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Full Version: V4 beta Jun-6-2018 available now

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From: phlatt5th (P5TH)
14 Jun 2018   [#35] In reply to [#34]
@ Pilou and Michael. Thank you for the clarification.
From: Branden (BRANDROID)
19 Jun 2018   [#36] In reply to [#20]
16Mb STEP file loaded into 3.0 took ~15 minutes to load. Same file in 4.0 beta took ~1.5 minutes. STEP file import, edit and conversion makes up the bulk of my work with MoI, so this is a really welcomed improvement!
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jun 2018   [#37] In reply to [#36]
That's great Branden, thanks for testing it!

- Michael
From: Unknown user
20 Jun 2018   [#38]
Hi Michael.

Problem. Draw a curve of several arcs, connect, divide. Some arcs remained crooked.
Is it possible to solve this problem.
The file is attached.

From: Michael Gibson
20 Jun 2018   [#39] In reply to [#38]
Hi Vladimir,

> Problem. Draw a curve of several arcs, connect, divide. Some arcs remained crooked.

I'm sorry I'm not understanding what the problem is - I thought maybe you meant some operation was causing your curves to become crooked? But in your file it looks like they are starting out crooked to begin with?

- Michael
From: OSTexo
20 Jun 2018   [#40]

I notice a small oddity with the interface loading collapsed completely in the latest beta. When double clicking a STEP file from the file manager in Windows all of the menus are collapsed and the window size is something other than maximized. This happens for all STEP files. 3DM files do not exhibit this behavior when opened via the file manager. Loading STEP files through the MoI Open dialog works as expected.
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jun 2018   [#41] In reply to [#40]
Hi OSTexo, thanks for reporting this bug, I can repeat it over here too.

It's a side effect from STEP file import now showing some UI during the loading process, it will need to wait for just a moment until the main window is fully initialized before loading the file. Shouldn't be difficult to fix.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Unknown user
20 Jun 2018   [#42] In reply to [#39]
Hi Michael.

Look at the file, I changed it, maybe it will be clearer.
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2018   [#43] In reply to [#42]
Hi Vladimir, I'm sorry but I'm still not understanding what to look for.

Are you seeing a difference in shape? In number of segments? I tried moving the curves on top of each other to look for variations in shape but all 3 versions seem to stack up exactly on top of each other.

Is it that the red curves are not detected as arcs in the last set? That's probably because they were arcs of very large radius values so they're very close to being lines.

- Michael
From: Unknown user
21 Jun 2018   [#44] In reply to [#43]
Hi Michael.

To work with CNC, you need arcs or lines, and here you get a curve, and in this place there is a pass in the CNC program file.
I do not want to use another intermediate program. If the fix is not rational then I will use three instead of two programs.
I'll solve the problem somehow. Thank you for your time.

From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2018   [#45] In reply to [#44]
Hi Vladimir, unfortunately that's probably difficult to fix.

Probably what's happening is your original arcs don't share an exact end point where they touch, there is an overlap of length about 0.0003 mm between their end points. During one of the steps for your save/reload/join/separate process the endpoints for the segments inside of a single curve are getting trued up so they are exactly meeting end-to-end but that small change is enough to disturb an arc that is such a small piece of a much larger radius.

I'd think you could solve it by getting the ends trued up exactly by moving the last 2 arcs away and then moving them back with end object snaps so they exactly touch end to end before doing your other operations on them.

That's what I did with the attached file, does it behave better for you?

- Michael

arc & curve trued.3dm

From: Unknown user
21 Jun 2018   [#46] In reply to [#45]
Hi Michael.

Yes, it helped. Thanks for your help.
Now it is clear what was the problem, I will continue to be more careful.
I'm sorry to have distracted you from your work.

From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2018   [#47] In reply to [#46]
No problem Vladimir, I'm glad that worked!

- Michael
From: Utopius
23 Jun 2018   [#48]
Michael - do you have a date yet for when you will begin offering free upgrades to v4 with the purchase of v3? I'm learning the software now and looking to purchase in the next few months.
From: Michael Gibson
23 Jun 2018   [#49] In reply to [#48]
Hi Utopius, sorry I still don't know yet.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
24 Jun 2018   [#50]
Hi Michael ...
Do you have an ETA for dimensions yet?
I have just finished a project that needed dimensions and notes and general adjustments and had to do it with alternate software, so the question arises again.
My apologies.
From: Michael Gibson
24 Jun 2018   [#51] In reply to [#50]
Hi eric, sorry I don't know for sure yet but I am hoping I can start working on it next month. It could be possible that what I'm able to implement initially for v4 will be too rudimentary for your needs, I can't guarantee that you will not need to use other software to complete your work in that area but it will at least be a step towards that.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
25 Jun 2018   [#52] In reply to [#51]
Thanks for the reply, Michael.
I'll try to curb my anticipation and enjoy whatever unfolds in the next months.
My method these days is to work with MoI for all the starting design and modeling and at some point to switch to another program to finish.
By that, I really mean to do the 2d working drawings. I am not facile enough to switch back and forth and keep my workflow smooth.
I do love the MoI process to get to the working drawing stage, though, and always am disappointed when I have to switch gears.
From: jopo
3 Jul 2018   [#53]
Hi Michael,

I detected an issue with construction lines in this version of MoI. If I draw a c-line, the anchor point moves away undefined from the point where I started to draw. I couldn't find this problem in preceding versions. I use the Mac version.
From: Michael Gibson
3 Jul 2018   [#54] In reply to [#53]
Hi jopo, I can't seem to repeat the c-line anchor point moving away over here.

Is it happening to you when you are inside a particular drawing command or in any command?

Does the entire c-line move around?

- Michael

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