering. An unbiased renderer will have a minimal amount of settings and will always converge toward a result that is as realistic as possible.

Maxwell is an unbiased renderer, but Cycles is a biased renderer that uses methods to simplify the result in order to gain speed. This doesn't mean that Cycles is not a realistic renderer. V-Ray is also a biased renderer, and the physics math behind the light ray calculations is correct, but rendering is sped up by using methods like a light bounce limit, ray tresholds, blurring glossy reflections, noise reduction and other approximations that increase speed at the expense of realism. Using the right settings, a biased renderer can yield very similar results to an unbiased renderer while offering more speed.


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Jun 2019   [#28]
Very descriptive method! ;)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
14 Jun 2019   [#29]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Jun 2019   [#30]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Jul 2019   [#31]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Jul 2019   [#32]
Octane Render Free for Blender 2.8

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Jul 2019   [#33]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Aug 2019   [#34]

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
23 Aug 2019   [#35]
The Blender 2.81 master builds now include Intel's AI-powered Open Image Denoiser (OIDN). It's quite impressive what it can already do with a one-sample rendering:

Have a nice weekend,


Freelance visualizer • illustrator • animator • 3D designer —
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Sep 2019   [#36]

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Sep 2019   [#37]
Not an Addon but how do you use them :)

From: moontan
16 Sep 2019   [#38]
Meshmachine, because of the cool workflow and numerous tools, and the Unf*ck tool. lol :)
it all looks very slick.

have you folks tried it?

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