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Full Version: Pattern on a Sphere

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From: BurrMan
27 Jul 2018   [#49] In reply to [#48]
Hi Stefan,
The object and result was a solid sphere!

I just unjoined and explodemoved it for the visual effect.

So, dice some fundamental pattern on a sphere surface, then "twist" it to get some of those more "Organic shapes"...

The sphere wont deform in a twist on its center axis.
From: BurrMan
27 Jul 2018   [#50] In reply to [#49]
Before a twist....

Image Attachments:
before twist.jpg 

From: amur (STEFAN)
27 Jul 2018   [#51]
Hi BurrMan,

Ah o.k.! I only thought when "re-projecting" your nice surfaces you would have than more
space between each surface.

[EDIT] Never mind, i am probably wrong with my thinking and have to try it out myself.

From: mkdm
28 Jul 2018   [#52]
Hello :)

...blobs, blobs, blobs! :)

(Moi + Thea Render + Affinity Photo) uv, no retopo, no texturing.

From: mkdm
29 Jul 2018   [#53]
Hello everyone!

...stars on ball!
(Moi + Thea Render)

From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Jul 2018   [#54]
Hi Stefan and Friends ,
It seems that I find it taste .....

Another Pattern (PhylloPattern on Sphere) with multiple outputs,
(see attached images) some concerning the Form and the Volumes,
Others , more the graphic appearance (Colors) .
I hope it is a your liking and maybe a suggestion for as many futures
contaminations ......
Files and images to this link:

If you believe that the topic is interesting, kindly publish it....
Thank you for the great patience you show with me.
Have a nice evening
From: mkdm
30 Jul 2018   [#55] In reply to [#54]
Hello AL!

Wonderful pattern!!

But...why don't you directly include the final images into the messages that you post?
It's really a pity to be forced to download the zip, extract, then view the images...
Your stuff deserve to be viewed instantly :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
31 Jul 2018   [#56]
Marco, Stefan , and friends, if you do not place my files directly
and related images, it is simply because not
I can no longer do it, as I said,
I do not know if it depends on the Server or what else ...
the fact is that after the seismic events that occurred
in the Marche (Italy), where I live, I could not do it anymore
Sorry, but this is the reality ......
I hope in the future that I can normally post my work
Sorry again , and
Have a nice day to all
From: mkdm
31 Jul 2018   [#57] In reply to [#56]
Ciao AL!

(Italian) che strano problema questo dell'update impedito per le foto...stranissimo.
Mai sentita una cosa del genere.
Evidentemente come dici te e successo qualche casino grosso a livello di Server della telefonia...
Mai sentita una cosa del genere.
Spero che presto le cose si mettano a posto :)

Hello AL!
OK. Got it. I hope that soon your internet connection will be restored to its usual behavior.


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From: mkdm
1 Aug 2018   [#59] In reply to [#58]

From: mkdm
1 Aug 2018   [#60]
Hello everyone!

...not strictly "on sphere" but..."on disc" :)

Moi + 3D-Coat + Affinity Photo (Back image from Pexel)


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From: mkdm
2 Aug 2018   [#62] In reply to [#61]
From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Aug 2018   [#63]
Hi all,

i am currently busy with non-related 3D things and therefore have no time
to visit the forum daily.

Nice submissions from you all. Keep up the good work!

From: mkdm
2 Aug 2018   [#64] In reply to [#63]
Thanks Stefan!

Have a nice day!
From: speedy (AL2000)
3 Aug 2018   [#65]
Hi Friends
Anyone interested can find this link :
file.nod and picture of
Triangular Pattern on Sphere, in the file I used
my last Macro _Exp Polyhedron
have a nice day to all
Ps- Note that the Boolean are really
stable, slow, sometimes very slow, but
they give great results,
notice the quality of the single cut surface

Message 9014.66 was deleted

From: mkdm
9 Aug 2018   [#67] In reply to [#66]

From: Finema
9 Aug 2018   [#68] In reply to [#67]
Nice !
have you using Node editor for the pattern ?

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