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Full Version: V4 beta Aug-28-2018 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
28 Aug 2018   [#1]
A new v4 beta (version Aug-28-2018) is now available for download here: , also linked to from the download page on the main web site.

The main focus for this beta is performance enhancements.

3DM files will now use multiple CPU cores for loading so large files should load significantly faster and show a progress bar.

Also the display engine has been enhanced to take advantage of modern GPUs - display data is now cached in the GPU's VRAM which should result in faster redraw speed for large files.

Other bug fixes and changes:

Mac version multiple windows - Add "Window" menu to Mac version top menu. Shows all open files and allows switching between them easier. Also support Cmd+Tilde (Cmd+~) and Cmd+Shift+Tilde for switching to next/prev window.

Construction line bug fix - Fix construction line creation bug reported by jopo in the forum here:

Object drag bug fix - fix bug for moving the mouse over another viewport when dragging objects. Reported by Burr on the forum here:

Mac AMD performance - fix problem with default buffer location with OpenGL on some AMD cards that was causing slow redraws on some machines like iMac pro.

Updated Mac file open behavior. To match the Mac document based application framework behavior, if a file is opened by drag/drop or by double-clicking on the desktop icon do not open a new window for it if there is an existing window with it already open.

3DS Max zoom compatibility - Added moi.ini option for Alt+Ctrl+MMB zoom for 3DS Max compatibility. Can be set under:

Object snap labels on left side - Add moi.ini option to make object snap labels shown to the left of the target point, can be useful if you're drawing directly on a screen such as with a Cintiq screen. Can be set in moi.ini under:
[Drawing Aids]

Shortcut keys update - On Windows if there is a [Shortcut Keys Mac] section of the moi.ini file, read and write shortcuts from there so you can copy the moi.ini file over from Mac to Windows. Fixes issue reported on the forum by Matt here:

STEP import bug fix - Fixed import bug for file MF2018.STEP getting stuck at 36%, reported on the forum by Marco here: Also fixed a different STEP import bug reported by Eric Bucy through e-mail.

Fixed file loader UI bug - Fix bug where main window would not maximize properly when trying to show progress bar UI before main window was initially displayed, such as when MoI launched by double clicking a STP file. Fixes bug reported in the forum by OSTexo here:

File notes - Add notes property that is saved to and loaded from .3dm files. Can be accessed by setting up a shortcut key with:
script: moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/NotesDialog.htm', 'resizeable' );

Viewport right click option - Add option for v3 behavior of right clicking in a viewport working as a shortcut for pushing the Cancel button when a command only has Cancel and not Done. Can be set in moi.ini under:

Add new appdata directory option - MoI will now look for an appdata directory that has been created alongside "commands", "ui", etc... and if found will use that location as the appdata folder, to make it possible to store everything within a single directory.

Add moi.ini setting for selection hit test radius

Scene browser scripting - Added script access to scene browser items so it is possible to make a startup script that expands sections on program startup. To do that put the following in a .js file in your Moi appdata startup folder:
var items = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.rootItems;
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
items[i].expanded = true;

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Aug 2018   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Here the Frenchstrings.txt
(not a big deal! :)
and of course the French Site Updated :)
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2018   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Thanks Pilou!

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
29 Aug 2018   [#4]
Hi Michael,

I have just tried a multi part assembly all parts are named when I import into SolidWorks all names are lost and coming up just as part numbers anything that needs to be changed in the options?

Image Attachments:
Capture.JPG  Capture2.JPG 

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
29 Aug 2018   [#5]
Cool! Thanks, Michael for the new beta!

Going to install it right now. I'll be back if I encounter anything.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2018   [#6] In reply to [#4]
Hi Alex, is this new behavior? If you use the previous MoI v4 beta or v3 does it behave differently?

Also what file format are you using for the transfer?

Another question is do you see the same behavior with a simple case like if you make 1 box and assign a name to it does that go through or not?

MoI always writes names to STEP format exports, there isn't any setting for enabling or disabling it.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
29 Aug 2018   [#7]
Hi Michael,

I use STEP to go from MOI to SW never had any problems with parts name and colours they usually port fine use it all the time. Here is a simple STEP export same file one from V3 and another from V4.

Image Attachments:
moi.JPG  moiv3.JPG  moiv4.JPG 

From: r2d3
29 Aug 2018   [#8]

3 to 4 times faster 3dm loading and display on my iMac

Thats BIG!!
From: mkdm
29 Aug 2018   [#9] In reply to [#1]
Hello Michael!

How are you? I hope fine.

Thanks for this new improved beta.

After downloading I did just a very quick loading test with a middle size 3dm file.
Unfortunately I have first uninstalled the previous beta, so I can't compare the new results with older one, but this new beta it's significantly faster than the original 3.0!

Also the display engine seems to be much more fast and fluid than version 3.0

My config: i7-7700K 4.5Ghz with (only) 4 cores, 32GbRam 3000Mhz, Nvidia Gtx 1080 Ti overclocked.

The 3dm file I have used for the test: about 196MB
You can download it at:

And these are the results of my loading test:

Moi version 3.0 :
Mesh angle set to 10.0: loading time about 26 secs
Mesh angle set to 5.0: loading time about 39 secs (total memory occupied by Moi: 2.5 Gb), rotation of the maximized 3d viewport is pretty slow

Moi version 3.0 :
Mesh angle set to 10.0: loading time about 7 secs
Mesh angle set to 5.0: loading time about 11.5 secs (total memory occupied by Moi: 2.51 Gb), rotation of the maximized 3d viewport is MUCH MUCH MORE FASTER!!


Now I hope to see a new antialiasing routine for the meshes rendered into the viewports (not for the curves or the edges but for the boundaries of the surfaces, that are still very jagged). I think that leveraging on the GPU power we should not have bad performance.

And...before you ask :), changing the antialising settings with the Control Panel of the GPU doesn't lead to no improvements.

Thank you very much!
From: ed (EDDYF)
29 Aug 2018   [#10]
Tested with some large files on my WIN10 6 core PC. Very fast and smooth!

Ed Ferguson
From: pafurijaz
29 Aug 2018   [#11]
From: Marbleman
29 Aug 2018   [#12]
Thanks Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2018   [#13] In reply to [#7]
Hi Alex,

> Here is a simple STEP export same file one from V3 and another from V4.

Can you please post the STEP files that you used to make those screenshots?

Also is this new behavior that has started in this just released V4 beta or does the previous V4 beta behave the same way? If you don't have the previous v4 beta installed any more please e-mail me at and I'll send it to you.

Thanks, - Michael
From: danperk (SBEECH)
29 Aug 2018   [#14]
Thanks Michael!

Excellent speed increase on loading!


Tested with Rotation script on 300mb file..

Ver.3.0 = 135 ms

Ver.4Aug28 = 30 ms! 8-)
From: OSTexo
29 Aug 2018   [#15]

Significant consistent performance increase on load and display, awesome work.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Aug 2018   [#16]
Thanks everyone for testing it - I'm glad the performance updates are working well!

I have also updated the first message with the list of bug fixes and change for this release.

- Michael
From: Finema
30 Aug 2018   [#17] In reply to [#16]
Thanks Michael !
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Aug 2018   [#18] In reply to [#16]
French Updated :)
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
30 Aug 2018   [#19]
Hi Michael,

Just about everything seems to work fine so far in the new beta.

"Mac version multiple windows - Add "Window" menu to Mac version top menu. Shows all open files and allows switching between them easier. Also support Cmd+Tilde (Cmd+~) and Cmd+Shift+Tilde for switching to next/prev window."

Very convenient, thanks. That was one of the few advantages of the previous Wine-based Mac version of MoI.

"Mac AMD performance - fix problem with default buffer location with OpenGL on some AMD cards that was causing slow redraws on some machines like iMac pro."

The latest MoI V4 beta runs smoothly on my Mac. There's only one minor behaviour that occurs when panning in the viewports: as soon as the pointer nears the border of a viewport, the panning accelerates, causing the scene to quickly disappear out of view. If this doesn't occur using a mouse, then it might be related to the Wacom Intuos (Pro Medium) I'm using (latest drivers installed).

Also, I assume you've heard that Apple is ceasing OpenGL support in an attempt to motivate macOS coders to adopt their Metal library. I've heard that Metal is quite competent, but I fully understand that it's a nuisance for coders to be forced by Apple to add support for it.

What are your thoughts about Metal support? The Blender developers are planning to move to Vulkan and add a Metal wrapper for macOS, while AMD has jumped in and already added full Metal support in their free Radeon ProRender renderer.




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From: coi (MARCO)
30 Aug 2018   [#20]
there was a discussion about that some time ago

But there are a couple of reasons why this is probably not a big problem for MoI.

One is that MoI does not require advanced OpenGL functions, it's not like I've been blocked by anything while waiting for them to update to a new OpenGL release level. It seems likely that they will freeze it at the current level and not just outright remove it, we'll see.

The other is that MoI v4 is well positioned to switch to Metal if necessary because part of the MoI v4 rewrite was to use a graphics library called BGFX which supports multiple rendering back ends. So MoI v4 does not make OpenGL calls itself directly, it makes calls into BGFX and then BGFX handles the OpenGL stuff. On Windows MoI calls into BGFX and BGFX uses Direct3D11 functions. So MoI's own viewport drawing code is well separated now from any specific graphics API.

BGFX also has a Metal rendering back end as well. I haven't tried using it yet because it was officially at WIP level when I started using BGFX and also Metal is only available starting on macOS 10.11 while I wanted to support older OS versions than that for v4. I might wait to try it until I'm comfortable requiring 10.11 as the minimum supported platform which is simplest but there is some possibility I could figure out supporting Metal only on 10.11+ while still supporting OpenGL on older platforms. I haven't dug into that yet. But anyway there is a pretty straightforward path to getting MoI to use Metal.

..upps, just saw, that your posted in that thread as well, but on a different matter...then just as a reminder ;D

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