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Full Version: V4 beta Aug-28-2018 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
5 Sep 2018   [#32] In reply to [#31]
Hi Metin, hmm that's interesting. I'm not aware of anything that MoI is setting in the PDF to make that happen, I'd think it's likely something that would need to be fixed in Affinity Designer.

I just tried it over here using MoI v4 and Affinity Designer v1.5.0.36 (on Windows) and I don't see that happening:

Do you have any other programs that can put a PDF on the clipboard to see what happens with them?

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
5 Sep 2018   [#33] In reply to [#32]
Hi Michael,

Indeed, when you copy a native MoI rectangle to the PDF clipboard, all is fine, but try the one in the attached MoI file.

A parent layer is automatically created in Affinity Designer, but you'll have to select the child layer (the actual shape).

The rectangle in the attached MoI file was created by:

1: Unwrapping Isocurves from a solid using UnwrapCurve.
2: Using Sweep to create a surface from the unwrapped U and V curves.
3: Selecting the edges of the surface and using Join to create a new closed rectangle.


From: Michael Gibson
5 Sep 2018   [#34] In reply to [#33]
Hi Metin, thanks for posting the file. The difference with your rectangle there versus a newly drawn one is that 2 of the sides in that new one are cubic spline curves made up of 4 control points instead of just basic 2 point lines. Maybe that information will help the Affinity developers figure out what is causing that behavior in Affinity Designer.

Over here I still can't repeat that with your new file, I get this result - does this have the right thing selected in Affinity? Also do you get the same behavior if you save to a PDF file and use Place to insert it in Affinity instead of using the clipboard?

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
5 Sep 2018   [#35] In reply to [#33]
Hi Metin, I updated Affinity Designer to version and I can now reproduce the rotated frame behavior when pasting into Affinity. It didn't happen in Affinity Designer version, so it looks like a regression in Affinity. I'd recommend sending a bug report to them describing the problem.

It may actually be a new feature though, the start point of the rectangle in the file you attached is in the bottom right corner and I guess they are using a line between the object centroid and its starting point as the initial rotation.

As far as I can see there isn't anything I can do in MoI to control that initial edit frame rotation in Affinity.

- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
6 Sep 2018   [#36] In reply to [#35]
Hi Michael,

Many thanks for checking it out. I'll file a report at the Affinity Designer forum.
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
6 Sep 2018   [#37] In reply to [#35]
Issue reported at the Affinity Designer forum:
6 Sep 2018   [#38] In reply to [#24]
Names are lost when moving a file from MoI in Step format to Fusion as well.
From: AlexPolo
9 Sep 2018   [#39]
Hi Michael,

Just wondering if it would be possible to add the function when opening other file types in MOI to keep the filename referenced as per opening a 3dm file. For example here is a typical job folder in which I use the STP file as a crossover to SOLIDWORKS from solidworks create individual parts which are then exported as DXFs for laser cutting manufacture. I sometimes need to add notes to the DXFs files rather than import and save as could these file be handled as native 3dm files.


Image Attachments:
filename open.JPG 

From: Michael Gibson
9 Sep 2018   [#40] In reply to [#39]
Hi Alex, so the reason why the current file name isn't set when you open something other than a .3dm file is that only .3dm files can contain everything that you create in MoI.

So for example if you open a .dxf file and then add a background image, if MoI set the current file name to that .dxf file and tried to save out to that same .dxf file when you closed MoI, it would appear to the user as if their background image was saved while in fact it was not.

But are you asking for MoI to save to a .3dm file in that situation and not the original opened file type? That seems like a little unusual file handling behavior to me but it could be possible to make an option to do that I think.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
10 Sep 2018   [#41]
Hi Michael,

Here is a more clear example I have opened a DXF in MOI ( My default DXF Viewer) but when opened no reference to actual file is kept.

You can see when there are more parts to view the names can get lost if not referenced.

Image Attachments:
dxf list.JPG  DXF open.JPG 

From: Michael Gibson
10 Sep 2018   [#42] In reply to [#41]
Hi Alex,

> Here is a more clear example I have opened a DXF in MOI ( My default DXF Viewer)
> but when opened no reference to actual file is kept.

Yes, that's how it is intended to work. The reason why is because MoI will write to the current active file name when you use the Save command or when you exit MoI and choose "Save changes". But MoI is only able to save a subset of its possible information to a .dxf file so if you were to make something that MoI does not write to .dxf files you could end up thinking you had saved your complete work while actually only a subset was saved to the .dxf file.

To avoid that data loss scenario, MoI will only set the current file name when you open a .3dm file since that's the file format that MoI can store all of its information into.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
10 Sep 2018   [#43]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for letting me know - in rhino if you import a file in a blank document it names that current file the import name then go save as it still keeps the filename as the first preference would at least this be possible?

From: Michael Gibson
10 Sep 2018   [#44] In reply to [#43]
Hi Alex, so the thing that would be a little strange about that is this scenario - someone opens a .dxf file, works on it some and then closes MoI and pushes "Save changes" at the exit dialog. That would result in a new .3dm file being created and their original .dxf file would be unchanged which may be surprising.

I don't like to have surprising behavior in file handling so that's not something that I would want to have set up by default but I can make an option in moi.ini to enable that behavior.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
11 Sep 2018   [#45]
Hi Michael,

If the same name function as per rhino file import is possible through the MOI ini file that would be great. Thanks for your assistance.

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
21 Sep 2018   [#46] In reply to [#35]
Hi Michael,

A quick update regarding the tilted PDF in Affinity Designer: the developers have just confirmed the issue and will look into it.
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2018   [#47]
Hello Michael!

How are you? I Hope you're having a good time :)

Are you working on some new modelling tools/commands for this new V4?
I remember that some time ago you talked about new tools, like cage deformation and other things that now I don't remember...

Please, let me know if you want. Thanks!

Have a nice day.
From: Michael Gibson
21 Sep 2018   [#48] In reply to [#47]
Hi Marco, most recently I've still been doing more cleanup type work - tuning up the file dialog behavior on Mac, adding controls for page size for PDF/AI export, testing on Linux/Wine to see if I can make compatibility better there and fixing some other various bugs. Nothing too exciting right at this moment, sorry.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
21 Sep 2018   [#49]
Hi Michael,

Do you think GROUP function will be available in V4 release?

From: Michael Gibson
21 Sep 2018   [#50] In reply to [#49]
Hi Alex, sorry no I'm not expecting to have groups in V4 other than the already existing stuff for working with object sets by named objects or styles.

It's going to need a lot of work and possibly changes to many functions that edit objects and so I'm postponing groups until a future version after v4.

- Michael
From: mkdm
22 Sep 2018   [#51] In reply to [#48]
Hi Michael.

@You : "...most recently I've still been doing more cleanup type work..."

OK. I know that this is always an important step...

@You : "...adding controls for page size for PDF/AI export..."

This is very useful for my 2D workflows. Thanks.

With that said, I hope that soon you can start to develop some new modelling features/tools because, even if Moi has STILL THE BEST STREAMLINED WORKFLOW OF THE MARKET, actually it misses too much tools compared to other 3D Nurbs modeler...

Have a nice day and...wel'll catch up :)


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