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From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Apr 2018   [#22]
Hi Metin,

i think this is also not good, because you need already a bas relief in order to convert
it to Vector Displacement...

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions. Maybe one day someone can lift the secret
described in the ZBrush thread, i have posted. ;-)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Apr 2018   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Can you describe in detail your problem about the "Dragon bas relief" and what do you want to know!

I ask that to my friend who works at Pixologic! ;)

It's not pure sculpting ?
From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Apr 2018   [#24]
Hi Pilou,

thanks for your help, much appreciated!

The author says that he used ZProject brush to get the bas relief, but i wonder how he
does this with ZProject, because the dragon bas relief is pretty flat, compared to the
original model. When one uses ZProject he usually projects the mesh on a plane with
the same height and not so flat. Someone on Twitter told me to use the settings -100
but that had no impact when i tried it. There must be some easy? step, which i am not
aware of.

Also i don't understand how he managed to ZProject the top sphere with the two stripes
on the tail, which is more off Z then the dragon, so that it sits perfectly on the tail, without

From: chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
2 Apr 2018   [#25] In reply to [#24]
I believe its necessary to modify the model to provide a workable bas-relief. Some models may work with little or no modification but in general I think it is not a push button task to go from model to relief.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Apr 2018   [#26] In reply to [#24]
Send it! Wait and see! :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Apr 2018   [#27]
@chris: The author mentioned only ZProject and did not explain how
he did it with ZProject.

@Pilou: Thanks a lot!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Apr 2018   [#28] In reply to [#27]
My friend is overwhelmed with work so just some speed advices! ;)

Be careful when you make bas relief, in general you prepare the model that will serve as a support for the projection accordingly, i.e. be careful that it is as much as possible in a single plane.
It is not impossible that the artist applied some transformations, see dynameshed his model just before making his projection.
Moreover I admit that I will tend to make a projection of SubTool and eventually use the brush ZProject to eventually make touch-ups.

It should not be forgotten that ZProject also works with ALT depending on the position of the model and the projection...

Hope this can help a few...
From: amur (STEFAN)
3 Apr 2018   [#29]
Hi Pilou,

thanks for the informations from you friend!

It looks like from his desrciption that severeal steps are involved, as Chris mentioned too.

So i have to see if i can come up with something in the future, when using ZBrush.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2018   [#30]
Fabulous! (5 pages)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Apr 2018   [#31]
Intensive use of the "ZModeler" (another world of mechanical sculpting )
: use the actual rectangular menu is some cerebral painfull - seems will be more fun if it's will be "radial" :) ...

From: amur (STEFAN)
6 Apr 2018   [#32]
Pretty awesome!

Thanks for posting this, Pilou!

From: Marc (TELLIER)
6 Apr 2018   [#33]
That's a very nice update, the snake brush with Sculptris mode is quite impressive.


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