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Full Version: boolean diff wtf

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From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
12 Mar 2019   [#15] In reply to [#12]
Hi nameless,
I read the manual (trying to comply with RTFM policies) but there is so much info I'm not able to memorize all and I actualy have it in pdf handy but when I get a problem and search, maybe I'm using wrong keywords.

Watched Chipp Walters vids and basically all I could find but rarely they try to solve exact problem I encounter. And as I'm not profi 3d artist and programmer I don't sometimes put 2+2 together like other folks here using MOI.

I do model but it's not my profession and when I model I rarely need very simple part. I was using Designspark mechanical for long time but as I need more complex parts I did research and found MOI. Now even when there is something I could do in 5 minutes in DSM I do it in MOI as I want to learn. Many cases I crash on moi bugs, downsides or my inability to realize thing like above case.

As DSM was more intuitive (for me) it's not that easy to use MOI with same ease.
I know it is more powerful but I have to change almost everything I'm used to in creating models.

I appreciate your help.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Using Shortkey is really when you want win some micro-times in very repetitive actions on some numerous objects!

It's not pleasant to use icons ? You know exactly that you make quietly...with maximum of efficacity!

You have all specifics addon pluggins on a special icone menu...and an icon is more visually memorizable than an abstract Ctrl + Shift + Z :)

With this menu I have 150 functions under hands with confort!

I use only K for subdivide, P for SSplit, B for Bridge, L for Loop selection, R for Rebuild :)
I can't memorized more!

From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
12 Mar 2019   [#17] In reply to [#16]
Looks awesome.
Can you please share how can I add this to MOI?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#18] In reply to [#17]
You have the same for the object! ;) I must refind for the Icon Menu! ;) All was for the V3...I am waiting the V4 for see there is no news functions...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#19]
Refound for the palette of icons Commandes! ;)
From: nameless
12 Mar 2019   [#20]
Hi Yuri,

I am an illustrator/2d guy myself, that's why I said I totally get it. :) Trust me that it get's a lot better with persistence. I would not try to memorize the manual per se, just make a pass of each tool testing it on a very simple dummy project.

Pilou, shortcuts are not only to save time, I think. I feel it's a way to protect concentration and flow when one is concepting on such an intuitive tool as MoI. I highly recommend setting up shortcuts after you get some basic understanding, so that you start developing muscle memory to the point that you think "chamfer" and the edge is chamfered before you realize it. :))
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#21] In reply to [#20]
for chamfers ... Yes but as you must enter some parameters you are stopped in your speed flow! :)
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
12 Mar 2019   [#22]
I've found that I have to be very careful with fillets and chamfers as if I want to edit object itself after 3D printing it (to make adjustments for the part needed) it's really painful if it has filleted edges.

This is biggest downside of moi comparing to DSM that edits of finished models are more time consuming.
Also the fillets and chamfers have different math or whatever that MOI cannot handle them as good as DSM.

Aside those two above MOI is better on all levels I think.

Bad news for me that those two things are ones I use most often.

I know you used chamfers just as an example, but it reminded me of this :/
From: Michael Gibson
12 Mar 2019   [#23] In reply to [#15]
Hi Mr. Yuri, well when you get stuck or confused about something in MoI, don't hesitate to post your question here on the forum. That's how you will learn and improve. For example with this discussion right here now you know what causes a boolean to have missing pieces of the cutting object.

Doing complex models just inherently takes a higher degree of skill and so it will take time for you to develop that. Keep at it and it will pay off.

For chamfers and fillets it sounds like a good solution for you would be to use DSM and MoI in combination with each other, doing the fillets and chamfers in DSM. I'm not sure if DSM has the import capabilities that you would need for that, it is a stripped down version of SpaceClaim. It would probably work better to use the full SpaceClaim software but it's pretty expensive. It could be a pretty significant boost to your productivity though.

I also have some ideas to improve MoI that will help more too later this year.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#24] In reply to [#23]
Seems I have shown that we can import inside Moi a free DesignSpark Mechanical file! :)

From: Michael Gibson
12 Mar 2019   [#25] In reply to [#24]
Hi Pilou, thanks I couldn't remember if it was possible to go in both directions or just one way. That's great!

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Mar 2019   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Maybe it's more easy with the Pro version (Space Claim) than the free version (Design Spark Mechanical)... ;)
But it's not the same price of course!
From: OSTexo
12 Mar 2019   [#27]

Planning your modeling strategy ahead of time given the MoI3D core set of commands is helpful. Before getting far in actual modeling it's helpful to learn the fundamental commands and then take some time to think about different ways you can use those commands to create the model. Generally speaking it's not a great idea to cobble together little pieces into a model, sooner or later the model falls apart. Rather, make use of alignment tools, keep lines and surfaces lightweight enough to accomplish your objectives and if your strategy begins to fail don't be afraid to rewind to a safe point and try another path.
From: Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
13 Mar 2019   [#28] In reply to [#24]
Hi Pilou,
I know about this and have the instructions saved about import/export MOI<>DSM.

From DSM to MOI it most of the time won't work (step of coverting the extracted .rsdm file) and if yes, it scales the model.

Looking forward to Michael upgrades that should help these operations ;)

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