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Full Version: Rounding Edges - how?

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From: Lara (MALA)
7 Mar 2019   [#1]
the screenshot shows my MOI-model I´m working on at the moment.
Now I do not know how to round the marked yellow edges! Fit fillet does not work.
Anyone an idea?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Mar 2019   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Post your 3dm File!
From: amur (STEFAN)
7 Mar 2019   [#3]
Hi Lara,

you could try to copy / paste the marked yellow edge and
then sweep a little circle along the duplicated closed line.

After that do a boolean subtract with the sweeped object
and then do a blend between the resulting surfaces.

From: Lara (MALA)
7 Mar 2019   [#4] In reply to [#2]
Here we go....
From: amur (STEFAN)
7 Mar 2019   [#5]
O.k. i used a slightly different method …


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Mar 2019   [#6]
Another solution : Rail revolve ! :)
Draw an half section curvature then rail revolve...

From: Michael Gibson
7 Mar 2019   [#7] In reply to [#1]
Hi Lara, fillet won't work on those edges since they are already rounded, although the rounding is squished down to only a small area.

You can't generate a filllet on an edge where the surfaces meeting there are already smooth, you can only put edge fillets on sharp edges.

Generally if you want a slightly rounded end cap it's better to build one larger curved surface using something like sweep or loft and have that cut the end of your object off using it as the cutting object in boolean difference:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
lara1.jpg  lara2.jpg  lara3.jpg  lara4.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Mar 2019   [#8]
Clean as usual :)

Else with my Rail Revolve above and the funny free Owlet

From: Lara (MALA)
8 Mar 2019   [#9]
Wow - MOI and you all are so cool...Thanks so much to everyone!!!
From: Lara (MALA)
8 Mar 2019   [#10] In reply to [#7]
Hi Michael,
how do I construct this bended plane?
I guess - 2 lines, but then...?
Cheers, LM
From: Michael Gibson
8 Mar 2019   [#11] In reply to [#10]
Hi Lara, with 2 curves that cross each other like in the previous image:

You first select just one curve to use as the profile, then run the Construct > Sweep command, then select the other curve as the rail path, then push "Done" to finish the Sweep command.

- Michael
From: Lara (MALA)
8 Mar 2019   [#12] In reply to [#11]
It works. Thanks a lot. MOI is unbelievable wonderful...
From: Lara (MALA)
8 Mar 2019   [#13] In reply to [#6]
in order to learn more MOI, I also tried the revolve command.
But it doesn´t work. My workflow seems to be wrong?!
I first marked the arc line (as profile curve), then the big line (rail curve) and set the revolve command.
Now MOI wants to select the revolve axis start point - I took the arc´s point not in the middle - took the other one (sry. for my bad english). And then the end point of the arc in the middle of the planed plane.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Mar 2019   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Select the curves who make the perimeter Rail : Edit / Join

Draw your half curve section with curvature wished (the arc like curve)

You can launch the Rail Revolve function! :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
8 Mar 2019   [#15]
Hi Lara,

you did nothing wrong, except you did not used the proper start and end points
for the rail revolve axis. I marked the imaginary axis in red.


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Mar 2019   [#16]
Start and End Point axe can be anywhere on this infinite red vertical line even out of the future object for your result wished ! ;)

And even out the vertical axe but of course in this case result will be not your wished object but a funny one! :)
Even maybe not a solid but an open surface!

Play with the all possibilities! :)

Object above with a thickness Render free Owlet

From: Michael Gibson
8 Mar 2019   [#17] In reply to [#13]
Hi Lara, so yes for Revolve think of the axis line as if it were the pin in a door hinge, the shape will pivot around the axis line in a similar way.

If you're still having problems please post the 3dm model file that you're working with, it helps a lot to be able to examine your actual geometry instead of only seeing a screenshot alone.

- Michael
From: Lara (MALA)
9 Mar 2019   [#18]
Thanks for your very friendly tricks and KnowHow!!!
The bended plane I ´ve got it meanwhile.
An other thing is a sharp corner what I need a little impulse for to smooth...
Cheers, ML
From: amur (STEFAN)
9 Mar 2019   [#19]
Well, i did a quick test and i hope you can figure out what i did,
with deleting the faces filleting the edges and extending the red
curve so that i was able to network the patches. Maybe you need
a larger fillet radius with what i did. At least worth a try.


From: Lara (MALA)
10 Mar 2019   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Hi Stafan,
...which face did you delete - the little top one or all faces (you wrote faces)?
Which command do extend red line - "fit fillet" I guess.
After deleting, before "fit fillet" you did the loft command using the lines?

Tried your test: It´s not that smooth what I need to reach...

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